User in r/ukpolitics posts infographic explaining why you should support International Men’s Day. Goes pretty much as you’d expect.

96  2017-11-19 by pm_me_jumbo_jets


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Remember when r/ukpolitics was a fairly non-partisan subreddit where you actually could discuss things?

Thanks comrade Corbyn

That's weird because the Swedish politics sub is leaning way right.

/r/ukpolitics was also leaning right until. It wasn't non-partisan. On the day Cameron decided to let the people vote on Brexit, /r/ukpolitics was flooded with more left leaning users.

Less right leaning and more right tolerant.

I heard they even let Conservative voters join the discussion.

/r/ukpolitics was also leaning right.

Not really, the subreddit polling has shown a center-left majority for donkey's years.

That's an impressively ugly graph. You can see the 2017 Labour surge consisting of /r/unitedkingdom refugees, though (we needed to build a wall.)

I wanted to link to the subreddit polling done by Pallas but I could only find them month by month and I don't care enough to make it into a graph myself.

Remember when r/ukpolitics mods didn't say they're pretty much fine with people murdering Tory MPs?

Holy shit lmao




What are your thoughts on this?

Tacit acceptance, naturally. What else. DAE Tories are scum?

First I've seen of it, but I'm not as active as I used to be. I disagree with him, but Ivashkin isn't posting as a moderator, that's just him personally. As long as he isn't breaking any rules he's as entitled to voice his opinion as anyone else in the forum.

Probably warrents a post on /r/PanicHistory though from what I can see.

You're online and actives right now.

You're really giving me the ol' think. "It's ok that he literally wants political opponents to die, because he wasn't """"posting as a moderator"""", despite him actually being a moderator."

murdering Tory MPs

Struggling to make myself care about this as an idea tbh

Yeah like I literally would not give a shit if rabid American conservative politicians stroked out tomorrow.

Even if some crazy decided to kill a few I, I wouldn't support it, but I sure as hell wouldn't be outraged or even care that much.

This is the most pizzashill comment ever

Do you think he just doesn't know about a bunch of Americans being shot at on a baseball field or what.

Do you think Pizzashill was more upset over Trump's election then that guy, maybe we should all prepare statements about his famous love of bussy and arguing retardedly with retards.

What are your thoughts on Rand Paul ggetting beaten up?

I thought I'd hate you a lot more than I do now. You're alright, only kind of smug. I definitely do hate Ed tho.

Ukpolitics isn't worth posting on anymore, anyone not crazy left should stop and it will wither and die as just another /r/uk clone.

UK is cucked. The best option at the moment is complete glassing of the UK and the European continent before this cuckery can spread.

The continent will be doing fine once the dead weight finally leaves.

I've removed this as "spam" due to the contents of your comment.

If you want to discuss these issues, a self-post, setting out some sources, discussion points etc. might be better.

That said, I'm not sure the adversarial "men v women - let's fight" approach it takes is particularly useful.

Stop harassing me or you will be reported to the admins.

I know an empty threat when I see one

I am a woman of color. Do you understand how much harassment I receive from whites on a daily basis? Do you understand that you are contributing to the marginalization of PoC? Racism like this is why Obama couldn't get a third term.

Yeah I still can't read "x is cucked" without cringing. I have gamergate PTSD

At first I was happy that my 'male feminists are all rapists' comments were getting upvoted, then I saw the thread was linked here.

Brigading is against reddit law. I reject your implication.

Though it is not against Martian Law.

I can't tell if this sub is extremely sjw or hamfistedly but constantly sarcastically anti-sjw.

Nothing said here is to be taken seriously. Except for the mayocide which is 100% serious.

We try extremely hard to combine the worst qualities of both sides.

I can't tell if this sub is extremely sjw or hamfistedly but constantly sarcastically anti-sjw.

Huh? What're you basing this "extremely sjw" thing on - calling liberal feminists pervy hypocrites is a popular anti-sjw / rightwing occupation.

At first I was pleasantly surprised that my 'male feminists are all rapists' comments were getting upvoted


Well, as I said.

I'm withholding judgment until they deliver the "battery acid in the face" percentages.

I firmly believe that mens rights movement will become the male version of the giant clusterfuck that is current feminism.

There can only be one

It won't because no event has occurred that would spur massive support for MRAs. The already small demographic is also divided into Anti-SJWs and toxic masculinity fighters who will never work together.

It won't because no event has occurred that would spur massive support for MRAs.

The "anti-sjw" part would get increased support if the general "sjw"dom fell out of favor, as a part of that countermovement - somewhat happened already.

In the same way, feminism is really supported as a major component of the soclib side, and rarely viewed as a separate entity.

I firmly believe that mens rights movement will become the male version of the giant clusterfuck that is current feminism.

They're already like that, with the MGTOWs standing out with the highest amount of idiots.

Every issue about women is flooded with suggestions that both genders should be paid attention to and be given care.

Every issue about men is fuck MRAs or MRAs and feminists are both equally terrible and fuck them both.


So women make them love humanity, and men make them hate humanity?

I think I know which issues people should go there and bring up more.

What should I do today? Take my dad out to dinner, or make him homemade hamburgers?