I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
Being this smug having a username based off a mediocre mid 00s indie rock band that made "rock" songs for teenage girls. I bet she has a Paramore themed alt account too. DEPLORABLE.
Advice: Keep yourself safe.... from all the evil wypipo.
He extrapolated some observations about behavioural sex differences where he shouldn't have but much of his claims are backed by scientific evidence. The main problem was that you're not supposed to acknowledge that there is evidence of behavioural differences between the sexes. He didn't say that women are "inferior" or unable to work in tech which is the funny part
I think it's important to remember that when Damore Wrote his thing, Google was in the middle of a anti-discrimation purge following the lawsuit accusing them of being sexist in their wage distribution and promotion. Lawsuit entirely based from anecdotal complain, because a couple of cunts got mad some of their male coworkers were paid more without looking into it further.
Nobody is going to refute most of the sources he used because the sources are accurate.
He wasn't fired for being wrong, he was fired for creating a toxic environment. There's a time and place for everything and his job wasn't the place for that memo.
I fucking hate SJWs and feminists and agree with most of what he said but there's just no way I'd ever say any of it in real life because I know exactly how the normies will respond.
I made this mistake exactly one time and it was in a world of warcraft discord for a guild I was in.
This SJW comes in and starts talking about how women are hired less often in STEM fields than men are and I refute it, link a few studies, all friendly.
Within an hour I was being called a sexist woman hater by over 20 people she had cried to.
Luckily it was only wow, but I suspect the reaction would have been even worse if I had done something like that IRL.
Jesus, what kind of guild were you in where that happened? One on Proudmoore or something? In every WoW guild I've been in, she would have been relentlessly mocked.
I fucking hate SJWs and feminists and agree with most of what he said but there's just no way I'd ever say any of it in real life because I know exactly how the normies will respond.
I made this mistake exactly one time and it was in a world of warcraft discord for a guild I was in.
That's like the definition of neckbeard behavior right there.
If we're counting the Five-Percent Nation, then a good chunk of New York rappers in the 90's and early 2000's, along with a handful of athletes. Though I wouldn't really say any of them were using it to prey on white guilt specifically.
While I don't really disagree with you, I think that Five-Percenters would generally consider themselves to be Muslim, even if most Muslims wouldn't. And a few of the 5%er rappers of the time had significant white and Asian followings, most notably Wu-Tang and Busta Rhymes. Not to the level that 50 Cent or Lil Wayne would reach a few years later, but still decent-sized.
It only works if you are already chummy by media or institutions. See all the "mentionned BLM so he get admission" cases , if you look deeper, there all rich students with parents linked to cushy liberal think thanks.
If you're a poor black muslim on the hood, all you can hope is not getting shot by a gang (police count as a gang there too).
Yeah right, the only liberals who feel sorry for you would be the poors. The rich ones would still feel contempt but allow you on talk shows to try to drum up votes every four years.
/u/realrealgood you are an idiot, he didn't spread it around, he posted it in a "controversial discussion" forum at his job, and people saw it, shared it, then bitched to HR, shut up.
In a subreddit filled with thirsty kissless and autistic virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be on reddit to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from r/drama in the first place.
As a SRDine on reddit, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts on an everyday basis. None of my tumblr friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to share a website with people who have zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as if I had joined a forum for the mentally challenged. Tumblrinas get to chat and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted people, which makes their time online more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside reddit. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.
The real problem with r/drama? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the subreddit boom. You think the users of SRD are socially unadjusted? They are normal people. They manage to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to have a subreddit with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over reddit, such an entity can be useful. But r/drama basically demands that any newcomer becomes autistic. That is bound to backfire.
And you are seeing the backfire already. Circlebroke2 is gaining ground. So is SRD. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin users don't really exist. I've posted there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in r/drama: it's made up of robot-wannabe, bussy-obsessed manchildren who have not known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than cyberbullying and misogyny. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, memes and "deities"/idols they worship.
Again, the solution? It's not "attract more women/black people". It's ban socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to r/drama and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.
Yesterday, a SRDINE told me that /r/drama sucked because we don't like standards of any kind: moral, behavioral, political
makes me wonder what the "compassion" and "empathy" crowd that send /r/drama users hate messages will think about the fact they basically were bullying autistic guys this whole time.
I think this is the ....4th? 5th? time I've been linked in r/drama lol. The funniest part is how predictable all the comments and messages are. Keep calling me a "le fat cunt XD", it really makes you look totally not offended unlike those LIBTARDS who get triggered all the time. This is your brain on alt-right.
Please explain how you even have the balls to make a DAE TRIGGERED joke when r/drama quite literally pours through SRD everyday to find comments to get offended by? You guys are literally the most sensitive little babies I've ever seen and it's hilarious. Keep up the mental gymnastics!
um sorry sweaty but I'm not a Le male so the correct alt-right insult would be "feminazi" or "cunt." Try to REEEEEEE a little better this time. :)
Holy shit. Imagine getting this butthurt over /r/drama. /u/DeathCatforCutie get something meaningful to sperg out about next time.
Man, I feel sorry for this guy. He probably wrote a couple things that were at worst debatable, lost his job and probably got blacklisted from silicon valley for life. Now bunch of people on either side, of these dumbass culture wars are using him as cannon fodder.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-11-18
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-18
Are we really going to pretend that women face more oppression than people with a disability
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-18
Why are you such an ableist
1 AnnoyingSeaAnt 2017-11-18
Imagine my shock. Buy my anti vaccine-induced-sperg pills today.
1 darth_stroyer 2017-11-18
Eemajinne mai shark
1 aonome 2017-11-18
This explains why SRD doesn't like /r/drama
1 darth_stroyer 2017-11-18
O master, please teach me thy smug, insufferable ways. Is it possible for me, a mere cishet, to learn this power?
1 darth_stroyer 2017-11-18
Also I know exactly how straight, white and female you are.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
50, 100, and 99 percent?
1 SanityAssassins 2017-11-18
Being this smug having a username based off a mediocre mid 00s indie rock band that made "rock" songs for teenage girls. I bet she has a Paramore themed alt account too. DEPLORABLE.
Advice: Keep yourself safe.... from all the evil wypipo.
1 itoucheditforacookie 2017-11-18
She definitely is dating a skinny white guy with a beard but has also had see with a black guy cuz black. /u/deathcatforcutie
1 Gil-Gandel 2017-11-18
1 boyoyoyoyong 2017-11-18
Did anyone actually refute what he wrote or are they just pissed off that he dared to write it
1 aonome 2017-11-18
He extrapolated some observations about behavioural sex differences where he shouldn't have but much of his claims are backed by scientific evidence. The main problem was that you're not supposed to acknowledge that there is evidence of behavioural differences between the sexes. He didn't say that women are "inferior" or unable to work in tech which is the funny part
1 ChateauJack 2017-11-18
I think it's important to remember that when Damore Wrote his thing, Google was in the middle of a anti-discrimation purge following the lawsuit accusing them of being sexist in their wage distribution and promotion. Lawsuit entirely based from anecdotal complain, because a couple of cunts got mad some of their male coworkers were paid more without looking into it further.
1 lesbian_goddess 2017-11-18
Friendly reminder that feminism is good for society and to watch out for all the male redditors with toxic masculinity problems!
1 ChateauJack 2017-11-18
Is it 'cunt' that triggers the bot?
1 cheers_grills 2017-11-18
Purge, discrimination
1 Charles_Thunderpenis 2017-11-18
Their refutation is that it's "icky" and "gross" and "ew" and "gross"
1 Jazzeki 2017-11-18
you forgot "it made them uncomfortable and scared."
otherwise spot on.
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-11-18
Also it's problematic and created a toxic environment
1 pizzashill 2017-11-18
Nobody is going to refute most of the sources he used because the sources are accurate.
He wasn't fired for being wrong, he was fired for creating a toxic environment. There's a time and place for everything and his job wasn't the place for that memo.
I fucking hate SJWs and feminists and agree with most of what he said but there's just no way I'd ever say any of it in real life because I know exactly how the normies will respond.
I made this mistake exactly one time and it was in a world of warcraft discord for a guild I was in.
This SJW comes in and starts talking about how women are hired less often in STEM fields than men are and I refute it, link a few studies, all friendly.
Within an hour I was being called a sexist woman hater by over 20 people she had cried to.
Luckily it was only wow, but I suspect the reaction would have been even worse if I had done something like that IRL.
1 cincilator 2017-11-18
Problem is Google makes pretense of being open minded. They also have all our data, so pretense isn't enough.
1 caffienatedjedi 2017-11-18
Come post your controversial ideas on our internal controversial idea forum. Don't worry, we totally aren't using this to weed out dissenters.
1 ironicshitpostr 2017-11-18
Fucktard should have realized it was another"Let a thousand flowers bloom" trap
1 TastesLikeAss 2017-11-18
doesnt not make the rest of them fucktards too
1 Cephaliarch 2017-11-18
Jesus, what kind of guild were you in where that happened? One on Proudmoore or something? In every WoW guild I've been in, she would have been relentlessly mocked.
1 DuBBle 2017-11-18
Ha ha - job. Mummy thinks I'm job-hunting when she's out cleaning for old ladies and coming back with the Wheat Crunchies.
1 09f911029d7 2017-11-18
No, only male feminists get roasted for that. If an actual feeeemale comes on half the guild will immediately start kissing her ass
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-11-18
That's like the definition of neckbeard behavior right there.
1 pizzashill 2017-11-18
Whats your point?
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-11-18
Just that it looked funny. I agree, but if I ever found myself discussing women in tech on a WoW discord I'd rethink my priorities.
1 The_Reason_Trump_Won 2017-11-18
Tbqh it's cringier to be discussing it in a retarded meta
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-11-18
True, but at least there are no women involved
1 Fletch71011 2017-11-18
We post in /r/Drama, we are all neckbeards here.
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-11-18
No judgement, only support
1 AnnoyingSeaAnt 2017-11-18
Did you get banned from the discord? If not, continue instead of folding like a pussy.
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-11-18
God you are a spineless pathetic little shit pizza.
1 DuBBle 2017-11-18
They're exactly my type.
1 wtfuxlolwut 2017-11-18
Eww you play wow you should consider euthanasia.
1 HasAnArchmageFetish 2017-11-18
They read "in general less interested in" as " biologically incapable" .
1 comebepc 2017-11-18
The refutation was calling him a sexist Nazi
1 Trapsarntgay1 2017-11-18
>unironic sweetieposting
1 Ultrashitpost 2017-11-18
/u/1ncognito just say you're a muslim and watch the liberals suck your dick anyway
1 lesbian_goddess 2017-11-18
Friendly reminder that feminism is good for society and to watch out for all the male redditors with toxic masculinity problems!
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-18
I wish I was a black muslim, then I could make millions off making liberals feel guilty about themselves
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
i can’t think of many black muslims out for that white people money tbh
maybe it’ll come to me
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2017-11-18
Look up Yassmin Abdel-Magied
Or don't
I don't really care
1 imaginarycreatures 2017-11-18
If we're counting the Five-Percent Nation, then a good chunk of New York rappers in the 90's and early 2000's, along with a handful of athletes. Though I wouldn't really say any of them were using it to prey on white guilt specifically.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
that early 2000s cutoff is when rappers started getting white people money though
five percenters aren’t really muslims anyway, they’re a weird offshoot of a weirder offshoot. a buncha famous ones turned Sunni tho
1 imaginarycreatures 2017-11-18
While I don't really disagree with you, I think that Five-Percenters would generally consider themselves to be Muslim, even if most Muslims wouldn't. And a few of the 5%er rappers of the time had significant white and Asian followings, most notably Wu-Tang and Busta Rhymes. Not to the level that 50 Cent or Lil Wayne would reach a few years later, but still decent-sized.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
i was always under the impression white people got to the Wu Tang party a few years late
1 AnnoyingSeaAnt 2017-11-18
It only works if you are already chummy by media or institutions. See all the "mentionned BLM so he get admission" cases , if you look deeper, there all rich students with parents linked to cushy liberal think thanks.
If you're a poor black muslim on the hood, all you can hope is not getting shot by a gang (police count as a gang there too).
1 imabadbadbitch 2017-11-18
We need to seize the means of production.
1 telandrias 2017-11-18
Yeah right, the only liberals who feel sorry for you would be the poors. The rich ones would still feel contempt but allow you on talk shows to try to drum up votes every four years.
1 1ncognito 2017-11-18
Nah just your garden variety white male liberal cuck. Keep tryingthough
1 The_Reapulsive_One 2017-11-18
so besides being a cuck you're also saying you're a vegan? smh i don't think you can fall any farther than this.
1 Invalid_Target 2017-11-18
/u/realrealgood you are an idiot, he didn't spread it around, he posted it in a "controversial discussion" forum at his job, and people saw it, shared it, then bitched to HR, shut up.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
he spread it around a board
1 Invalid_Target 2017-11-18
I'm the pedant.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-11-18
I'm spreading cryptohate just by merely posting in /r/drama
1 uniqueguy263 2017-11-18
/r/Drama isn't a work forum tho
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-11-18
Not an argument.
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-18
was it ever a contest?
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-11-18
How come I'm not surprised?
In a subreddit filled with thirsty kissless and autistic virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be on reddit to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from r/drama in the first place.
As a SRDine on reddit, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts on an everyday basis. None of my tumblr friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to share a website with people who have zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as if I had joined a forum for the mentally challenged. Tumblrinas get to chat and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted people, which makes their time online more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside reddit. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.
The real problem with r/drama? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the subreddit boom. You think the users of SRD are socially unadjusted? They are normal people. They manage to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to have a subreddit with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over reddit, such an entity can be useful. But r/drama basically demands that any newcomer becomes autistic. That is bound to backfire.
And you are seeing the backfire already. Circlebroke2 is gaining ground. So is SRD. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin users don't really exist. I've posted there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in r/drama: it's made up of robot-wannabe, bussy-obsessed manchildren who have not known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than cyberbullying and misogyny. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, memes and "deities"/idols they worship.
Again, the solution? It's not "attract more women/black people". It's ban socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to r/drama and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.
1 Raving_Dave 2017-11-18
I know this is a copypasta but what retard thinks SRD is diverse?
1 Fucking_That_Chicken 2017-11-18
the longer you post there, diverse it gets
1 Raving_Dave 2017-11-18
the more autistic it gets
1 Fucking_That_Chicken 2017-11-18
that too
1 Going_up_the_Country 2017-11-18
We need more r/drama dad jokes.
1 comebepc 2017-11-18
Plenty of diversity on the spectrum there
1 ironicshitpostr 2017-11-18
I hate neurodiversity
1 uniqueguy263 2017-11-18
It's a variation. Original was about outsourcing IT to India
1 Raving_Dave 2017-11-18
Pretty funny.
1 darth_stroyer 2017-11-18
This is what they mean by roastie
1 giroth 2017-11-18
Yesterday, a SRDINE told me that /r/drama sucked because we don't like standards of any kind: moral, behavioral, political
It had the tone of a 50 year old school-marm lecturing a 12 year old
It happened about 2 minutes after my comment
Obviously I fucking loved it
1 shallowm 2017-11-18
makes me wonder what the "compassion" and "empathy" crowd that send /r/drama users hate messages will think about the fact they basically were bullying autistic guys this whole time.
1 fucknazimodzz 2017-11-18
Oh bless your heart sweety!
Oh my sweet summer child, my little ray of sunshine.
These people can take their condescension and fuck themselves with it
1 Ylajali_2002 2017-11-18
Holy shit. Imagine getting this butthurt over /r/drama. /u/DeathCatforCutie get something meaningful to sperg out about next time.
1 imabadbadbitch 2017-11-18
Man, I feel sorry for this guy. He probably wrote a couple things that were at worst debatable, lost his job and probably got blacklisted from silicon valley for life. Now bunch of people on either side, of these dumbass culture wars are using him as cannon fodder.