how do you manage to successfully infiltrate and take over every single political, societal & economic echelon of powerful states with population(s) of hundreds of millions when there's only less than 17 mil of you, tops?
I'm trying to figure out what the formula for a highly upvoted trollx post is so that I can be like "lol jk I made that up" once it's got a couple thousand upvotes
Well, as the people in this subreddit know, I'm not too fond of agenda-posting, but since you insist. It's a well known fact Conservatives are statistically taller, stronger, more attractive, higher test, wealthier, more successful in life in general, more sexually satisfied, more happy and less mentally ill.
I thought them evil libruls were supposed to be the coastal elite, the establishment, Hollywood
Liberals have a gained a steady control of academia since about the 60s, and the entertainment industry since around the same time (except for the glorious decade that was the 80s.)
This cultural hegemony doesn't change the fact that liberals are statistically poorer than conservatives.
Also, mind explaining to me why 27 of the 32 states that receive more federal money than they contribute voted Republican?
First of all, you're supposed to break this kind of data down to an individual level. Otherwise it makes no sense to make those sort of insinuations that you are trying so desperately to make (due to your own insecurity I imagine.)
This data could depend on a number of things. I'm not sure if you realise this but
Around half the country votes, meaning that if we half the voting population of red states and correctly assume it's wealthier people that vote more, it paints a more accurate picture than what you're attempting to portray
That welfare is all going to blue/non voters in Red states lul
Anyway, if there's more retirees in Red states then there's more people receive the pension that aren't contributing. You have to factor in the number of military bases in Red states, which is also another large factor. Farming subsidies as well, which is massive in comparison to Blue States.
The data you're referring too is also from 2005 btw, so It's not even reliable
I'm actually not even sure what you're trying to insinuate now that I've typed this all out, maybe you're just retarded
I don't know, me spamming the extended version of this
"Friendly" reminder that conservatives are statistically taller, stronger, more attractive, higher test, wealthier, more successful in life in general, more sexually satisfied, more happy and less mentally ill
It's a well known fact Conservatives are statistically taller, stronger, more attractive, higher test, wealthier, more successful in life in general, more sexually satisfied, more happy and less mentally ill.
Most conservatives are dirt-poor rural cousin fuckers whose average wealth is skewed by billionaires. Its the same reason the average drama mod is a millionaire.
This is objectively untrue. When you break it down into income categories you'll see the steady rise in support of right wing parties correlated with income but believe whatever you want lol
Fonseca's arrest came after Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls on Wednesday created a social media firestorm with a Facebook post threatening to bring disorderly conduct charges against the driver of a truck displaying a profane anti-Trump message on its rear window
In a story about a law enforcement officer threatening to arrest someone for hurting his fee-fees with a fuck Trump sign, your take away is how vindictive leftists are?
Not really, as we can see from this case. The news is showing people what they want to click on and people are seeing what they want to see. That's why we see college SJWs running amok all the time.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-11-17
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 LSU_Coonass 2017-11-17
1 umar4812 2017-11-17
1 aliceunknown 2017-11-17
That’s what you get for living in a goy state..
1 polddit 2017-11-17
>Implying there is such a thing as a "goy" state in the United States of
Israel(((America)))1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-11-17
most flyover states tbh
1 Matues49 2017-11-17
how do you manage to successfully infiltrate and take over every single political, societal & economic echelon of powerful states with population(s) of hundreds of millions when there's only less than 17 mil of you, tops?
1 cimarafa 2017-11-17
when our opponents are nazis as retarded as /u/polddit, it's easier than you might think.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-11-17
1 better_bot 2017-11-17
Easy. The jews are the master race.
1 cimarafa 2017-11-17
you can have Kansas
1 aliceunknown 2017-11-17
Even Kansas doesn't want Kansas..
1 aliceunknown 2017-11-17
That state is so pathetic they don't even have a fire code and there's a law against making a fire code. A state that retarded is extremely goy.
1 Matues49 2017-11-17
TIL u/pizzashill is a trap.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-11-17
Lucky she didn't get a gun brandished at her once or twice in this state tbh
1 DeepDickedHillybilly 2017-11-17
Post in TrollX about how this is sexism/patriarchy/mansplaining and rake in the upvotes.
1 i_eat_crayons1 2017-11-17
I'm trying to figure out what the formula for a highly upvoted trollx post is so that I can be like "lol jk I made that up" once it's got a couple thousand upvotes
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-11-17
something about getting a man fired who looked at you wrong accompanied by a ru paul's drag race gif
1 [deleted] 2017-11-17
1 SanityAssassins 2017-11-17
Someone needs to explain image 9 in that slideshow. Reminds me of the "human/dog hybrid! Real or fake?!" picture.
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
I didn't think liberals owned trucks
Or anything
(because they're poor)
1 makes_people_cringe 2017-11-17
That's where you're wrong. How do you think they support their wife and her husband?
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-11-17
Trump is an actual cuck. His second wife cheat on him with her bodyguard
1 Wilfs 2017-11-17
Holy shit this is a pizza-gate level scandal, don't let T_D see this.
1 weniscommander 2017-11-17
What a G. Putting in my tinfoil hat here but what are the odds of Trump ordering a hit on that guy?
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-11-17
I thought them evil libruls were supposed to be the coastal elite, the establishment, Hollywood, the ones who donate money to Hitler Clinton....
Also, mind explaining to me why 27 of the 32 states that receive more federal money than they contribute voted Republican?
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
Well, as the people in this subreddit know, I'm not too fond of agenda-posting, but since you insist. It's a well known fact Conservatives are statistically taller, stronger, more attractive, higher test, wealthier, more successful in life in general, more sexually satisfied, more happy and less mentally ill.
Liberals have a gained a steady control of academia since about the 60s, and the entertainment industry since around the same time (except for the glorious decade that was the 80s.)
This cultural hegemony doesn't change the fact that liberals are statistically poorer than conservatives.
First of all, you're supposed to break this kind of data down to an individual level. Otherwise it makes no sense to make those sort of insinuations that you are trying so desperately to make (due to your own insecurity I imagine.)
This data could depend on a number of things. I'm not sure if you realise this but
Anyway, if there's more retirees in Red states then there's more people receive the pension that aren't contributing. You have to factor in the number of military bases in Red states, which is also another large factor. Farming subsidies as well, which is massive in comparison to Blue States.
The data you're referring too is also from 2005 btw, so It's not even reliable
I'm actually not even sure what you're trying to insinuate now that I've typed this all out, maybe you're just retarded
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-11-17
imagine seriousposting this hard
neck urself
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
Half of this I've got as a copypasta
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-11-17
It's not copypasta if it's unironically
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
I don't know, me spamming the extended version of this
Definitely has some layer irony
1 Wilfs 2017-11-17
Trump to a T.
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
Most conservatives are dirt-poor rural cousin fuckers whose average wealth is skewed by billionaires. Its the same reason the average drama mod is a millionaire.
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
This is objectively untrue. When you break it down into income categories you'll see the steady rise in support of right wing parties correlated with income but believe whatever you want lol
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
What if we factor out basketball americans?
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-11-17
"How can we, as liberals, reconcile our hatred of low-income people without looking racist?"
"What if we factor out basketball americans?"
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
Sorry for offending you, i didnt know you are a black.
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-11-17
I didn't know you had to be black to be disgusted by lefty racism¯\(ツ)/¯
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
I didnt know you are a black and a retarded.
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-11-17
STFU, racist.
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
Ah, the old 'everyone i disagree with is a racist' defense. Two words: no u.
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-11-17
Welcome to the MAGA movement, friend.
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
Ill never be that retarded, lol.
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-11-17
Surprise: you were always retarded.
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
Not a surprise.
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
“What if we factor out everyone in our base who isn’t a billionaire”
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
Crunch those numbers and get back to me on this.
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-17
Basketball Americans are like a third of your base lol
1 buttermyself 2017-11-17
1 carthoris26 2017-11-17
They're better at drawing voting districts?
1 Not_Todd_Bronson 2017-11-17
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-11-17
Iowa, Kansas, and South Dakota are the whitest places on the planet.
1 SlavophilesAnonymous 2017-11-17
Farmers and Indians
1 hexane360 2017-11-17
Farmers and farmers
1 trjb 2017-11-17
Those flyovers wish they had vermont, nh, and maine levels.
1 DayOfTheRake 2017-11-17
And they're all in the top half for return on investment.
1 Thulean-Dragon 2017-11-17
Expensive military/space installations combined with a low population. Montana for example is where all your ready-to-launch nukes are stored.
In the South: large population of Basketball-Americans.
1 Justinat0r 2017-11-17
Not only that, but there are a LOT of southern whites on disability.
The states with the highest rates of disabled beneficiaries—7 percent or more—were Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, and West Virginia.
Muh condishuns!
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-11-17
Democrats love the poor and working class, except when those people refuse to go along with the dNC cuck agenda.
1 better_bot 2017-11-17
>leftists are poor
>"coastal elites"
pick one
1 trecht 2017-11-17
oh no cant spell out fuck guis, tink of the childnrenen guis
1 SpotNL 2017-11-17
how do u like my truck nuts btw
1 trecht 2017-11-17
tier sick bro, were did u get them
1 SpotNL 2017-11-17
literally everywhere in the state.
1 umar4812 2017-11-17
1 Wilfs 2017-11-17
Spool up the safe space generator!
1 PeabodyJFranklin 2017-11-17
I don't blame him, leftists are a hateful bunch.
1 Wilfs 2017-11-17
You guys can share the safe space don't worry.
1 PeabodyJFranklin 2017-11-17
As long as there's enough cookies and puppies go to around. If there ain't, there might be a problem with not keeping ourselves safe!
1 parameciidae 2017-11-17
In a story about a law enforcement officer threatening to arrest someone for hurting his fee-fees with a fuck Trump sign, your take away is how vindictive leftists are?
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2017-11-17
We all know the right are just as ridiculous when it comes to not being able to take shit, it's just that they have been better at hiding it
1 parameciidae 2017-11-17
Not really, as we can see from this case. The news is showing people what they want to click on and people are seeing what they want to see. That's why we see college SJWs running amok all the time.
1 Couldnt_think_of_a 2017-11-17
Criminal with a fraud charge charge mocking Trump...
1 glmox 2017-11-17
takes one to know one
1 ahbslldud 2017-11-17
Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚
Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-17
already back on the streets