Make Daddy head of ESPN and all sport channels already!

0  2017-11-22 by wazzupnerds


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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every day i have to wake up and wrap my head around the fact that our President literally does nothing but shitpost on Twitter about sports and Korea and Killlllllaaaaaarrrryyyyyyyy


That's what Alpha Males and people with HIGH IQ™ do ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

I've been watching TD have a meltdown of follow glorious leader vs save the high speed memes & /pol/ , its glorious every thread is a graveyard of deleted comments.

Links because I'm lazy to go look for it

Not after getting cucked by LaVar "thanks, but no thanks" Ball.

I wonder if he uses some kind of text to speech program for these tweets because he sounds pretty stupid lol.