'P is for Palestine'. /r/books drop their dreidels and breaks out their yarmulkes.

84  2017-11-21 by TSwizzlesNipples


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Time to burn muzzie books, destroy muzzie stores, torch muzzie mosques and require muzzies to wear identifying crescent moons on their burqas. I am literally shaking with anger at their attempts to make little johnny a jihadi. Jihadicide when!?

Today in based Myanmar

Islam out.

Jihadicide when!?

Myanmar my dudes

Time to burn muzzie books, destroy muzzie stores, torch muzzie mosques and require muzzies to wear identifying crescent moons on their burqas.

Implying Christian Middle Easterners don't hate Israel just as much.

I wonder who could be behind this outrage...

You can't be going around making perfectly reasonable comments on a post like that. We'll lose all our crypto-hate street cred.


They're not even trying to hide it on this one.

I know the JIDF thing is a meme by this point but every time there's a post expressing sympathy for Palestine there's a whole wave of "muh rockets" "muh legal settlements" "muh 2000 land claim" comments, especially in places like /r/worldnews.

JIDF actually is real though. They obviously aren't omnipotent but have an impact on the comment sections of major news sites and r/world news and r/news whenever diverging/something related to the conflict comes up

Yeah, they're absolutely real and they're pretty obvious sometimes.

The Chinese and Russians have a presence as well. There was a guy called pandwarrior or some shit on /r/worldnews that was blatantly pushing China propaganda for a while.

Oh no, the Chinese guys are mostly xposters on r/thegoldenrace, r/easternsunrising, r/hapas, r/aznamerican and a whole lot of other subs I wish didn't know about. They're either FOBs or second generation American/Canadians mostly(The Australian ones are pretty normal for some reason). I've actually never seen a Chinese nationalist who's from China.

in australia the cultural identity is less threatened and less removed just based on proximity id assume

Nah, Aussie's are just racists enough that they never forget they're gooks.

Probably because they have more important things to worry about like abos and drop bears.

See r/sino for a subreddit of just that.

There was that /u/rice_22 or something that was notorious for that shit.

Lol, what the fuck. Nice circlejerk and all, but if you're calling me out you better have something worth my time. Anyways:


Muh corporashuns! /whataboutism

I feel like it's not even worth explaining to someone this stupid that they just did what they're crying about.

I know that the last resort of a loser in a debate is to call them names. Thank you for surrendering this battle of wits, and good day to you.

I'm a different person, retard.

Don't worry about it, I understand you have to outnumber me to have a chance.

I'm part of Shareblue for Sorosbucks, the JIDF for Shekels, the 50 Cent Army for Renminbi, and the Russian web brigades for rubles.

Being a mercenary in the culture wars is profitable. Anyone have a suggestion for a fifth faction so I can become a quintuple agent?

You gotta be on at least one side in the Sunni-Shi'a thing. There has to be a lot of money to be made in that.

Personally I do pro bono work for Albanian nationalism because I'm such a generous guy.

Good suggestion, KSA does have all those lovely petroriyals, but I can't find any evidence of them hiring paid trolls.

Duterte's starting to hire troll troops, and Turkey did an absolute shit job at it with their AK Trolls. Might look into what they offer.

I heard Eritrea was hiring!

Interesting, looks pretty home-grown, might be hard to get an in.

The truth is nobody likes arabs and we want a place to send our jews.

Greetings, fellow goy. I think you’re simply imagining things. Instead of concerning yourself with such matters, who not browse the subreddit r/GoneWild?

Our we allowed to beat the meat to (((Naomi Russell)))?

The fuck?

Give money to Israel.

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"When I say something controversial, people who disagree invade and turn it into a shit show, how can this be"


There actually used to be a thing called "megaphone" that mostly rang the bell on digg and reddit. It's probably the first instance of organized miscommunication in recent memory.

Or maybe people have an issue with kids being taught "I for Intifada" where child suicide bombers blew themselves up.

But hey, fuck being rational.

Or maybe people have problems with "A for Armed Occupation" that kills civilians and builds settlements on their homes that are condemned worldwide.

But hey, fuck being rational.

How about "P for partition plan which the arabs didn't accept?"

Or maybe "P for private jets of Hamas and Fatah leaders while the Palestinian people suffer."

Or "O for 100 million net worth of Abbas"

There will never be peace until the Palestinians have a leader that wants peace. The current leadership is prolonging the conflict so they can stay rich.

(3 years in middle eastern studies)

How about "P for partition plan which the arabs didn't accept?"

Didn't sign a paper in 1948? Prepare for decades of mass murder and imprisonment, goy.

It's the same excuses each time.

Oh really? How about not starting 3 more wars, and not accepting any of the other many peace plans?

Muslims should just submit and be good dhimmis.

There's a small group of dedicated propagandists. You'll see the same usernames saying that crap over and over like /u/rosinthebow and /u/zachoffables. It went down a bit since /u/tayaravaknin deleted his account, though. He was the biggest shitposter.

A is for Arab, that's what we were called Before we made up the Palestinian myth to the world.

B is for Bomb, to blow up some Jews That's how we manage to stay in the news.

C is for Car-rammings, a more recent mission A great way to kill without using ammunition.

D is for Dhimmi, both Christians and Jews Second class citizens in Islamic rules

E is for Everything, from the river to the sea Until we gain it all we'll pretend we're not free

F is for Fatah, our "moderate"side In Arabic we show that in English we lied

G is for Grenade, we don't want to brag But we love them so much they are on the Fatah flag

H is for Hummus, a food we pretend To have invented. (For political ends.)

I is for Incitement, which we learned from our fathers We teach our kids to want to be martyrs

J is for Jesus, who in our opinion Was the first martyr who was Palestinian

K is for Kidnapping, which we try hard to do Because 1000 of our fighters is worth only one Jew.

L is for Love, but not for a wife Because we love death as others love life

M is for massacres, at Munich and Ma'alot And Dalal Mughrabi murdering kids on the Coastal Road

N is for Never, our slogan for years Never agree to peace if we shed enough crocodile tears

O is for Occupation, we complain all the time (but we believe Jews are "settlers" inside the Green Line)

P is for peace, (which we can't pronounce) The PLO Phased Plan to end Israel we never renounced

Q is for Qassam, our rockets are great When they land on Jewish schools - we celebrate

R is for Rocks, to aim at Jews' heads Candy for all if they - or our kids - end up dead

S is for Suicide Bomb, and we're proud to state That this is a field in which we innovate

T is for Tunnels, we spend millions on Our kids dig them up from dusk until dawn

U is for UNRWA, which puts food on our plates And their schools teach us to continue to hate

V is for Victory, even though we always lose But we pretend we won, to fool leftist Jews

W is for What We Want the two state solution to do: One state for the Arabs - and the other one too.

X is for eXactly how much we don't care To reach a peace agreement that leaves Israel there

Y is for Years that we don't have a state We could have had several - but we'd rather hate

Z is for Zero - the chances that we'll Elect a real leader who'll make peace with Israel

Can't wait for the sequel:

R is for Rhodesia

F is for FN FAL, the superior floppy slotter

F is for FN FAL

Maybe that’ll fly for the Wafflepoors, but if we’re going with ineffectual terrorist groups inspired by ridiculous ethno-nationalism, I’m partial to F is for Front de libération du Québec. If we can slip in a section about how Pierre Trudeau personally strangled every dindu-nuffin Québécois he could get his hands on, even better.

Implying the FN FAL isn't the superior weapon for resurrecting Rhodesia


Sir, I said ridiculous ethno-nationalism, not the best hope for “Zimbabwe”.

It's the superior weapon for respecting women

False, the superior weapon for respecting women is a kitted out airsoft M16

I thought chretien was the strangler

Perhaps my indoctrination education by bitter commies has lead me wrong, but it’s my understanding that Jeanie Boy unjustly gets the blame for merely suggesting overkill, but somehow Pierre (who, mind you, went balls deep because he learned his wife was still having unprotected sex with Castro) somehow gets a pass for "Just watch me”, enacting the War Powers Act, and having something like 20 times as many Quebecers arrested as there were FLQ cell members. Quebec nationalism has been pretty silly, but I’ll agree with one thing: Trudeau au poteau.!

😳 In my defense for not getting that, I’m an absolute retard.

I recently discovered that the stranglee is actually the reason that we still have a copy of the Quebec long gun registry. He FOIA'd it but no one could figure out how much info about people he could have so it just sat around in limbo while the rest of the info got scrapped.

More like FN F2000. Israel has the money.

FAL has history though, and it's a real mans rifle. Metal and wood, not some tuperware rifle that rich westerners use


L is for Lebensraum

V is for Fatherland

The mod locking the thread because people are being anti Israel or anti arabs, lul.

Default subs mods can't handle any controversy.

Does r/drama officially support the kebabs or the oven dodgers?

Torch the kebabs.

It's crypto-hate, my good man. Every morning, we have to check the Enigma machine for our orders.

/r/drama supports every one of them who pushes us closer to mayocide.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

The sequel: R is for Reich?

You misspelled Israel.

The time has come. A fact's a fact. It belongs to them. (((Let's))) give it back.

Ramallah is Israel

Is r/books right wing? Is it /ourguy/?

Can imagine what K and Z are

I never understood why the entire Western world gets apoplectic about a proxy war taking place in a country smaller than New Jersey.

Start by reading "Every Spy a Prince".