Why is this man so angry?

16  2017-11-18 by Cleverly_Clearly


It's tough dealing with a micropenis, especially for a young teenage brain.

Upset about the microtransactions in star wars battlefront

So upset he dropped his tendies on the floor.

I have more hat for you than I could really communicate through conventional means, so the misspelled words os just to show you that I'm so fucking pissed at you , I can't even spell check. Looks like the effect is working as planned you fucking eickhead. You think you're hot shit? DO YOY HAVE WHAT IT TALES TO STOP KICKYOURASS52 YOU DUMBFUCK? I'll take your whore mom out to the movies and on romantic dates and resist her sexaal intentions because I want to be sure we are compatible. The. When we make sweet love, I'll poke a whole in the cindm and when your new brother is born, he's going to kick your ass too you bitch. Stop giving your brother rimjbs and come fight me

Mod this god.

Kick Your Ass 52 sounds like the sequel to a Vin Diesel movie that nobody asked for.

Not enough soy in his diet

People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.

Probably the only human interaction he has, so he tries to make it count by being really provocative to almost guarantee getting a rise out of someone.

He might also have a caretaker so this is his way to feel control over his life (something he clearly doesn't have.)

You stupid sacks of dogsbit need to sit on a 2 foot dodo fuci you stupid hitches. You think you know video games? You're just stupid cocksuckers. Mom never loved but made you eat her gross puss out so you grew up to make games as shitty as these. If I ever see you ill hit your gross knees with a tire iron shove it up your djck and use it to zap you. Fuckin puss make games that don't suck rick maybe youll get laid and not need to make games any more. Fuci you you guys started sucking djck after supercross 2000 on the 64. Fuck ill fuci, fight the suit out of you pussies you have no clue. My intention is tokick your bitchass into next Fuckin year flag. You have no Fuckin idea. Your moms gonna laugh at you and call you a little bitch after ymshe sees what I do. Tyen your dads gonna be begin me to suck my dick but ill tell his dumbass no then Rio you to shreds and throw you in a sewer. Fuck you

Imagine being this retarded.

You misspelled brilliant.

Just some good old fashion mental illness.

I think he actually has some sort of mental disorder

Damn you to hell you little bitch. Hit me up if you ever wanna chill or get your ass beat into next year. Cheers!

Usually when people talk shit, I just brush it off, but now, it's gone a little to far. Assclown, you talk as you know me but in reality you don't know shit about me. I'm guessing you've never been in a situation involving a real live thug that was born and raised in the ghetto/hood(me). Yes i've turned my life to good, but i will throw all that out the window if you continue to talk shit about me. I've killed a few people back in my banging days and Just remember next time before you open your mouth, you better be praying that i'm in a good mood, or else you'll be in for a rude awakening when the thug in me unleashes.