If you parody my work I will report you to the Admins

166  2017-11-23 by wazzupnerds


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Dudes, this asshole edited this comic hard, and without talking to the original creator. It's a total dick move. Report it if you can, she is trying to get it taken down. She's made some statements about it over on @MaryneeLahaye on twitter.

Lol. I hope Mary posts here too.

Why isn't she a mod by now????

We need to figure out how to tag Twitter users.

Well, I always wanted to create a bot...

That would be amazing.

Muh fair use!

/u/a_name_eman_a why are you so concerned about imaginary internet points? do you have nothing else to live for?

Hey retards, you need to go oursideb

You need to kill yourself


It’s thanksgiving so I’m curled up in my room avoiding my family

Hang yoursef

Reported for ableism b.

All anarchy related subs are cancer.

/cringeanarchy is the best "cringe" sub.

It's a super low bar you can stub your toe on tho

/r/cringranarchy is a shit stained playpen for alt-right tards

>he posted on r/drama

Bro if you can't see that we only ironically behave this way to cope with the crushing, horrid reality of a Trump presidency then you should prob just keep yerself safe

Pshhh that doesnt even break the top 10 reasons why i should keep myself safe

Drumpf is le worst president ever ever!!1!

Give me upvotes.

Trump presidency is pretty dope. He'll lower my taxes and his anti-homogay judges will keep that bussy willing to put out on the down low. But most importantly is how absolutely unable ultra-lefties are to keep their shit together. They legit thought Americans were just a few steps off of actually adopting their halfbaked communist nonsense. Like they thought the occupy movement was an actual sign that we were some kind of trajectory to a revolution and that they weren't just being ridiculed for the pot addled ignorable hippies they were. It must suck for them to know that their ideology is not only completely irrelevant to mainstream politics but arguably more toxic than actual Nazism. Like as BTFO as literally possible.

He won't lower your taxes in the least, because you are a NEETsperg faggot and have no income to speak of

Try again fucko, I am a sophisticated crypto currency day trader who will someday be rich.


My point exactly, you are a 'tism-virgin neckbeard dumb enough to fall for crypto scams and Trump. I didn't even need to work at it to get you BTFO

I trade mainly on the trumpcoin/iota pair. Keep up the fud commucuck, I made $20,000 this week off of the ethereum run, keep pretending capitalism exists on a self destructive cycle and that this rise won't last forever,

Oh yeah? My taxes before Trump were USD0 and now they're USD0, that a million percent reduction in just one year!!!

That's part of the charm imo, the comments are a level of cringe themself

that’s being awfully generous

You are probably one the dumbest people alive today. What's that lik?

Do you like to believe everything you read on the internet is fact?

Yeah, I think everyone is aware. It's just the concept of 'anarchy' that breeds it

it was ok two years ago

When bike cuck can take being meme'd easier than you, you really have a problem.




Well that guy just realized that the happiness people got out of editing good work was more than his personal discomfort.


somehow I knew it had to be Owlturdthough i’ve never seen it

he’s Tumblr af but he’s always been a good sport. redrew a Coaxed into a Snafu once

Nah, son. He's had plenty of Reddit meltdowns over people criticizing his work.,

makes sense, he karmawhores on reddit right? i don’t really care about him

> When a Anime Girl has more backbone then you a grown ass man

Do poor online comic writers not put Trackers inside of their bikes?

I thought he made a lot of money.

Someone should post this entire fiasco on /pol/ for maximum lulz.

lol why is that even there

there’s not even a cringe factor, it’s just a political meme. is that that whole sub now?

Person makes edit to comic, author doesn't like it, wants it taken down, made fun of for it.

but why was it posted to a “cringe” sub at the “person makes edit to comic” stage

Half that sub is just screenshots of tweets from some woman/muslim

yeah but at least they’re making fun of something directly that they can pretend is cringey

Because it's basically just a dumping ground for lame /pol/ memes now.

obviously, but at least try to hide it by saving it for the comments

God damn she blocked me on twitter and I was just getting started. This is a near-textbook example of the Streisand effect in action. Also, some of her other recent works have been improved upon lol