/r/chapotraphouse mod tries to decide which is a bannable offense: saying the word 'SJW', or telling users to kill themselves. you'll never guess which one they pick!

172  2017-11-20 by ihavecorrectopinions


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Oh Snap, you're in Cum Town.

Ah come on man. It's a struggle in there but still stupid to post it here.

This is a place where neolibs and CHUDs come to get dunked on, and maybe they learn something in the process.

/u/Kirbyoto Well today I learnt you're no different to any other lefty subreddit, thank you.

What's a CHUD? Is it like a Lefty Chad aka rapist?

It's the only edgy insult they could find , cause everything else is X-ist.

Give it time. Crud will become x-ist as well.

It's to tankies what cuck is to thedonald spergs

Does it stand for anything?

Competent Human Unsupported by Daddy?

no idea, can't stare into the abyss long enough to find out

It does now

Cannibalistic humanoids underground dwellers

It's from some B movie I think

your indifference to the venerable troma canon is highly offensive

I was wondering if you'd be willing to dunk on my wife while I watch?

wow rude

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller.

That actually sounds a pretty cool thing to be.

That would make sense if you thought all your internet opponents looked like political caricatures. Which is probably true, but they would get the same looking at a mirror.

the Humanoid Underground Dwellers are coming from inside the house basement i'm in right now

You learned that today? Well aren't you a special one.

get dunked on

Cultural appropriation.

Til they were supposed to be different from other lefty subreddits

So they brought a token woman onto their podcast to dilute its 100% bearded mayo hipster population, but she used the term "SJW" and now they're cutting each others' throats over it? Leftists, never change.

Its obvious the Chapo hosts hate academic idpol leftism but are afraid to say so directly. Amber is the exception, she explicitly shits on idpol all the time. The sub handles this by awkwardly pretending like they didn't hear her say it. It's pretty funny.

A lot of them seem to assume she's the most on board with idpol as well, seemingly for no reason other than she's a woman.

Well why would a woman want to be treated as an equal versus having her vagina accentuated in every conversation instead?

It's almost like idpol is retarded and only sheltered racist children who think every person in a group acts the same can believe in it

You see this constantly with liberal woman, the belief that the 40% of women who don't agree with liberal politics are all liars, slaves or idiots.

That's a good point though. If you're a woman on the right something is deeply wrong with you. I think a lot of them are playing out a dom/sub thing at some level.

Lol I love that contradiction of some liberal feminists.

"If you are right wing then you must be insane, stupid or evil and must be cured."


"All women are strong and should have self-determination and not be forced into decisions and belief systems by others!"

I don't think "all women are strong".

It is the mentally-ill leftist women that are strong.

If you're a woman on the right something is deeply wrong with you.

Or you know maybe everyone is different and some people will feel that certain political leanings suit them better than others. Nah, you're right, they are troubled and broken creatures for not sharing the same worldview as someone as wise and enlightened as yourself.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

If you're a woman on the right you are hotter, fitter, wealthier and saner.

I think a lot of them are playing out a dom/sub thing at some level.

All women are playing out a dom/sub thing, you idiot.

Isn't idpol leftism their entire audiencr? I've never actually listened to them, but every time I see their name come up it's because one of their fans is sperging out about how much of a racist/sexist/etc someone is.

They claim to be the "dirtbag left" that cares about muh socialism instead of muh racism but in actual reality there's a lot of bleedover between the bearded berniebro set and the bearded college SJW hipster crew.

Bernie Sanders literally gave up his platform to Black Lives Matter, so I guess I'm not surprised about the ideological overlap

literally gave up his platform to Black Lives Matter

You mean that one time he let some BLM people speak?

Also, Black Live Matter are not the college SJW hipsters. BLM are mostly actual poor black people from shitty neighborhoods where the cops act like an occupying force. I have no beef with BLM.

Collegiate idpol wannabes pay lip service to BLM, but what they're most worried about is getting more money for their fancy student center, or non-culturally-appropriated food at the dining hall.

He didn't so much let them speak as much as they rushed the stage and he did nothing to stop them.

And yeah, college yards eat BLM's dick while still treating black people as magic negros to get them divursitee-bux. I'm not gonna claim to be an expert and say I know how to fix that problem.

Wait, who am I kidding, this is r/drama. Mayocide nao, problem solvd

they rushed the stage and he did nothing to stop them.

You know he's like a billion years old, right? As hilarious as it would be to watch Bernie break his hip trying to toss somebody off the stage, he probably made the right call.

Gonna have that mental image in my head all day now.

When you're a presidential candidate, you do things by telling other people to do them. "please remove them" would have been all it took to have the stage clear.

You really don't get how SJWs work dude. If he had done that the SJW media swarm would have been fucking nuts, just an unreal swarm. And then when they show up at a Clinton rally and she lets them speak, the media can then spin it on him even harder.

The best way to discredit SJWs like those BLM crazies is to just let them speak, everyone knows they're hilariously stupid people and nobody relevant takes them seriously.

The only reason Trump could get away with stuff like that is because his base is racist as fuck and they don't care.

What do SJWs have to do with Bernie throwing BLM protestors tai-otoshi? This whole thread is alive with the rattle of chips falling off shoulders.

Kinda like the alt right actually. Look at Milo's Overtime clip on bill Maher.

"Bernie and Hillary's insane SJW base would never let you throw a heckler out."

"Trump's base is fine with throwing a heckler out, which means they are racist."

No, Trump's base is just hilariously racist and the media attacking him for throwing them out wouldn't have any impact on them, but it would have an impact on Sanders or Clinton.

Trump rallies were basically Klan rallies broski:


but it would have an impact on Sanders or Clinton.

And that is why you lose.

Trump appealing to unedcuated/rabid rural tards is more of a weakness than a strength. It's short-sighted, it might have won him the election for now, but it didn't do the GOP any favors or help them out with the demographics crisis they're facing.

As Graham said:

We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.

Graham, as in cuck GOPe globalist Lindsey Graham? lol

You know the GOP wins like 1 demographic, right? What is it he said that's factually incorrec5?

How long do you think the GOP can coast on 50+ year old white people that think Mexicans are why they're failures?


The fire rises, brother.

Why do you guys always try this, to make it seem as if land = people?

Not only is that map hilariously misleading, here's a map using population density:


And this doesn't change the fact the GOP is also facing a demographics crisis. This isn't even controversial, it's an objective fact.

the GOP is

I'm not the GOP.

Uh I didn't say you were? I said the GOP is facing a demographics crisis, to which you linked a misleading picture showing GOP countries, to which I then responded with an actual map.

The country is facing a Democrat crisis, in which the Democrats try to replace American voters with third-world peasants who might actually vote for their communist garbage. :-D

I can't tell if you actually believe anything you just typed or what.

A real poe's law here. But you were dumb enough to link that map, so I'm guessing you really are just retarded.

"One day, all the old people will die and the young people will take over!" - me, 1987

No, it's more so the GOP does horribly with the next few generations of voters for many reasons.

"No, it's more so the GOP does horribly with the next few generations of voters for many reasons." - very smart news guy, 1987

Let's try something.

A) Does the GOP lose nearly every demographic in the country?

B) Are the demographics the DNC wins growing or shrinking?

Let's try something.

A) Does trying to divide Americans into squabbling idpol groups win you elections?

B) Does the DNC plan to destroy black America and replace it with Mexican illegals help it win elections?

A) Does trying to divide Americans into squabbling idpol groups win you elections?

Worked for Trump, didn't it?

B) Does the DNC plan to destroy black America and replace it with Mexican illegals help it win elections?

What? The DNC wins llike every demographic in the country outside of 50+ white people. The DNC wins Asian voters, it wins Hispanic voters, it wins young voters, it wins women.

Worked for Trump, didn't it?

Yes, DNC miring itself in idpol bullshit was very helpful for God-Emperor Trump. MAGA!

Trump ran the most identity politic focused campaign in US history.

you're the target demographic.


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


Big Don didn't have any trouble removing all the retards that attacked his stage.

God I would love to see Trump try to physically fight somebody. Can you imagine if they snatched that rug off his head?

I would love to see the God-Emperor just backhand Hillary over and over.



Most qualified ever!

BLM are mostly actual poor black people from shitty neighborhoods where the cops act like an occupying force. I have no beef with BLM.

Lmao I live in a 60% black city and virtually the only people seriously involved in BLM are lightskin middle-class blacks and out of town transplant white people.

lolz, thanks for the paper bag test, /u/GrovelingPeasant

Can you explain about this "paper bag test"? It sounds promising, but I dont know what it is. TIA

My black friend who lives on the South Side of Chicago expressed shock to me the other day that "actual black people believe this?!" when we were talking about BLM lmao.

Like someone who posts on /r/drama has friends

excuse u ill have u know my tulpas like me VERY much

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tulpashame


Also, Black Lives Matter are not the college SJW hipsters. BLM are mostly actual poor black people from shitty neighborhoods where the cops act like an occupying force.

Absolutely delusional statement

Well if a municipality wants to send in a police force to enforce the law within their jurisdiction I don't see who else they would send and I don't understand how they would be considered an occupying force. Would it be better for police to simply quarantine black population centers? That seems pretty fucked up.

If you actually care (spoiler: I know you don't) you could read On The Run for a perspective on how the police continually hassle and harass petty criminals and innocent people in poor black neighborhoods.

If you live in a rich and/or white area, you will not get stopped and frisked, or pulled over for bullshit. The rich kids I grew up with had plenty of drugs, though.

If you want to have a perspective on things that don't involve being a brainwashed retard (spolier: I know you don't) try living around a bunch of poor white people. It may surprise you that not every cracker out there has it as easy as you do, especially when it comes to dealing with cops.

I've lived in some pretty redneck areas of central Florida. The cops rarely came around.

Would you say the crime there was pretty bad?

Reasonably? There was a fair amount of drugs (mostly meth, I assume--I wasn't really involved with those people) and some people would shoot off guns just for shits and giggles, or trying to hunt gators or whatever. I assume that was probably illegal, unless they had a hunting license and were in an area where it was allowed. Other common crimes included just casually dumping shit into lakes and swamps, or leaving all kinds of garbage on public land.

Holy shit, illegal dumping and the cops weren't there nightly harassing those scumbags? Probably bc racism, I c wut u mean nao.

^ Imagine missing the point this badly.

Most of the crime in poor black areas is on the same level as illegal dumping. E.g. selling loose cigarettes. Only instead of ignoring it, the cops will kill you over it.

^ Imagine missing the point this badly.

Most of the crime in poor black areas is on the same level as illegal dumping.

(That's where you're wrong friendo)[http://www.realclearpolicy.com/articles/2017/02/16/race_and_rising_violent_crime.html]

"Most fat people eat greasy food, so therefore most greasy food is eaten by fat people"

/u/yesiamcorrect demonstrates his ~logic~

Lol at you losing an argument this hard. Keep yourself safe bby

(spolier: I know you don't)

Called it! ;)

Just in case I need to spell this out for you because you're literally brain damaged:

Me: Most crime in poor black neighbourhoods is petty nonviolent crime.

You: Nuh-huh, here's a link that shows black people commit more violent crimes.

Me: "Pit bulls are more likely to bite does not mean most bites are from pit bulls"

You: Looks like I winned. I so smart!

You can't say that most crime in black neighborhoods is along the same lines of illegal dumping when statistics say that the most violent urban centers on the us are black neighborhoods. It's obviously way worse than illegal dumping, jesus fucking christ you are literally retarded. I'll bet anything you don't nor have you ever lived in a poor black neighborhood.

You can't say that most crime in black neighborhoods is along the same lines of illegal dumping when statistics say that the most violent urban centers on the us are black neighborhoods.

Jesus, you really are this stupid. I don't know how to make this any simpler for you.

Let's try this:

  • Bears and squirrels both live in the woods.

  • There are a lot more squirrels than bears.

I say, "If you go in the woods, you're more likely to meet a squirrel than a bear."

You say, "No, because statistics show that most bears live in the woods."

Do you get it? Like even a little? A flicker in that dim bulb of yours?

No because your analogy doesn't make any sense. What the fuck does that have to do with police being an occupying force in black neighborhoods? You realize that's what was being discussed right?

Yeah, life is much easier when you don't dress and act like a petty criminal. GOOD POINT.

Bernie Sanders is a bitch.

There's an absurd crossover in general. Almost every commie community you can find online is made up of nearly 100% tumblr SJWs.

Someone called them brocialists so they went back into the big tent retardedness

But socialism is idpol for class instead of race...

For bonus fun, ask a socialist to define a 'worker'.

umm socialists definitely don't want class 'diversity.' IIRC their whole thing is the opposite of that.

Idpol isn't about diversity, which is why my comment didn't include the word at all.

ISIS also have beards. Coincidence? 🤔🤔🤔

Based on my experience of being around socialists I'd say they're less of SJWs than centre-left liberals are, or at the very least subscribe to a different form of it. It's become very apparent in the UK where we have an actual socialist in charge of the Labour Party, and the biggest SJWs in the party are the Blairites who oppose him.

love u bb

ey b0ss fuk u mang

Isn't idpol leftism their entire audiencr?


k thx

Youre right, they also cater to low key white supremacists

yep, by the same logic that posits (((Sanders))) is a low key white racist

Theres nothing low key about Sanders racism.

indeed. "whites don't know what its like to be poor"

Man this (((cosmopolitan))) really hates whites doesn't he

eh, theyve done whole episodes about how they hate it.

amber has said (on another podcast,) when asked, "what is a microaggression?" "its when youre privileged as fuck but you just want to be annoying to people" or something like that. she is a marxist-feminist, which is basically a professional hater of idpol.

All the retards from r/socialism and r/LSC migrated over and ruined the sub.

Amber is the only one of them with balls. Willing to make actual criticisms of people other than the profoundly retarded (which is too often the entire content of the show; a 'here's some idiots we found on twitter'). She's also clearly the smartest. Maybe there's some tokenism, buuuuut, the Amber Show would be a better show than the show.

Ooh, watch out with hot fact, wouldn't want some scary champagne socialists to come in here and 'dunk on you', lmao

Get dunked by CPH u friggin chud

You know a community is filled with faggots when they speak in Undertale references

Wow, what's the reference? Dunking?

Yeah, a boss in that game says it a bunch. I suspect that's where they get it from because these guys are way too white to have learned it from the black community.

GET IT?! DUNKED!! Like basketball! The game with all the ni- I mean col- I mean people of colour. Hahaha basketball. It's a basketball reference! We totally have black fans, right? But also we hate idpol.

Too SJW for CPH, too raunchy for SRS. Just autistic enough for r/drama

I'm ur fav top

You're trying to appropriate gay culture friend? Turn it into a big joke? That's in poor taste, I know you're better than this.

Im really not

One of us gooble gobble

That's a Undertale reference

Hypocrisy? In MY /r/chapotraphouse?

It's more likely than you think.

Wtf is /r/cumtown? Is that where they keep the cumskins to make them easier to purge later?

For the cumtown podcast

it's a cool podcast about having sex with your dad

Basically a mix between The Daily Shoah and Chapo Trap house without the nazi/commie uber-hard circlejerk.

So...it's racist and retarded?


This is what I’ve been missing all my life.

podcast about being gay with your dad

sort of, modern Howard Stern or O+A with perhaps a little less cynicism

they're friends with Chapo and like 1 in 3 chapo jokes is recycled from it, which is a sore spot on r/cth, cuz by r/cth standards they're wellllllll past the point of problematic or w/e

/u/freckles96 how many layers of irony are you on, brah?

Wait Chapo has mods? The few times I went on there I just called everyone retarded

It's funny they realize they are being overtaken by tankies. The reality of any left wing revolution is no matter who starts it if it is successful tankies are the ones who inherit it.

Like when anarchists talk about 3 years in catolonia as proof their world view can work when it was the communists who took over before losing to the fascists themselves.

Chapo loves to be the egdy leftists but if a revolution happened those hosts would be up against the wall so quickly it is not even funny lol.

Like when anarchists talk about 3 years in catolonia as proof their world view can work when it was the communists who took over before losing to the fascists themselves.

Also that lefty paradise in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War quickly disintegrated and returned to being pretty capitalist even before Bacelona fell to the fascists. Orwell explains all this in Homage to Catalonia. How anyone can read that book and come away thinking he describes socialist society as a paradise is beyond me, yet so many people do.

I love how commies act like Orwell was for their disgusting brand of social oppression when he explicitly called out socialists who were driven by a hatred of the rich rather than a care for the poor. Sound familiar?

There's also this quote that sums up the upper class revolutionary wannabes of today: https://www.google.com/search?q=orwell+on+socialism&safe=active&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=vni&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiinOyTw83XAhXGyFQKHdg6AWYQ_AUIESgD&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=ssEBWm7smmlGHM:

He does describe it as pretty bright. What he's trying to convey is the difference between real socialism™ and tankie socialism

They didn't read it.

I was banned for posting a pic of an antifa dude pissing himself. You can't have an "edgy" leftist sub because how fragile they all are.

You'd prob be banned for posting a white nationalist pissing themselves in the donald


that is all!!


MAKE ME!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

It looks like you misplaced your left chin there, buddy. )

Everyone should be banned except for me and I get to post my metal gear opinions in peace.

This guy for mod.

I consider myself a leftist (although I guess I look like a “reactionay” to other reddit leftists). And let me: the Left is fucking Cucked.

Leftist division makes my nipples hard.