/r/blackladies and a Becky debate whether or not black women are fallible

13  2017-11-22 by LSDawson


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American "white" women are black in every way other than skin colour

Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

-Carl Jung

Maybe it's because we are descended from Basketball Americans thus we still inherently attain some of their attributes and its only exacerbated when living among them?

/u/creepslayer500 you sound pretty tough. Damn.

The message that I am getting here is that your retard gringo shit of saying “I’m 50% Scottish, 40% Irish, 10% German 5% Cherokee princes and 8% Labradoodle” has fucked you all up.

I accurately picked out both jews in that video

so proud of myself goys


Wait, are you really going to come to a sub called blackladies and attack a black woman for behavior displayed to some degree by everyone in a video meant to challenge racial perceptions? And then play dumb about why a black woman might have issues with white people? /u/lokyn

But you're white.

She must like Neanderthals with rhesus monkey blood and k9 and horse hair that's dead and thin. She must like pink dick. She must like for her man to smell like the puppy he is when he get wet. She like rubbing SPF 2million on him before he go out in the sun come on guys don't judge her love for this dissolving sub human come on now that's not right. She took him all the way from the caucus mountains and let him and his family destroy the world from top to bottom. This is love right here. She like dead Asians. That's what Caucasian means. She wants her man pale skinned with melanoma and a calcified pineal gland that believe he is superior because Europeans created Jesus and told him that he come from a pale skinned blonde recessive blue eyed Caucasoid that look like a fag and like little girls and like to murder people throughout his bible. She like her man to look st her as if she's nothing and he's everything while her skin is beautiful her eyes are not recessive and she has the original blood type and hr has monkey and dog blood type. This is love. She let him steal her land. Now him and his Caucasian people have stole all our land and think america is home to them. You can be a native to america Mr and Mrs white people and anybody else that ain't us. You can be born here which makes you natives but you're not from here you're not aboriginal copper colored Americans with kinky hair and penny colored skin that absorbs the sun. Let her love her dog ape man in peace. Praise pale skinned melanoma Caucasian imaginary Jesus aka Caesar Borje or whatever that fag name is. Bitch

That was brutal

As a descendant of a Sicilian with like 3% African ancestors can I consider myself a POC? Where does the one drop rule become no longer valid?

As a descendant of a Sicilian with like 3% African ancestors can I consider myself a POC?

Well, yeah. You guys aren't white anyway.

You lost a war to Ethiopia lmao.

Everyone in that video bothered me. Is that what most people are like now?? (I don't get out much)

Is that what most people are like now?

no, it shows what pieces of shit are like. like the majority at /r/mulattotrannies... I mean /r/blackladies.

the idiocy and narcissism combo comes from always being given what they want (by rich parents or the govmt), and never having to learn anything non-trivial.

/u/creepslayer5000 /u/typhoidgrievous /u/lokyn

It stands to reason that the forensic evidence of superiority would first manifest in cellular DNA, which is the BLUEPRINT of every life form. THOUGHTS initiate at the cellular level. Therefore, it is in the Cellular DNA we look for the SOURCE of a problem or solution.

Given that Black women (XX) are the first conscious life forms to appear on this CARBON planet that travels in 3rd orbit of a BLACK SUN...many, MANY ages ago, how are you able to intellectualize the superiority of white women over Black women? If you're so OBSERVANT, please identify any facts in eternal nature that validates the superiority of white women over Black women.

Can you explain how the Caucasoid female, the mother of the HUMAN APES (Type A/B/AB | Type A=Chimpanzee | Type B=Gorilla) is superior when she was formed through a violent mutation of the mitochondrial DNA sourced within the BIOLOGY of the INDIGENOUS Black woman???

How is a BY-PRODUCT superior to its ORIGINAL??? Only in Caucasian logic.

If there was a catastrophe that wiped out ALL of the world's population, Black OVARY-occupants, original XX Queens of a CARBON Black Universe, would re-appear!!!

The INDIGENOUS Black woman was first to invoke CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE and demonstrate through her own biology/physiology how energy (carbon magnetic waves) forms matter (electrical particles). According to AfRAkan records, Black women were the FIRST high priestesses, physicists, astronomers, scientists, chemists, Ma'athematicians and are responsible for our culture of PURE NATURAL NUMBERS and the technologies we enjoy today!

If you are a lice-prone straight-haired mutant genetic recessive with Type A/B/AB ape-protocol blood and your ancestors were cave dwellers in Asia with alabaster skin, flat buttocks, tails and body fur, you are a SIMIAN! Your greatest grandmother was an APE!

Type A = Chimpanzee Type B = Gorilla

Cellular DNA and blood types don't lie...

As indigenous origins our genes are non-recessive, completely coded and biologically efficient, by default.

Those with permanent gene defections aka recessive DNA are not completely coded and biologically inefficient. This has been documented extensively in medical journals and science periodicals. Gene defections among the HUMANS--the APE BLOODS--is what drives research and development.

Indigenous Blacks are the predecessors of the HUMAN RACE whose members are genetically hybridized with APE PROTOCOL BLOOD CODES A/B/AB (Type A = Chimpanzee | Type B = Gorilla).

Indigenous origins are AUTOCHTHONS whose genetics are non-recessive and PRIME BASE and are the TRUE OWNERS of Type O or Zero blood.

As the genetic parent of red, brown, yellow and white peoples, autochthons are SUPPOSED to be BLACK.

We are NOT derivatives. We are PRIME BASE.

Recessive Caucasoid groups (from Asia) delude themselves by thinking they are THE prototype for conscious life forms. There is no accountability for their criminal pathology through which they espouse WHITE HEGEMONY.

Are you perhaps prescribed a medication that you haven't taken, or have maybe taken too much of

It's VERY peculiar and suspicious that you have a grievance with my post(s), but won't specify which elements are a falsehood and why. Yet...you disclose that you have a blunt--which is of no concern to me nor relevant in this discussion. Your evasive behavior is cowardly. Your reasoning skills are faulty and reeks of fecal matter.

What the actual fuck are you even talking about and when did I even come close to saying I had a blunt

/u/creepslayer5000 /u/typhoidgrievous /u/lokyn

It stands to reason that the forensic evidence of superiority would first manifest in cellular DNA, which is the BLUEPRINT of every life form. THOUGHTS initiate at the cellular level. Therefore, it is in the Cellular DNA we look for the SOURCE of a problem or solution.

Given that Black women (XX) are the first conscious life forms to appear on this CARBON planet that travels in 3rd orbit of a BLACK SUN...many, MANY ages ago, how are you able to intellectualize the superiority of white women over Black women? If you're so OBSERVANT, please identify any facts in eternal nature that validates the superiority of white women over Black women.

Can you explain how the Caucasoid female, the mother of the HUMAN APES (Type A/B/AB | Type A=Chimpanzee | Type B=Gorilla) is superior when she was formed through a violent mutation of the mitochondrial DNA sourced within the BIOLOGY of the INDIGENOUS Black woman???

How is a BY-PRODUCT superior to its ORIGINAL??? Only in Caucasian logic.

If there was a catastrophe that wiped out ALL of the world's population, Black OVARY-occupants, original XX Queens of a CARBON Black Universe, would re-appear!!!

The INDIGENOUS Black woman was first to invoke CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE and demonstrate through her own biology/physiology how energy (carbon magnetic waves) forms matter (electrical particles). According to AfRAkan records, Black women were the FIRST high priestesses, physicists, astronomers, scientists, chemists, Ma'athematicians and are responsible for our culture of PURE NATURAL NUMBERS and the technologies we enjoy today!

If you are a lice-prone straight-haired mutant genetic recessive with Type A/B/AB ape-protocol blood and your ancestors were cave dwellers in Asia with alabaster skin, flat buttocks, tails and body fur, you are a SIMIAN! Your greatest grandmother was an APE!

Type A = Chimpanzee Type B = Gorilla

Cellular DNA and blood types don't lie...

As indigenous origins our genes are non-recessive, completely coded and biologically efficient, by default.

Those with permanent gene defections aka recessive DNA are not completely coded and biologically inefficient. This has been documented extensively in medical journals and science periodicals. Gene defections among the HUMANS--the APE BLOODS--is what drives research and development.

Indigenous Blacks are the predecessors of the HUMAN RACE whose members are genetically hybridized with APE PROTOCOL BLOOD CODES A/B/AB (Type A = Chimpanzee | Type B = Gorilla).

Indigenous origins are AUTOCHTHONS whose genetics are non-recessive and PRIME BASE and are the TRUE OWNERS of Type O or Zero blood.

As the genetic parent of red, brown, yellow and white peoples, autochthons are SUPPOSED to be BLACK.

We are NOT derivatives. We are PRIME BASE.

Recessive Caucasoid groups (from Asia) delude themselves by thinking they are THE prototype for conscious life forms. There is no accountability for their criminal pathology through which they espouse WHITE HEGEMONY.

It is NOT a coincident that BLACKS are nature's representatives. Nature is encoded throughout our entire physiology. If you want to know and understand how the universe functions, we possess the codes within our cells. No other race has them.

Wow, this post has all the scientific rigour of the Electric Sun or Universal Ice Theory, right down to the worlds in all caps.

Lmao, everyone but two in that video are white. If you look white, you're white, it's a skin color.

/u/carioca94 you're right

  1. everyone in that video is white, except for the sassy braphog (who is racist) and the goony twink.

  2. everyone in that video hates white people

the video is a pretty good representation of the "black-identifying" /r/blackladies members, aside from the fact that all the "girls" on that sub have penises.

pro-tip for dealing with folks like that: never apologize. Don't let them bully you :)

;) Was getting tired of collecting all the negative points on Reddit for being rational!

/r/drama is the most rational place on the internet

although they might ban you over there just for commenting here