Incel does not like it when people laugh at them.

8  2017-11-19 by Sai22


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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And actually gilding their shit. Pathetic.tiff

I go to sleep every night wishing I had the courage to end it.

Incels: would rather kill themselves then pay $70 for an escort.

Why do people call them escorts nowadays? Just call them hookers or prostitutes. No need to get fancy about it.

because they go to your house ??


implying they had $70

Steal an iPhone. Sell it for 70 or more

Halfcels: would rather pay an escort $70 than watch porn

Buying escorts can't help them deny the fact no one is attracted to them, which is the real cause of their rage.

From their FAQ:

What is an incel? An incel, short for involuntary celibate, is someone who tries to find romantic relationships without success and is very pessimistic about his chances. The most common definition to be considered incel is that you are at least 21 and have to go at least six months without a romantic partner. Many incels are late 20s and 30s men (and older) who have never had a partner. If you go to a prostitute, you can still be incel because you are unable to obtain a romantic relationship or at least casual sex where the other person is genuinely interested in you, as being incel is not just about a lack of sex. Being incel also does not mean one feels they are owed or entitled to love, sex, relationships - it is simply the perpetual state of the lack of them when they occur so naturally and frequently to the majority of people.

Given the fact that a lot of incels want women to just be sex slaves, I don't really get how they have "I want the other person to be interested in me" sentiment at the same time.

Its not the lack of sex that drives them to tha, mi dood.

First off, there is nothing wrong with watching naruto while eating pizza rolls. You're lying if you disagree.

I would normally agree with half of this (the pizza roll part) but each time a bag ends up in my freezer they taste worse and worse.

/u/_KARMA_7221489012124 maybe if you stop acting like a zoo animal (actually rather unfair to zoo animals) people would stop treating you like one.

"acting as an animal"

Humans are animals too in case you forgot you pompous ass. You giggling while looking at a flashing box is just as animalistic as me typing a comment out on a keyboard.

Funny how you had to call me out to your stupid little subreddit dedicated to cowardly throwing peanuts at us. Afraid you'd get downvoted?

The unabomber said the same thing in his manifesto

He edited to make it a positive comment, what did it originally say?