Off season for the show doesn't mean off season for Redpill & Morty fans making an ass of themselves

37  2017-11-17 by AnschlussZugpferd


Fan theory: Rick is based off of me because I'm smart I'm like the smartest you're jealous of me for being so smart and so is everyone else that's why everyone is jealous of Rick for being so smart

This theory speaks to me

I'm embarrassed for whoever made that.

For posterity

Evidence cited:

Autoerotic Assimilation: Unity ultimately ends up leaving Rick, saying that he's better [at assimilating others] than she has ever been.

But I know how it goes with us. I lose who I am and become part of you. Because in a strange way you’re better at what I do without even trying.

ABCs of Beth:

Worse, you're smart. When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours. And I've never met a universe that was into it. The universe is basically an animal, it grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots, just to eat them, not unlike your friend Timmy. Beth: Tommy. Rick: Yeah, it hardly matters now, sweetie. You know, smart people get a chance to climb on top, take reality for a ride, but it'll never stop trying to throw you. And, eventually, it will. There's no other way off. Beth: Dad, I'm out of excuses to not be who I am. So who am I? What do I do? Rick: My advice... Take off. Put a saddle on your universe. Let it kick itself out.

Rick has a conundrum in that he access to infinite universes so she has trouble talking himself into caring about one of them. It sounds an awful lot like a guy who's incapable of being in love with one woman because he knows she's just one of many.

Formatting is hard

I'm so glad r&m exists. Its a decent show and nice to have a sci-fi replacement for futurama but the real value if it is in the drama it stirs up from insecure people who think the only thing going for them is a slightly higher than average IQ. Despite the show being hardly smarter than the big bang theory which is basically retard accessible.

Not really sure where you get redpilling from. It's just one man's interpretation over what in the hell Rick's "You're worse than evil. You're smart," is supposed to mean and how it plays into Rick's eventual decision at the end of season 3 to stay with his family even though there are infinite version of his family. It's the absurdism of valuing anything when there are seemingly infinite alternatives. It just struck me that I don't really fall in love with the women I date in the same way anymore because the special thing I have with each doesn't feel so special when I've had something special with others.

If anything, I'd view this to be an anti-redpill statement. Infinite abundance is worthless if you never value anything you have.

I saw that, but I disagreed.

wait holy shit that wasn’t pasta?

yes, fucking obviously dan harmon isn’t a redpiller. he might actually be subscribed to TBP

Yeah, maybe Dan Harmon isn’t redpill. But I still believe whoever wrote that Unity episode and the Toxified episode has read some of the red pill. Unfortunately people on Reddit automatically think of every post on TRP as cancer, even if it contains sound advice where if it were found on any other site it would be considered the holy grail.

Dan Harmon rants exactly like Rick, considers himself an intellectual and has autism.

Must be why you have to have such a high IQ to understand rich and mikey right /u/SkidaddleGirl?

I can't believe it's mid-November and none of Dan Harmon's sex victims have come forward.

It's because they're too busy being burred in his crawlspace.

Mannequin legs aren't very accusative, I'm afraid.

id call this autistic but honestly thatd be an insult to autists

lol that's never stopped us before