[classic] Woman gets married to Severus Snape on the Astral Plane

96  2017-11-18 by snallygaster


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Hey snally, did you ever hang out on usenet?

Sadly no, it was popular a few years before my time

There was some good drama back then. People would get doxxed at the drop of a hat.

At least that practice continues on IRC!

Doxxed? Most people used their real names on Usenet unless they were trading porn.

from what I've seen, that practice mostly disappeared by the mid-late 90's, at least in most communities.

Hahaha this is funny...

I only want to be with you, while I should be looking after my kids.

Ugh. Never mind.

Yeah, the most infamous people who've "married" fictional characters (of which there are many) were in their 20's or older.

people these days don't realise no matter how crazy "millenials" are they will never reach the heights of insane that gen x'rs and young boomers reached in their prime

Most of those types are late 20s early 30s single mothers.

the welfare state was a mistake

At least it's not a Snarry story..


Why you gotta mpreg kinkshame

Snally, where do you find all this juicy vintage drama?

I kinda have the feeling snally was part of this drama.

this was a lazy effort, just went to the archives of the fandom wank wiki.

Speaking of that, wasn't there some old-ass drama in the HP fanfiction circles about a loony fan who had like fifty kabillion alt accounts and pretty much took over the entire community for a while, before finally being exposed?

Or am I confusing this with something else?

old ass-drama

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Bad bot.

Are you thinking of msscribe? One of the best internet stories of all time.

Ye, that's the one. God damn, what a shitshow. And to think, even today, folks haven't fully found it who this person really is.

They kinda did. It was really impressive back-up work. iirc it turned out she was an upper-middle class woman and former back-up singer married to a lawyer who went on disability after an automobile accident. I wonder if she went crazy sitting at home all day after the injury. It's a shame too, because she was actually a very good writer. She could have done well of her own accord.

Lady Darkness created a forum to discuss Snape with her fellow Snape worshippers. (Severus must be a spiritual polygamist.) Together, they discussed Snape's underwear, his pitiful childhood, Alan Rickman's hotness, James Potter's cruelty, Evanescence lyrics, their self-insert fanfics, and most importantly, Snape's messages for them in their dreams.


Lady Darkness created a forum to discuss Snape with her fellow Snape worshippers. (Severus must be a spiritual polygamist.) Together, they discussed Snape's underwear, his pitiful childhood, Alan Rickman's hotness, James Potter's cruelty, Evanescence lyrics, their self-insert fanfics, and most importantly, Snape's messages for them in their dreams.

Only a MAYO could be degenerate enough to make suck a thing.

I could almost forgive any of it on it's own, but it's the Evanescence lyrics that are truly Mayo and unforgivable.

😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z


WAKE ME UP INSIDE!!!! 😈😈🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🔥


Thanks guys remember to share like and smash dat liek buton.

Evanescence lyrics 😂😂😭😭😂

Evanescence lyrics

why is it always Evanescence? oh wait.

😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z


WAKE ME UP INSIDE!!!! 😈😈🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🔥


Thanks guys remember to share like and smash dat liek buton.

I can't decide if this is the female equivalent of those /r9k/ autists who """tulpamance""" their waifus or if this is actually somehow more insane.

Good question. Imo it's almost worse because a lot of these women could find a man fairly easily, they just get so swept up in fantasy that they decide to wed a children's book character instead.

Maybe it's because they feel this kind of constant presence from their imaginary boyfriend, but a real man can't be there with them 24 hours a day?

idk, I think it's really just that these women are naturally fantasy-prone and decided to embrace it to shield themselves from the hardships and coldness of life, rather than trying to control it.

Sounds pretty relatable tbh.


I probably would have ended up the same way if my sister didn't bully me out of it

So you're like a kid who grew up in a rough neighborhood and started hanging out with gangbangers, but your sister made sure you cleaned up your act and you ended up becoming a cop.

Kind of except I grew up hanging out in fantasy wolf roleplays, but my sister made sure I stopped being a fucking nerd and I ended up becoming a fairly normal person.

posts on /r/drama
fairly normal person

Did she beat your ass or just relentlessly make fun of you?

So I’m guessing things got pretty hot and heavy between you and your sister. Discuss.

a lot of these women could find a man fairly easily

Could they tho? Could they really?

I think we both know how desperate some men are. I mean, they won't be able to snag a Prince Charming, but they'd be able to find men of their calibre for sure. Which probably contributes to why they're more interested in pretending to date anime twinks and such.

Idek man, somehow I suspect these women aren't high-functioning members of society. I bet they could if they had basic social skills and a lack of crippling psychological and emotional problems, but I think expecting either of those things of these people is setting our expectations way too high.

Oh yeah, a lot of them are losers, but you'd be surprised. It doesn't take much to hold down a shitty service job, and I've met a few women kind of like like this who've actually managed to enter PhD programs and work in tech.



Incel rant incoming*


I've heard that word but I forget what it means

It's when an autism tries to create a persistent hallucination of their waifu via meditation and unmedicated schizophrenia

It's basically a stand

But how does she feel about Hans Gruber?

I somehow doubt that Harry Potter obsessives are into 80's action films...

JK Rowling was a mistake

What will SnapeSnogger have to say about this!?

I wonder what happened to her

Oh boy, I remember how crazy this was back in the days.

Im more into professor moody

Even skim-reading that got to be too much.