I have no idea what's going on, but this scandal is good for bitcoin.

58  2017-11-21 by A6MZer0


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Can anyone who speaks nerd and have waaaaaaaaaay too much free time tl'dr this?

basically r/bitcoin was stealing accounts and using them to downvote shit on their sub and upvote shit on r/btc in an attempt to make it look like r/btc was attacking them

Was there at least money involved? That would make it sounds like some dishonest business tactic instead of pointless dork raging.

I'd assume controlling market info would be profitable.

There is a lot of money involved! Reddit's opinion plays a huge factor in the crypto market. The more popular they get the more it is worth! They were pretty smart at first because with normal subs.... a bot could just attack the post the "interest" doesn't like. Problem is the bitcoin sub knew that their users were more tech savvy and overall possibly a little more informed so they used the "victim" tactic to cover it up a better.

oh shit, a genuine false flag!


The problem is that both factions of the bitcoin split are completely fucking insane, and prone to coming up with conspiracy style ramblings.

This time is interesting though; instead of completely empty accusations from both sides an admin chimed in recently to acknowledge there was actual vote manipulation going on.

So it could be an actual false flag, which would be absolutely hilarious, or it could just be old fashioned vote brigading. The evidence in the linked thread is IMO far from conclusive.

Nah /r/rawb0t is a shill for BitcoinCash - the fake Bitcoin.

They created entire sub /r/btc just to push this scam, and each month they try another way to attack real Bitcoin. They fail each time :) This time it's month of reddit drama.

Wow such Dogecoin

It’s autism, but not the dialect we speak here.

For the past few years, bitcoin has been taken over by a group of people that want to milk it dry. These people control all the communications channels, including rbitcoin, and they basically use propaganda and ban 90% of real users to redirect people to their goals.

The post above is proof of what's been on the tip of millions of people's tongues for the past few years.

Bitcoin has been at the center of a scaling issue (can only handle 3 transactions per sec) for a long time. Anything over that is... queued. To get ahead of the queue, you need to pay an average of 15 USD and wait about 6 hours.

People got fed up and split the code into a second currency called BITCOIN CASH. rbitcoin wasn't too happy that their money milking machine had users that had an alternative, so they participated in the activities mentioned in the linked thread to propaganda that bitcoin cash is satan itself, and bitcoin with 15$ fees and 6h waiting time is the future.

a combined market cap of 154 billion USD.

Good Lord! How much Flooz could I buy with that?

/u/nanoakron spez doesn't care about your fucking meme money, much like the rest of the world.

I just donated 1000 DramaCoins to Bernie. MATCH ME

I have no idea what's going on

Pretty safe to say that's a good thing in this case.

/u/4n4n4 send me some bitcoin and I'll help you disappear into the night with your ill-gotten gains

/u/nanoakron send me bitcoin and I'll tell you where /u/4n4n4 disappeared to with his ill-gotten gains

I'm just here to sell digital pitchforks to everyone for bitcoin.

As is (((tradition)))

No that's not how it works. You post the wallet address then tell us what it needs to get to in order to make them disappear.

Haha, missed this the other day (I think you can guess why). Thanks for the offer, but fortunately they all seem to be under the impression that I'm someone else, so even if they go after him, I'm still in the clear ;)

how funny is it going to be when bitcoin crashes and all these dorks lose everything and cant buy teslas or whatever their meme is

hooray its going up but its still way too volatile to do anything useful with!

So many bagholders unless something big helps adoption of actually using it as a currency.

I made some cash with it. That was useful to me at least.

sure but pretty much everyone gambling large numbers right now is going to lose everything once i reaches a certain point and they cant sell it, or when it crashes and they cant sell it, or when someone scams them over wire transfer

Holy wall of text...