Cb2 gets into slapfight with Pornhubs PR account over a pedo modding r/pornhub. Outrage when /u/katie_pornhub doesn't take the accusation seriously enough

77  2017-11-18 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


/u/katie_pornhub will u be my gf?

I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that she's getting paid to troll cb2. Dream job tbh.

No he's not.

EDIT: They've removed him since I made this post and seem to be denying it now.

He's not a mod anymore. What the fuck do they want her to do?

Lol thank you for understanding my side. I removed the sketch mod as soon as I was made aware. What else do they expect me to do?

You're dealing with rabid SJWs, there's literally nothing you can do.

The best option is to straight up ignore them, don't even say sorry. They're just rabid morons.

What else do they expect me to do?

You can at least answer my question! Do you wan't to be my gf or not? If this is the kind of service I get with Pornhub I'll take my business elsewhere thank you very much. So rude.

You're even too cheap to get a Pornhub subscription. Why should she talk to you?

If he DMs me a Pornhub Premium receipt, maybe I'll reply to him.

Financial Cuckholdry? Nice 👍

Look what you made me do Katie. LOOK WHAT U MADE ME DO

You can't buy Premium from the dark web!

I've always found LIFETIME WARRANTY slightly suspicious. Like, do you actually offer "lifetime warranties" and who the fuck would buy that?

You probably just bought "Premium" from the old /r/pornhub mod's dark web scam.

I didn't actually buy it, I'm not some weirdo loser. Well, not that kind of weirdo loser at least.

But I find your strong denial here interesting. I wouldn't know personally, but I'm pretty sure you can get your hands on premium on some dark net market. Are you sure you won't be proven wrong by a quick google search?

Please I've had enough reddit meta for the day! I'll answer you, no I won't be your gf.

Now I want revenge though.

Beta faggot gets rejected, decides to fuck up his life more. Many such cases!

Make a thread on CB2.

The best form of revenge is post bussy.

/u/snallygaster we need her as a mod here

This isn't the original Katie, right?

Same username, original person was murdered by a chronic masturbater

Wait what

She didn't respect bussy

who is the "original" katie?

:'( will /r/drama ever get gf?

Now that I think about it I've never seen PornHub accounts for sale on any forums until now.

Hell I've never even seen any exploits to download the paid videos (Unlike some other mind geek sites). Y'all run a real tight ship.

Katie pornhub and notch in one day

Drama is too Normie now, bye

I always turn off my adblock when I visit their sites. Always. The only reason I do it is so that I'll perhaps bump up /u/Katie_Pornhub's salary a tiny bit. You think I enjoy all the ads for viagra derivatives Katie? No, I don't. I do it for you!

Pornhub Premium is ad free.

Adblock is free.

But it doesn't support Katie.

Unless PornHub secretly develops Adblock software because they know their ads are the driving force behind people wanting adblocks. PornHub comes at you from both ends!

Let's be real, it wouldn't be the first time you paid $9.99 to get a woman to speak to you. What's another tenner to get a conversation with a porn site, community manager that shit posts?

user reports:
1: Only normie redditors jerk themselves raw over that stupid pornhub shill account. Pls ban

As if /u/MakeAmericaSageAgain is a normie.

What do you even base that on? I assure you and anyone else who's in doubt that I'm a successful and well respected member of my community.

well respected member of my community.

The hillbilly missing the fewest teeth?

The faggot having the least gaping asshole.


Not want, it's a common contraction bro 🤗🤗

You're alright.... Don't go to circlebroke2 tomorrow... or ever

Maybe think of the optics when you post on an obscure metasub.

When I read those posts hours ago it really seemed like you were trying to deny he was ever a mod.

Maybe tell them you removed the sketch mod?

Lol at your responses.

"No he's not"

"I'm confused what you're saying"

"No he's not"

Lol what are you doing? 😂 how are you in charge of PR 😂😂😂

I mean, she got that thread posted here, so maybe some people on /r/drama who didn't know about the existence of pornhub... now... hahahahaaha


post nudes, probably

I expect to be given a free pornhub premium account. It is the only way to atone for the sin of having a pedo mod.

Check the post history of /u/supergauntlet. The guy literally does nothing else but posting online, being outraged at everything. Of course he is outraged at you. Thats all he has.

yeah true



No, it isn't


Unban me.

Hey. Does pornhub have that Sarah Palin spoof porn?

Your honesty is refreshing.

I mean I don't care nearly as much as you seem to think but whatever y'know? if I tried making every single person in the world happy I'd go nuts

I mean I don't care nearly as much as you seem to think

You know people can click on your profile and see that you literally post multiple every times? And in all the "Im outraged at..."-subreddits? Of course you care.

have you seen any of my posts they're all shitposts

but again you feel free to get upset

Give free twink boy pussy photos imo

probably not act like an insufferable cunt in the process who knows

i hate cb but you came across dumb in that exchange

Sorry I offended you with my replies.

less offended and more disgusted tbh

you out circlebroked the circlebrokers and i wasnt even sure that was possible until then, i certainly didnt want to ever see it

Sorry for disgusting you with my replies

apology accepted

His name is "Captainpriapism", he's obviously very reliant on your services, and thus the sensitivity.

why would someone with a permanent boner want porn though, theyd probably want the opposite so they can calm it down a bit and pee

Normal people have a thought process that goes "problem found, solution proposed, solution implemented, problem solved" and move on with their lives. The impulse to drag on these tiny problems, shriek about the horror of it all and then endlessly blame and shame people only peripherally involved in it is why aliens will never visit us and share their technology.

Ayy lmaos already walk among us friendo, but you're right that's why they won't share their cool techs

Also because you call them ayy lmaos. I mean, imagine trying to explain that to them. "Oh we call each other mayos jokingly so in the same vein you're ayy lmaos".

What the fuck do they want her to do? Say she's vewwy vewwy sowwy?

That is what they want.

SJWs get off on people prostrating themselves to them; they love having power over people.

theyre retarded but in this instance it only looked like they were confused as to why she kept denying it

/u/katie_pornhub Thanks for re-adding BLACKED.COM on pornhub again

Yeah it's awesome they are back!

You have 0.1 picoseconds to PM me your nudes before I DDOS pornhub. REEEEEEEE

lol said without irony

They only exist for cucks and I guess for baiting people on /pol/. End the madness. Cuck the cucks

I bet the jews did this

If someone wants to start drama with Katie, point out that pornhub hosts Traci Lords entire filmography.

Grandfathered in.

Why is this controversial?

A lot of her filmography was made underage

Well, underage sex isn't a big deal anymore

Moore, Trump, Spacey, all the male feminist youtubers

PH is just staying current

That's illegal and highly unlikely

Okay wtf a couple openly say or advertise that they are from 1985. Yeah, that shits highly highly illegal

/u/katiepornhub why is traci Lord's early content available on pornhub?

As a male feminist, this interests me greatly. Link ?

cb2 hates pedos this week?

Depends on the color of their tie.

Someone please explain how you manage to find that someone mods a pedo sub in the first place.

Like, how the fuck do you actively find a supposed pedo sub unless you are actively searching for CP.

Someone please explain how you manage to find that someone mods a pedo sub in the first place.

I'm pretty sure that that guy got found out because of me (or it's a coincidence, I don't know).

Someone username-pinged one of the pervs that visits those subs in a thread here on Drama and I saw that he posted to the "starlet" subs. And then Cb2 started talking about it right afterwards.


God I hate people who use the word 'optics'.

they think it makes them sound smarter than saying "it looks bad"

business terms confuse the babby?

PR instincts strong. Notice she removes him from mod position, then says he's not a mod, which at that point is technically true.


My fav sub

Um, wtf is happening?

I see all these allegations of cp and pedos, and yet all the subs they're pointing too are just some fully clothed teenagers.

Did I miss something? When the fuck did pictures of dressed teens become cp?

The old jailbait sub was a shitshow full of pedos, but these subs aren't anywhere near what that was.

Found the diddler

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia and ephebophilia are NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia and ephebophilia are considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

You pretty much said hebephilia and ephebophilia are pedophilia.

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who studies children, I am telling you, specifically, in child studies, no one calls ephebophilia pedophilia. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "pedophile family" you're referring to the paraphilia grouping of chronophilia, which includes things from nepiophibilia to hebepohilia to gerontophilia.

So your reasoning for calling ephebophilia pedophilia is because random people "call the ephebopophile ones pedophiles?" Let's get teleiophiles and mesophiles in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. An ephebophile is an ephebophile and a member of the chronophilia classification. But that's not what you said. You said ephebophilia is pedophilia, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the chronophilia class ephebophiles, which means you'd call nepiophiles, teliophiles, and other sexual attractions pedophilia, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

lol at upvoting and being fake friendly to someone because theyre a woman that works for a porn site

are you guys legit this sad


I was being mean to her, as you should to all women

Yes I get very excited when celebrities come visit our little hamlet
