/r/inceltears yet again fails to understand that incels have little natural ability to socialise and posts a picture of a goony beard man. Commenters come to defend incels or to point out that /r/inceltears is basically the feminist version of incels

69  2017-11-21 by aonome


Jews did this


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I dono, Jews seem like pretty alright mayos

What's with "empathy" being the hot new word people use all over the place?

tbf incels don't seem to feel empathy when they should

Neither does anyone in that thread.

Empathy isn't being nice to people you like.

Pshh, everyone knows empathy is just pearl clutching over your pet issues so everyone knows what a good person you are.

It is common for sociopaths to believe that real human behavior is simply a mask other people wear, the same as it is for them.

are all SJWs sociopaths or do you think there are exceptions?

Nobody feels empathy for them, either.

Empathy = "agree with me because it makes me feel better"

It means the people that spend their daily internet time lambasting virgins, the mentally ill or the dispossessed are here to tell you what empathy means to them.

Incels deserved it tho.

Hardly. Even though a lot of them were/are deranged.

There is a severe lack of it in our society, empathy and sympathy used to be considered important virtues and useful tools. Now most people think they're a weakness.

Say more

Bussy can be exchanged for goods and services

Troi is still the hottest empath.

Okay, Sympathy is an invaluable tool, the ability to place yourself mentally in the position of another person allows you to predict their actions, and sway their views, it comes in handy for barter but that's not as important. Empathy is just a handy short cut, it informs you when your being a dick, and if you act like dick you'll be treated like one, so don't want to be treated like a dick, have empathy and it'll be much less likely.

Empathy = "capitulate to my view or I will wrist myself"

Imo incels and tankies are pretty much the same.

  1. Always blame a large macro group for their problems. (Capitalism/Women)

  2. Constantly fantasize about an absurd utopia where their imaginary oppressors (White business men/Women) are destroyed.

  3. Angry all the time about stuff they should be able to fix but can't. ("I'm angry about working part time at starbucks" / "I can't get laid and angry about it")

  4. Routinely partake in online communities where they fantasize about horrible moments in history (Early USSR and gulagin' kulaks / Being in ancient Europe and forcing women into marriage and sex)

  5. Often are filled with losers and outcasts of society with bad hygiene and social skills.

  6. Both make really bad and terrible memes.

  7. Both are normally filled with white males who are delusional about their current life status. ("I'm working class despite living in rich suburbia with my WASP family" / "I'm actually too smart/deep so that's why women don't like me"

Wow so rather than debate the merits of something you go on a personal attack.

I'll say to you what I said to the guy who first said incels to me;

Idk what tankies are but I bet if I look into it, the people who throw that term around are likely just as sad, if not worse, than the group they labeled.

Also, what does our debate about capitalism and communism have anything to do with this thread?

Wow so rather than debate the merits of something you go on a personal attack.

Well, that's because you are a retarded faggot who is just as bad as an incel.

Also, what does our debate about capitalism and communism have anything to do with this thread?

I dunno, you tell me. I just read it in the linked thread, lol.

So much hate. So little brain power.

It's ok to just admit you are the same exact type of person as a normal incel.

Honestly, you got a ton of soul searching to do.

I'd rather he went hunting for an exit bag

Commies don't deserve free speech. Commies deserve hanging.

Like, president trump?

I don't know, faggot, you tell me

Hey, remember that we’re neutral here.

Let’s just gas everyone, everywhere.

Neutral = Gassing commies in one thread, Pointing out Drumpf voters are low IQ rural retards in another

Get with the program faggot

Yeah we're radical centrists here, not just South Park neutral

Fuck off r/neoliberal

Trump is isn't an incel. Women just let him grab them. He's likr a less murderous less attractive JFK.


like trump

trumps not an incel!

Way to prove trump supporters are smart!

What is happening with you right now?

Like this commie isn't an incel

Redistribute the means of reproduction!

Bravo! Boo debate, shame shame shame!

You were posting on a sub that shames incels. While they deserve shaming, don't get your knickers in a twist when you get shamed too.

Itself telling that shame is their emotion you're feeling.

What was the purpose to posting this in a different sub then? Oh ya, to shine a light on something you consider "less than" and gain karma from like minded individuals.

If the person who called me out by name had any other intention they would've responded in that thread.

Y'all mafuckas watch drama, you start it.

1) You're learning!

Y'all mafuckas

2) Mayo confirmed, keep yourself safe.


3) I'm pinging you in a direct reply for double harassment. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Thanks for teaching me a new racist term

LMAO, imagine thinking you can be racist against cumskins in [[[CURRENT YEAR]]]

Did you just get offended because I thanked you?


Don't thank me. Pay me for my emotional labor, Whitey McWhiteface.

Thanks but no thanks

Dude, your a communist so non commie incels are Chads compared to you. There is nothing to debate with communists as history has settled that. Really the only thing to talk about is whether we give you a one way trip via helicopter into the Atlantic or toss you out the back of a c-130

About the only coherent point you made was to threaten death for even speaking about communism in a positive light. How narrow minded of you.

The only good commie is a dead one. You also realize Europe east of Berlin were communist along with china and other smaller nations for 50 years. They also had the ability to compete with the West with resources, large populations, and a military alliance. It failed not because of capitalism but because it's shit. My family lived under communism and you are literally better off living on welfare in the West then being an average citizen under communism. How tell me how that wasn't real communism and that it's never been tried

Read the communist manifesto. Texts can be misconstrued, and that one was horribly.

Strange how your communist utopia ends up as a horrible dictatorship where the elite is rich and the people starve... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

People advocating for communism are no better than people advocating for fascism.

The communist manifesto that describes a world that no longer exists. Where the working class are better off as a result of capitalism and literally never better in communist countries?

The one based on (at the time) untested philosophical ideas? Which have now been tested and result in really bad consequences.

Yeah just imagine if he shipped you off to some Siberian gulag for praising communism!

Strangle yourself, faggot.

descendant of Kulaks

Dude, you are SO badass

Y'all mafuckas

Does your imaginary Black friend know you talk like that on the internet?

Don't downvote the lolcows. This has been a public Service Announcement.

I love all these new terms I'm learning, really gives you an insight into the people they are both describing as well as the people describing them.

Eat shit, cracker.

Throwing an upvote your way for how hilariously retarded your post is.

Karma is affected everywhere else, why.

Imo incels and tankies are pretty much the same.

Have you seen this?

Both are normally filled with white males

Found the solution: mayocide.

Wow so rather than debate the merits of something you go on a personal attack.

I'll say to you what I said to the guy who first said incels to me;

Idk what tankies are but I bet if I look into it, the people who throw that term around are likely just as sad, if not worse, than the group they labeled.

What is their obsession with incels? The sub is banned and is now long gone, once you've seen one incel comment you've seen them all and there are no particularly good lolcows except for EurasianTiger. I think you've got it OP, the users of that sub are the incels.

When /r/incels was banned I saw an incel comment in /r/inceltears that he was suicidal and he felt like on /r/incels at least he had people who understood his pain to talk to and now he feels totally dejected and without hope. How did they respond?

"Fuck off, nobody cares that's what you get when you hang with toxic people"

"Bye Felicia"


That should tell you a lot about the type of people on /r/inceltears.

They aren't secure and successful people, they are the kind of people that kick a man when he is down and that is pathetic.

They spent 100s of hours meticulously combing through that sub that contained vulnerable and fucked up people and many trolls and loons and devoted time and energy to picking apart everything said there and they literally got EUPHORICtm when the place was banned.

And now they have nothing to do, so they are now stalking the new incels.me site. They really need to get some hobbies or something.

And a lot of the people on /r/incelstears even say(These are actual posts and comments made by their users) "Hey I'm a 28 year old virgin and I used to be an angry incel but now I've seen the light and realised my errors, I don't hate women anymore and I totally understand the reason for feminism. I still am depressed and near suicidal and I am still a virigin but at least I am doing the right thing now and support womens causes.."

That tells you everythings. These pathetic zealots don't give a fuck about men even men at the end of the divide between life and death. All they care about is that their virtues are parroted and that the incel who is standing on the chair with a noose around his neck says "Fuck this earth I'm going to die" instead of "fuck this earth, I hate women and I'm going to die".

They're not fixing or helping these incels, all I see in the conversion posts time and time again is guys that admit they are still a total wreck and virgins but now they are brainwashed far in the other direction and are submissive to the feminist agenda.

I think some of the people on inceltears believe he first step out of being an incel is to relax on the hating women part.

lol ya ya!

Sorry to serious post, I just feel like they don't give a fuck.

Because when the people make those posts saying **I'm still suicidal, I'm still a virgin (at 28) but at least I understand womens rights and why feminism is important.

All the replies are "Good on you for changing your ways" "Good, you're not toxic anymore"

Literally nobody says "Dude it's okay, you shouldn't kill yourself blah blah, Focus on looking after yourself it'll be okay"

None of their focus at all is on these peoples welfare, it's all about the agenda, you never see them ever drop it and just focus on saving these vulnerable people from themselves. It's all about superiority and also wanting to have them parrot the message. They don't help them.

They're just kicking men when they are down.

Ok buddy, I legit just want the best for you.

None of these subreddits are going to make you feel better. Incels was just an echo chamber that led to some weird places. Inceltears was literally just a sub bullying people. And Drama bullies pretty much everyone. You don't sound mentally unwell and none of these places are going to make you feel any better. Lots of people suggest therapy, I have found spending some time outside, exercising, and guided meditation to be big ups in my life. xoxo

Homie I'm not an incel myself. I just got pissed off at what I saw these people feel so superior to these guys that are routinely talking about how much they hate themselves and want to kill themselves.

Thank you sincerely for the kind message though. I appreciate the kind words for what they are regardless.

Best wishes to you in your life also, friend. x

You're probably an ok person

respect is earned

r/drama on the other hand tells them to keep themselves safe - better morals.

It has nothing to do with /r/incels - they hate virgins, the men who are dispossessed. They just fucking hate them.

OP, do you really believe inceltears is a version of crying about pussy not falling is your lap for people who believe in equal rights?

Inceltears is actually worse than incels. At least the incels understood the position they had in life, though I don't think they were handling it correctly. You don't realize your station though. You smugly look down on the dregs of society with an air of superiority that only a limpwristed leftist could possibly possess. You feel better about your shitty predicament because you know there is someone out there worse off than you, and you want them to know how much they suck and how great you are for not being one of them.

But you are one of them. You are incelprime.

Seriousposting on /r/drama is just sad.

Fair point

No it's not?!

Reading comprehension is your friend.

It's also a half-truth; there are goony beard men on /r/inceltears, far better than incels but still not normal.

If you spend your time making fun of incels you're probably just a single rung above them on the ladder of failures. I always just felt bad for the dudes.

I reckon it's the bullying food chain. Normal people bully leftists/feminists, and what's left for them to bully? Incels.

What level are we on?



But who bullies the bullies?

I do you fag




It's like a human centipede thing, but big enough to form a closed circuit. The concept of "level" is kind of a category error.

I could never understand their mentality. It's like they actually liked wallowing in their own misery.

Imagine being so far down the self-loathing rabbit hole that the only way you can feel better is to compare yourself to the dregs of society. That's your average /r/IncelTears subscriber.

At least we mock actual people on this shitty sub, sometimes.

What's funny is when they tried to point it out, they were drowned out purely because they're incels.

Seriously, how are they still going? At least before, content was easily available. They're pretty much scavenging at this point.

They got them banned from godaddy and now they want to get them banned from the internet in it's entirety..

That's how they are getting going, they are burning out so becoming more and more obsessive and rabid in their hunt for people to demonise and hate.

"Unnaturally obsessed" is definitely a good description. You should see how euphorictm they are in celebrating getting them banned from reddit and domain name providers.

Do they get that for a decent chunk of the incels, posting on those boards is the only thing keeping them from going on shooting and/or raping sprees?

Like, by antagonizing them, they're obviously just making them more dangerous.

Why aren't they moving on with their lives? Like, they won't accomplish what they want, and, why not attack a far greater threat, like the fucking massive bloc of Nazis trying to radicalize people online.

They're downwright obsessive. They've even gotten the incels banned from godaddy and are now trying to get them banned from the internet in it's entirety.

I'm convinced you are correct, these inceltears people are just using this to feel more secure about themselves as they must have nothing to be proud of and most have pathetic lives.

you're probably just a single step above them on the ladder of failures

Mostly at the same level. Or maybe just an incel in denial. Which is arguably worse.

Where did incels go to anyway?

They've split up into a bunch of splinter subs, they've also created this forum after they were kicked off of their other host.

kicked off of their other host

Jesus christ "After we got incels kicked off godaddy"

These people are really sick. And not the incels. Why are they fucking following them from site to site and still obsessively trying to get them banned?

Doesn't that say something in and of itself.

That people that are suicidal and hate themselves get together to talk and yes that will result in quite disturbing talk but nonetheless they have their camaraderie and support.. And these losers at inceltears are following them from site to site and obsessively trying to get them banned,,

That's pathetic.

I checked /r/inceltears once because I wanted to laugh at incels, but holy shit moral crusaders are even more annoying. At least incels keep to themselves.

defending incels, i dont know what to say

Incels was banned like, 20 days ago, why won't they move the fuck on?