It's Never Socialism in Phillibabwe

8  2017-11-22 by CultOfCuck


This is why we need mayocide.


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Was this even a socialist country? Isn't it just a mixed market economy?

Zimbabwe's government considers itself Marxist/revolutionary, so yeah, it kind of is. Plus they certainly hate property rights and sound economic policy, so they certainly fit the bill

although after the 1990s self-identified only as a socialist; his policies have been described as Mugabeism.

I like how every time one of these shitheads pop up they come up with a name like this to distance it from actual communism/socialism.




But I guess it's kind of accurate, they all have their own flavor.

Yeah, but it's funny how all those flavors taste exactly like shit no matter what you call them.

I don't think it's ''''true'''' socialism either, tbh; but it certainly has elements.

I've never heard a socialist say, "You know what we need? We need to be more like Zimbabwe".

I'd rather have them say that it wasn't actually socialism rather than going full tankie and saying Mugabe did nothing wrong.

I haven't actually seen Zimbabwe touted as an example of socialism before, in fact, I didn't even know it was supposed to be socialist until I read the linked comment chain.

To me, these arguments about what is and isn't socialism are futile. The point is to look at what socialists actually say. Very few of them say, "Let's have something like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, or Stalinist Russia!". If they do say that then by all means critique them.