A user in leftbook is piled on for being a "Nazi fetishist" and banned

14  2017-11-16 by AchtungMaybe




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Kinkshaming. It's not okay.

What if your kink is something filthy like consensual hetero missionary with your spouse?

Kinkshaming. It's not okay.

Are we supposed to be impressed that you sperged out?

Well done!


Neck yourself

An Asian flaunting a Swastika? Gotta be a Nazi.

अपना सिर झुका रहा हूँ फ़ैम 卍卍卍卍卍卍

The Asians do have a really strange Nazi fetish though

They're collectivist, patriotic, used to authoritarian leadership and all the allied powers have been asshole imperialist powers in Asia since Vasco da Gama. Of course they'll side with a strapping young lad like Hitler.

They don't get why the Germans are bad for wanting to keep their country German and Jew free. Frankly neither do I. (but I pretend like I do because I don't want to be ostracized)

I mean they didn't JUST want to keep their own country Jew free. They kind of murdered their way across Europe if you've forgotten

They had been Versaille-cucked. What can you expect?

They took back the lands they lost in the treaty of Versailles and effectively ignored the other aspects of the treaty. Europe was mostly okay with this as the Rhineland and Austria was seen as German territory.

The war began because Hitler got greedy and invaded Poland and France.

Poland had not existed for over a hundred years before the treaty of Versaille. Of course Russia and Germany is gonna go after it the minute they get their shit together. You can't just prop up a meme buffer country between two great powers and expect it'll stay around without trouble.

Don't want to defend Hitler too much, but it's not like there was no reason Poland got BTFOd.

Dude fucking what? Poland has a long and proud history. They've been a distinct group with a territory since the 16th century.

Nobody "propped up a meme country" they've been a buffer for hundreds of years and have had to resist foreign invasion many times.

Seriously go read up on this. Not trying to be mean but I love history and I can't let that kind of misinformation slide

Poland had not existed for over a hundred years

Friend, I think you misunderstood me. I'm a Swede and my country has been at war with Poland since forever. I'm not trying to say they aren't an ethnicity or that they never existed. I'm well aware of Poland.

What I'm saying is that according to the 20th century German psyche, Poland belongs to the Germans. Prussia dealt with those dirty slavs (I'm not serious about any of this racism, just bear with me here) several generations back.

They've just been through a traumatic world war and an extremely unfair peace agreement. The Anglos, Yanks and French assumed that Russia and Germany would just accept a weak neo-Poland as a buffer so there wouldn't be a new World war. That's not a sustainable solution. There is gonna be REEEEing when the Germans and Russians get back on their feet.

Now, the Germans are rightfully pissed off about the peace in Versailles. They believe that Poland is rightfully theirs. That's why they invaded.

I'm a little drunk and I forgot what we were talking about, but just wanted to make my position clear on that.

Yeah my bad I misunderstood your comment.

We were originally talking about how you didn't think it was bad that Hitler wanted Germany for the Germans and to kick out the Jews. Which I agree with. The Germans got fucked over unfairly by the treaty of Versailles and they had claim to some of the lands they took back. However, they overstepped by invading other European countries.

Also I don't think Hitler was under any delusions of believing Poland is rightfully German land. He saw an opportunity to take half of Poland and he decided to pull the trigger

they overstepped by invading other European countries

Well, they kinda had to since France and Britain declared war on them after the invasion of Poland. I assume Hitler would have preferred to split Poland with Russia without any fuzz like he did with Czechoslovakia, but he was willing to take the risk. There would probably be some invasion of the Soviet Union after awhile, but I'm not so sure he went into Poland with the aim to start WWII.

You can't shove in a shitty and weak new country between two extremely violent and ideologically driven countries without it blowing up in your face sooner or later. Half of Poland wasn't exactly rightfully German of course, but they believed the Germanic race was entitled to it because it was superior to the Slavic race. Simple math in the end.

Also I don't think Hitler was under any delusions of believing Poland is rightfully German land

He was a crazy megalomaniac, obviously. But he could use the semi-rightful claim to Poland along with all those German speaking areas along the border to get the German people behind him.

"Remember when we had the whole coastline from Memel to Bremen guys? Those were the days amirite?? Can't believe some Germans are stuck in Poland smh"

I'd go to war over something like that. Then it just kept on rolling.

Don't know if I'm making any sense at this point and I'm not all that knowledgeable about 1939 and on. I just think it needs to be stressed that Nazi Germany didn't pop up out of nowhere for no reason or out of "evil". Sure, Hitler was crazy and "evil" maybe, but if not him someone else.

Oh Hitler definitely didn't expect the allies to declare war over Poland. He thought they were weak and they called his bluff.

Idk if you're familiar with the actual invasion but Hitler staged a false flag attack on his own border to have justification for war with Poland. The allies saw through it and called his bluff.

You are correct about Nazi Germany though. It was a direct result of horrifically unjust restrictions placed on Germany at the end of the First World War. Few people are aware of this but Hitler's leadership in the early 30s led to one of the greatest economic turnarounds EVER. The German people were starving and weak until Hitler came to power and built a strong nation the people could be proud of. Much of Europe LOVED him, especially Germany and Austria. However somewhere along the line he took a turn from "my people should prosper" to "kill everyone who stands in my way"

Lol poc that are coons can't be helped

now this is praxis


sorry, what?