Neckbeards of /r/justneckbeardthings defend m'lady's honor

20  2017-11-15 by AIDS_Fairy


The best thing about /r/justneckbeardthings is that they're even lower than neckbeards yet they're too oblivious to realize it.

It's like watching poor people fighting other poor people for a loaf of bread. Just sadder.

So the male fragility thing was projection after all...

I like how the fragile male ego is also toxic masculinity. Of course everything is bad when everything is designated as bad!

No shit

The real gold is in this chain

Except there are loads of pictures of her without makeup online and she looks nothing like the right photo.

Make up adds eyelashes and makes your eyes blacker.

.... I pity you.

I'm a man, so no need for that.

Regardless of your gender, you sound like you have a sadness in you. I hope you find your peace.

It's true. The only thing that alleviates it is raping college girls, but it just makes me feel normal.

I'm sorry for being mean to a troll. I just read the sub's rules and your comment and put two and two together. Have a nice day!

oh i will ;)

A troll, or a man speaking the truth?

Are you crying?

Looks like you can leave Islam, but Islam never leaves you.

Some thing about Islam are pretty good, like the total disregard for women's rights.

To what do we owe the honor of your arrival, brave Sir Knight?

I'm a damsel, thank you very much. :)

I didn't look that the notification I got was from me being mentioned in a comment, and thought I was still on that damn trainwreck of a thread. Took me a while to figure out where I am.

Post gussy

I suspect the science is not 100% legit.

Who's downvoting this?

Mods should sticky it just to piss whoever it is off.

To prove how faulty the technology is, I've added a (quite fierce) real no-makeup selfie of Sarah, below.

"No-makeup", my fucking ass.

"No makeup" means still quite a bit of makeup because women are retarded. This is why they don't get promotions men get.

Fierce. Lol F

With that turkey neck?

It's some internalized oppression when teenage Mayo's who can't get pussy sit around making fun of other teenage Mayo's who can't get pussy.

This r/Drama thread is retarded.