Comic creator upset that someone changed her work of shart into work of art

150  2017-11-23 by AIDS_Fairy


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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You know he molests that dog. Y

Hmmm milady, i will defend thy honor

I'm really sorry about that. It is basically a hate sub and the people who moderate it typically are only in place to remove dissenting opinions. Hopefully enough people msg the admins that something is done soon.

Do people honestly confuse us with /r/SubredditDrama or somethin'?

Both of them are fantastic. They managed to rile up all you retards on both spectrums.

It's a good day for the dirtbag center.

Yeah but when it's retards making them it's not indignant of an actual quality.

They served a greater purpose

Lmao it’s real ironic how r/cringeanarchy wants to point out the double standard. Multiple retards in the comments said the edited comic was fine and wasn’t cringe, but when OP linked to the original, and it mentioned white people instead of Muslims, it’s cringe and stupid. Dae double standard?

People who post in that sub will be the first to get the knot when the furrys take over

I mean it’s not cringe because it’s a parody and not serious. The original was cringe because it was serious.

But I imagine those people thought the new one was serious and agreed with it

it’s a parody and not serious

You don't think they believe it?

It is a parody, but the creator is also serious.

you think the retards on /r/cringeanarchy are only being ironically retarded?

Ya except that sub definitely took them both seriously, including the parody.

I don't think you get the point of posts on that sub.

Well, the jerkstore called...

Haven't similar things happened with other webcomics? Haven't the creators realized that making a big deal of edits only leads to the edited versions being spread further?

Man if only there was a name for this phenomenon

Maybe we should ask Barbara Streisand.

It's called the Dion effect.

If I had any artistic skill, I'd do a whole range of them, like when SRS squad was pushing the poison M&M thing.

they are, there's on black people now too!

/pol/ has made a pastime out of turning shitty millennial webcomics into racist ones for example

Is it bad that I unironically liked her comics?

whos mans is this

Streisand effect

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware something is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread the information is increased.

It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California inadvertently drew further public attention to it. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters to suppress numbers, files, and websites.

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With any luck, she'll have the tremendous level of success fighting internet trolls that Ben Garrison has had.

Haven't similar things happened with other webcomics?

Yup. See r/assignedmale. It's an entire sub devoted to parodying a webcomic

Haven't the creators realized that making a big deal of edits only leads to the edited versions being spread further?


It just happened with that Shen guy who draws Owl turd. He freaked out about bring called 'Bike Cuck' and people made dozens of edits.

Happened to Sara scribbles and assigned male comics. It was a beautiful sperg out on all counts

This is an excellent example of why no one likes french people.

Are French Canadians the most easily hateable people on Earth?

They used to be. They were dethroned by Canadian SJWs.

Canadian SJWs don't hate Canadian SJWs, I'm pretty sure French Canadians hate themselves just as much as anyone else.

Canadian SJWs don't hate Canadian SJWs,

Then why do they eat each other given the slightest opportunity?

Does no one remember BLM hijacking the Toronto pride parade?


You mean Canadians.

Are you a Serb? You dirty serb!!!

yes, can confirm, im french canadian

Nah, this one is all yours : she speaks and writes her comics in english, she talks about US-centric issues that no one cares about, her donators are all americans.

Maybe french by birth, but 100% american SJW by heart.


"Stop calling me Islam cuck"

That rear naked choke is terribly applied, too.

Women being competent at anything physical.

Tonight, in Part 9 million of our series of people on the internet being mutually retarded...

Reminds me of KC Green getting hopping mad over this edit, though this one is better because it involves hypocrisy instead of just some internet comic rage.

What was the original?

"I've made a robot that screams constantly."

Are we talking about Marynee "they have to go back" Lahaye ?

Wait what did she say?

That person actually thinks this is something that can be reported to the admins

It seems like the don't understand how Reddit works. She wanted people to report it via report button, but that just sends it to the mods who will ignore it.

She has 3 lawyers, consequences will never be the same!

It's too late. The internet has accepted it as its own now.

What was the original comic? Can't find it

Seems like it's clearly a reference to #NoTallMen

That's hilariously ironic

What's funny is the irony of her comic being about a fantasy where she can shut a whole group of people up, but in reality she can't even shut up a single person stealing her shit.

Wouldn't one of her three lawyers file a DMCA if they had a leg stand on?

I wouldn't doubt they already have, but reddit is actually pretty good when it comes to not letting false DMCAs remove content

Why 3 lawyers lol

2 would be considered a dogwhistle for the amount of genders

That’s fucking creepy that it says “deport”... what the hell is happening on this planet?

Imagine getting upset about the word "deport"

Everything is "creepy" or "gross," it would seem "gross" would for better here, and yet she used "creepy." I think they just flip a coin to decide what to call things they don't like.




Can you even?

Because they can't.

Way to go you dumb bitch now there will be 100 more edits in an hour

It is hypocritical of the author, because there is no reason why her logic shouldn't apply to Muslims. Then again, i'm pretty sure the residents of CA wouldn't be up in arms if their pic was the original, either.

Maybe they should find better ways to tackle problems than make terrible generalisations. The edit demonstrates how shitty that is and the original creator even acknowledges that yet they still have zero self-awareness.