Some stupid cumstain spuriously says something about Caesar's boy toy times

15  2017-11-20 by justanotherusername_


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Tfw you get BTFO on one r/drama thread so you have to make a new one to try again.

I thought we were friends, united against /u/Ylajali_2002 I guess I'll have keep searching for friends.

As if I would be friends with a goyim

When you get out of school you'll realize how hard it can be to make friends and then you'll probably feel bad and come crawling back having remembered that one time you were offered the peace lily but spurned it and left a sour taste in everyone's mouth just like a warhead only not one attached to a WMD like the sort that was in the nose cone of American Airlines Flight 11.

I can be ur friend tho

That whole argument is gay.