Two Sips, Two Scoops, Two Genders

63  2017-11-15 by WorldStarCroCop


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Lol roasted

I dream of the day we have a President who, when thirsty during a speech, pulls out a bottle of whisky and kills it like Mr. Lahey.

I doubt we'll ever get another Teddy Roosevelt, unfortunately.

RIP in peace

We would have, but you fuckers made fun of Kid Rock’s run for presidency.

Don't despair. People made fun of Trump at first. Kid Rock will have his turn.

At first?

I mean they still do, but they made fun of the idea of him having a chance to become president.

mr. lahey was the only good canadian

Him and Marc Lépine were the only two to not be pussies.

Trump pauses Asia speech for water

How is that a bonafide post? How is that politics? What the fuck happened to le reddit ? :(

Trump. Been good for this sub tho

Rubio doesn't have better things to do these days.

Maybe Rubio can give Trump some tips of winning his home state of Florida, oh wait!

as if tricking those inbred retards into doing anything is hard.

Ive had people on reddit sincerely argue with me that pointing out hypocrisy isnt a valid criticism.

Looks like we finally nailed him. Impeachment when?

This was a really bizarre speech, he was really amped up and was plowing through the words like a freight train. I had a really strange feeling watching this, actually felt bad for him because he seemed to be struggling for air but wouldn't slow down.


My very first thought was... drugs. Abnormally dry mouth, sucking wind deeply, really amped up, and more articulate on his "trouble words" than I've ever heard. Any thoughts????

yeah, could very well be. All signs of stimulant use for sure. That was some weird shit.

Don't worry guys, these professionals are on the case.

Fiji Water. He doesn't even drink US water. Fiji First!


Do they not know about Fiji First

Like it's one thing to take America First and replace America with Fiji

It's another thing to not know the party in charge of Fiji who saved it from being a military dictatorship is Fiji First and it's literally Islander MAGA

I'm going to go ahead and guess that they don't know that and now I do so that makes me smarter than them.

Being smarter then a top /r/Politics post is like being the first kid to let go of the electric fence on a dare.

Islander Politics is pretty interesting, imagine a bunch of countries that got dicked over by the Eurpeans, Radical Islam and went through super growth and culture shift rapidly.

It's amazing they managed to function at all, nevertheless become cultured enough to appreciate Football.

Islander Politics is pretty interesting

I somehow doubt that.

This man called Canada Bullshit for saying he was killing to many drug dealers and Isis Terrorists.

Tbh Philippines are more deserving of becoming an American state then 'Rico

Who hasn't called Canada bullshit at this point?

Oh, we are 100% bullshit.

Norm Macdonald is a goddamn national treasure, you fuck.

Quarantine Western Europe. Make Japan, Korea and Phillipines US states. Nuke Mecca. Quarantine Western Europe. Sign defensive alliance with the former Soviet Block nations. Nuke Mecca.

The Japanese Trade deal Trump talked about where we have Free Trade with them ( Because fuck the EU) and they give us fancy Jap Environmentally Friendly Electric Magnetic Trains for the East Coast was interesting, of course my Gradpappy says you can't Trust the Japs to make a deal because they'll stab you in the back just like Pearl Harbor but i'm pretty sure we're best friends with Japan now.

Nuke Mecca again, just to be sure.

You realize that a) most Muslims don't live in Saudi Arabia and b) the Ka'bah has been destroyed multiple times throughout history?

Destroying Makkah is not going to get rid of Islam.

There is also going to be goat-AIDS.

Can't hurt though

It's a good thing they'll all be underwater soon

Anglos dumped a bunch of poo in loos on Fiji to work the plantations, at one point they outnumbered the natives.

Fiji is now 1/3 Muslim, 1/3 Hindu and 1/3 Christian, the fact that it isn't in a worse situation is pretty impressive.

Yeah they don't have an intricate knowledge of Fijian political parties smdh tbqh

Yeah, it is probably more pathetic to know these things about Fiji and the acting like it is common knowledge. But he probably googled it 5 minutes before making that post anyway.

Hillary wouldn't have done that. She's like one of those desert lizards that collect water from their leathery skin.

She only uses her water during a speech to spit out half her lung.

is that what lizards do? fuckin weird

Desert lizards do that

Fake, I've never seen a camel do this

Fun fact : she's an actual lizard person wearing a human mask (which seems to get less and less convincing as years go by).

You pleb, she drinks the blood of female toddlers after bill clinton rapes them

no drama. just agendaposting.

Yeah but it's retarded so it belongs here.

I blame gamergate.

No, this is a scandal about water, so its proper name should be "watergate".

u/mar_kelp, were you literally shaking when you typed out the Fiji water comment?