14  2017-11-21 by wazzupnerds


/u/lovemesometoasts hmmm (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀) sounds familiar don't you think?

Capeshit fans are worse than nazis, antifa, pedos and liberals combined.

Kazaam > Shazam

We DC fanboys are the worst in geek culture, yeah the Marvel fans stick together and back their studio and Kevin Feige. You don’t see those MCU fanboys hating on the studio or Feige when something goes wrong like when Edgar Wright was fired and no director would touch Ant-Man, or when Ava Duvernay tried to burn Feige and Marvel Studios publicly or when Dr Strange sucked ass, those guys stand together and support characters and studio above any name or failed project.

We have made the DCEU toxic, and it’s time we take a hard, long look at ourselves. People and critics hating on the DCEU is not because of anything else but us and our idiotic attitude, bet you'd never see MCU fanboys asking for Feige to quit or shitting over a movie because of a troubled production, none of those fanboys value a director more than the characters like we do with Snyder, thinking he’s bigger than our own characters and studio. Truth is, he had a vision that didn’t connect with audiences nor critics and together with us, toxic fanboys , have soured the GA and critics on anything DC, there had to come WW as an untouchable icon at the right time because of social issues to score a win for us, but other than that, we keep shooting our brand in the foot.

Truth is, the future for the DCEU is not looking too shabby, with Wan on Aquaman, Jenkins ready to tackle a new WW, Sandberg ready to get a fun Shazam film going, an epic director like Reeves handling Batman and Vaughn publicly interested in Superman. We have an AWESOME cast taking care of iconic characters and a talented, proven comic book guy in charge with Geoff Johns.

I'm tired of being toxic, I choose to stay excited for the DCEU, as I mentioned, there’s great reasons for us to be. So fuck the hate, the toxicity and even Snyder, he’s not bigger than DC and he certainly helped dig this hole for us, go DCEU,

I see so much potential in this pasta. Imagine drama vs srd instead of dc vs marvel here.

I thought everyone liked Doctor Strange?

it was fun but moved at a slightly uncomfortable breakneck speed like all marvel movies