Anarchists form circle jerk to support fellow anarchist rapist.

65  2017-11-22 by Pissbull69


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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u/wcarterchambers you've been raped twice and assaulted 6 times, do you live in Sweden or South africa

Probably just hangs around too many male feminists.

I was a drug addict for a few years and put myself in many vunerable situations

A few years? So at the minimum since 14? As a self described middle class white kid?

Lmao yeah totally.

Got an adderall prescription at 14, moved on to opioids by 15

Wew lad. The opioids industry really fucked you didn't it?

You know who's responsible for the Great White Death (ie opiod crisis that's killed and ruined the lives of 100s of thousands of mostly white and rural communities)? The (((Sackler Brothers))). Look them up.

So your a worthless leach on society who assaults people, is a faggot junkie, rapist, and you want society to change to your ideal anarchist ideals?

Lol, you first on the wall, faggot.

This is a bad comment and his should feel bad for making it.

your better now right? drugs can be a hard thing to kick.

raping is easier.

Goddamn, that's rough. Hope you pull through and make a nice life for yourself.

If all of this is true, I hope you can move forward and make a nice life for yourself. But where the fuck are your caregivers??

Who do you think was doing the rapes?

Nothing I've said in this thread is untrue, doubt whatever you want

Look at everything he says in that thread. He's your standard lying to look cool teenage "anarchist"

I'm an anfem, I'm genderqueer, not male

What the fuck does any of that even mean.

"It's not really that bad because in my head I'm not actually male" or something.

That's not what I meant at all. It's probably worse than if I was male, because males often grow up in a way that excuses this behavior.

How would you know? You aren't one. Stop genderqueersplainin'.

Were you born with an inny or an outy, that's all that fucking matters.

Bullshit. Get out of /r/anarchism fantasy land, men do not get excused for raping people

I'm not gonna reply in this thread anymore, you guys are intentionally misrepresenting what I'm saying

As long as you don't rape any more people.

Before you go .

Bussy or gussy?

Are traps gay?

r/drama needs to know!

Bussy > gussy

Yes they are and so are you.

I wish I was gay.

Women are so fussy.

We don't allow rapists on our decent family friendly board anyway.


reported for being a rapist

have you turned yourself into the police yet? if you don't, you're just enabling another rapist to escape justice, and putting the world of delicate, defenseless wymynz at risk of further rape!

Not how that works. First off, it wasn't rape, I groped my girlfriend without her consent, which is horrible, but I isn't rape. secondly, she doesn't at all want to press charges. If she did wanna break up with me and press charges I would turn myself in and testify against myself though.

if there were some sort of non-stupid "shakes head" emote here i'd be doing it like 5000 times right now. since there isn't, I'll leave you with this

In domestic abuse cases like this one, the state will prosecute in lieu of the victim, to make sure the abuser cannot influence the decision of the victim. You are probably coercing her without even knowing. I'd advise you to have her go to an victims advocate to make sure that her voice is heard.

I would turn myself in and testify against myself though.

This is commendable- good start. To follow up, I suggest you also do a lot of favours for your girlfriend, like clean her apartment, do her laundry, cook for her, buy her cloths and shoes, etc. Then you should encourage her to go on OKCupid and Tinder to look for a heterosexual man with whom she can explore her sexual desires with. In fact, you should help her write her profiles and take appealing pictures of her so she can post them. You should ask her to tell you about her sexual escapades with these other men and be supportive and compassionate towards her when she does. If you do all of that, then you will be the kind of “man”... she wants you to be.

Are we talking about the same society that doesn't take men seriously when they are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and rape?

You are out of your fucking mind dude. The exact opposite is true, women are not held accountable by pretty much anything.

Why exactly do you think the gender gap in courts is 6 times larger than even the race gap?

Female teachers rape children and it's just called "sex." There are very blatant double standards favoring women when it comes to sexual assault or sexual assault accusations.

interestingly the only examples of female-perpetrated rape that's shown on the news is: hot young teacher and horny teenage boy.

a lot more common type of female-on-male rape: ugly braphog gets hot guy super drunk and humps him while he's blacking out.

Unironically this. Female-on-male rape is way more common than people realize: "a 2014 study of 284 men and boys in college and high school found that 43 percent reported being sexually coerced, with the majority of coercive incidents resulting in unwanted sexual intercourse. Of them, 95 percent reported only female perpetrators."

Feminism is really just an elaborate conspiracy to cover up the fact that women are rapists. If it's rape culture when some rich guy with a massive legal team gets only a couple of years in jail for rape, what do you call it when 99.99% of female rapists are never even tried for their crimes, and when the mainstream media never so much as mentions the fact that female-on-male rape exists? What do you call it when whole academic departments at publicly funded universities are devoted to painting women as the exclusive victims of sexual violence, and denying that it is even possible for women to rape men?

Truth is, it's not so much that male feminists are all rapists, as feminists generally all are rapists.

While there's certainly a libido gap between men and women, this will be somewhat compensated by guys drinking a lot more.

Who just calls it "sex"?

Is your beef they called it sex in the headline? Ok, good point. Here we see a male teacher having sex with a female student being referred to as a "sexual relationship". I dunno why they do that. I don't think it has much to do with people thinking a female teacher can't rape a male student. I mean, the only reason there are headlines is because they are getting arrested, no?

You're agonizing over something no sane person would waste more than a brief thought over. At the absolute most, it's a sign that you should cut back on your alcohol consumption. Problem solved, now get on with whatever it is that you people do for fun.

"I have autism."


Flair checks out.

I am an expert on the subject.

im mentally ill

It's a dude who wants to act like a creep towards women (as seen by his post) and then call anyone who calls them out a bigot

She's a 16 year old white girl from the suburbs who dresses like a guy but likes girls.

/u/wcarterchambers You literally have your whole life ahead of you. Please don't get caught up in marxist/ancom bs at a young age. You'll realize when you're older that these people are not all there.

in the good ol' days we just said dyke

It's shorthand for "If the right people were in charge I would be sent to the camps"

anyone who describes themselves that way i assume has sexually assaulted quite a few people.

"I'm a rapist but I'm not a straight white male so you can't punish me without being a bigot."

I think the OP is having a stroke on xheir keyboard.

Has everyone on /r/anarchism been raped multiple times and tried to kill themselves? The one upmanship in that thread lol.

Something about anarchism attracts the mentally ill, abused and scarred. Who knew?

>they cant even kill themselves right

Smdh no wonder their fathers kicked them out


Rape =/= sexual assault.

This comment is rape.

Sounds like something a rapist would say

This is not a fair representation of the situation

You know what else isn't fair? Rape.

I cannot and should not be in any way supported, but demonizing me like this is not fair. I just ask you read the thread.

Already did, you would call a straight-cis-white-male a literal rapist if he did this, but you are happily excusing yourself and accepting props for coming clean.

Look, were really not interested in male tears about how hard it is to be a rapist.

Do you think someone like Louis CK would be embraced by /r/anarchism if he went there with some sob story about all the emotional trauma he suffered after sexually assaulting those women? Oh, but it's not his fault he assaulted them, after all he used to be a drug addict, and one time someone on the subway brushed up a bit too close to him. Actually he's the real victim here.

Why does /r/anarchism think it's a good idea to coddle female rapists like yourself? For all the whining you guys do about "rape culture" it really is surprising how quick you guys are to celebrate female rapists for their "openness" and "honesty."

Demonizing your for sexuly assaulting someone is not fair..are you fucking kidding me?? You deserve to be removed from society..

Read the situation

Read a book on consent rapist.

You drunkenly groped someone while they were explicitly asking you to stop. That's as clear cut sexual assault as it gets. None of being drunk, assaulting someone you know rather than a stranger, being forgiven by the victim, or identifying as a different gender than your birth sex makes you any less reprehensible. If there was an ounce of integrity behind your shame, you would turn yourself in and face the consequences you believe others deserve for committing sexual assault, instead of flagellating yourself on the internet to ease your conscience.

Don't rape people. It's really easy

I feel bad now. Don't an hero or anything on us

Go join the 40% you wannabe tranny

u/wcarterchambers why are you acting like you still have the right to lecture other people you disgusting fucking rapist?

I'm not a rapist. Im a piece of shit, but not at that level. I am not lecturing anyone.

If you stab people for sexual assault why haven't you stabbed yourself? Hypocrite.

He's a coward and a hypocrite, like all anarchists.

Zero percent chance this person has ever been in a physical altercation, let alone stabbed someone.

"Comrades"? Since when are anarchists also communists? Reddit is such a fucking disaster. Real anarchy is a fucking rape free-for-all. You'd think they'd celebrate rape in that sub.

Anarchy is "I take what I want", these anarchists on reddit don't even understand how busted their bussies would be if we lived in anarchy.

UM, wrong sweetie :)

Anarchy means no hierarchy. Everyone will exist in perfect unison and if someone breaks the rules that means everyone else will agree to punish them in a manner that is agreed to be appropriate :)))

That's anarcho-communism, not traditional anarchy.

either way, it's a joke

Absolutely true.

Wait, everyone?

Anarchists are socialists. So I guess they use similar lingo.

Academic "anarchists"? Pretty sure real world anarchy is more Darwinian chaos than socialism.

Darwinian chaos is more of a libertarian thing, and anarchists hate libertarians.

and the anarchist community cannot be excluded.

Well it can because no one really gives a shit about the anarchism community.

I can't think of a single person where I'd see the headline tomorrow "Prominent anarchist accused of sexual assault."

This man is a violent felon who's stabbed multiple people and raped his own friend.

A truly cold and consciousness criminal that must've stopped:

Some kid got 30 years for making a school shooting joke? Jesus. People who do actual school shootings may have lesser sentences

It was someone I love and someone who loves me, a girlfriend

I got blackout drunk

she said I groped her, she asked me to stop, I didn't and so she left

He got drunk and was being pushy for sex with his girlfriend. I'm sick to my stomach. I think I'm bleeding internally.

Truly; men are capable of greater evil than the monsters we imagine.

I am become Lust, Groper of worlds.

who would they report this too? they are anarchist

It wasn't a typical case. I'm an anfem, I'm genderqueer, not male, and it wasn't violent.

/u/wcarterchambers most rapes and sexual assaults aren't violent. There's not much is is "typical" about sexual assaults in general. Really just a horrible person.

If some log cabin republican man groped his girlfriend (who didn't care afterwards)I without her consent you would all say it was no big deal, and that isn't to say it's no big deal, it is, but if a "tranny" anarchist does the same thing you call them a rapist.

I have stabbed men over sexual assault

We only want you to hold yourself to the same standard you hold others. So put on some papa roach and get the razor out.

While you were busy al franken'ing your girlfriend, did you consider the consequences?

If some log cabin republican man groped his girlfriend (who didn't care afterwards)

Why would a gay republican have a girlfriend in the first place?

I corrected it

"Why are people attacking me for being a rapist when they could be attacking a hypothetical I just made up?"

Follow through and kill yourself.

That kid is full of so much shit in that thread its hilarious.

fuck i want to post this pasta somewhere but i don't see a post in this thread that really calls for it. Fuck it, i'll just quote it here.

One thing that has helped people I care about who wanted to stop drinking was psychedelic mushrooms. You don't black out, you don't lose control, and it actually helps you focus on some of the mental issues that the alcohol is often used to drown and cover up -- thus giving you an opportunity to heal and grow in those areas. Which, for people that resort to self medicating with things like alcohol, that healing is essential if the old destructive patterns of behavior aren't going to make a comeback or be manifested in new self destructive ways.

OK. This is it. This is officially too much mental illness.

I have stabbed men over sexual assault, I've been raped twice and sexually assaulted six times, and still I did this.

Someone needs to work on her/his/its streetsmarts.