[DEVELOPING] Male feminist TooManyChromosomes poster and promising future lolcow /u/Rexplosion has epic meltdown in record time, spergs out to /r/TrollXChromosomes virtue signaling about what a Good Guy (tm) he is.

139  2017-11-24 by DeepDickedHillybilly

Meet /u/Rexsplosion. From his animated gif post in TrollX and behavior in comments, he is prone to violent outbursts. He also self-identifies a male feminist, so he has raped his girlfriend at least once.

In a /r/Drama thread about the TooManyChromosomes whales whining about emotional labor, /u/Rexsplosion is username pinged. The thread is here.

Our spergie friend wastes no time in having an absolute meltdown over the slightest of confrontations, saying:

Take your bullshit and get right the fuck out pushing your twisted agenda on a genuine moment of another's growing as a person.

Another short sentence from /r/Drama's finest continues to set him off:

Man, fuck you thinking you understand my life from one Reddit comment, you have to be the most arrogant fool I've ever had the misfortune to come across.

Not finding the satisfaction and validation he so sorely needs to function as an under-performing numale millenial, /u/Rexsplosion and his 2.5" cock go running back to TooManyChromosomes to post a rage gif and explain to the womynz about how awful we are:

Thread here

As of this posting, this new thread, which is only 20 minutes old, has only 4 comments. It's a sure bet that there will be action from our sperg friend within the next hour or two.

EDIT: Fixed username spelling of our violent lolcow rapist


/u/Rexplosion out of curiosity, which comes first? The raping or the feminism? Like do you become a male feminist as a cover for your rapey tendencies or do you become a rapist after spending too much time talking about rape culture? Like some kind of Stockholm syndrome

They are primed for it. Imagine being a male who sits in a room with some skanky fucks just shitting all over you because you have a penis. Not directly though, because that could be dealt with (although not by them fucking jimmy wanks, no spines you see). Over time, that endless criticism and always "not good enough" will drive any person to extreme ends.

Some of them will be creepy fuckers though, so you have to account for those types as well. They see those broken girls as an easy option, which for the most part is true, but every now and then a little bit of rape happens and the bobbys come in to sort it out.

u/Rexplosion I will donate $50 to the charity of your choice if you can post a photo of yourself in which:

A.) You are not wearing a fedora B.) You are thin C.) You have no beard

If you can prove employment or a girlfriend, I will make it $100.

Check the username spelling ... I messed it up a few times in the post but will fix it now

Hey, I own no fedoras and don't have a beard! Can I have $50? I'm the charity of my choice.

So you're fat? I don't donate to hogs. Post photo or bussy, no $$$ until then.

Well, you can't be ranked 10th in the state in competition bbq and be skinny, but I don't wash myself with a rag and a stick either.

Fair enough. What's your personal adress? I'll send your NEET bucks out Monday.

I only take Soros Bux™.

In that case, you'll need to touch base with u/AnnoysTheGoys. I'm not sure of the exchange rate.

Soros Bux actually decreased with the election of Trump, so its like a 420 (Soros) to 69 (NEET) exchange rate

This is good news for bitcoin!

Bullshit. Which state, idaho?


Here's some pics from the last comp tho.

Damn looks pretty gud. Def not east NC or SC bbq, id go with GA if you pulled the shoulder but you cubed it. Hmmmm

Nope, not GA...that was only my second comp so really wasn't sure how to present the shoulder other than pulled. I wanted to slice the money muscle but it fell apart. :(

Gotta pull it and embrace that vinegar -pepper- brown sugar east NC style. Thats what jesus would do

I went with mustard sauce.

Ok so war it is then.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Ive been bamboozled by lesser Carolina bbq lord help mah

Don't feel bad, I'm ranked 10th in my state.

Tenth in mustard lmao. Ok ok i like em both, but vinegar > all

How can I get my hands on some of that BBQ baby boi?

I'll give my bussy in exchange for that sweet barbeque

I am sexually attracted to you now.

You're gonna make /u/ed_butteredtoast jealous.

Fuck yeah I will 😡

B.) You are thin

Take your bullshit and get right the fuck out pushing your twisted agenda on a genuine moment of another's growing as a person.

bone-in tendies


I swear to god, if I ever get one of these ultimatums, I'd doxx a nine year old in minutes just for that sweet $50 come up.

If you want to doxx a 9 year old, start with u/pizzashill. You can have the $50.

His real name is benjamin hardbunckle the 18th, my paypal is blowme@[email protected]

Admins this is not doxxing I swear

I'm not using italics for sarcasm

Setting impossible tasks for /u/Rexsplosion is a really mean and snarky GIF thing to do to such a fine poster.

/u/deepdickedhillybilly FYI you spelled his username wrong

there's no discourse, it's just where incels cockroaches fled to.

He unironically posts this in the female incels subreddit. Amazing.

Well, technically, /u/pizzashill is an incel.

u/Rexsplosion You post to trollx unironically and cuck to them, we know all about u

Imagine cucking for women too ugly for anything but cats.

Must be easier to rape

Al Franken's MO is pussy-grabbing legit, politically active brittle white feminists. Imagine it.

The flack jacket (((victim))) is a MAGA hat wearing retard.

Good for her.

I was honestly thinking how most of those women seem to be abusive to their partners.

They're stewing over a request by their partner to help find something that's been misplaced, logging these instances in a ongoing mental ledger of debts owed to them, and seeking affirmation from like-minded women of their partner's incompetence.

Like Rainman I'm sure they have a diary of every perceived slight, blown way out of proportion.

"Today my shithead of a BF violently raped me and threw me in the trash because I dared to ask his permission to wash the laundry in a way he didn't like"

u/Rexsplosion? More like u/Sexplosion!

Get it? Because u/Rexplosion is a rapist?

I get it!


Allahu akbar!

that's what the R is for.

get it? since he changed the S to an R

because he's a rapist. which starts with R.

cookin' with gas here, folks.

Remember to leave the gas on when you go to bed for a quick start on tomorrow's breakfast!

/u/Rexsplosion, I'm a woman and just wanted to let you know that if you in any way resembled a man you wouldn't need to pretend to be a feminist to get close enough to steal that pruny, dried out feminist vag.

Wow, he's incredibly pathetic. He's like a left wing /u/deepdickedhillybilly

This guy!

Feminism: not even once.

The dude is probably your brother you faggot.

You are just a male feminist who took the black pill. You aren't any better.

What have I ever said that makes you think I'm a feminist?

Just generally being retarded

We did it r/drama!

I spelt your name wrong

IMO you should delete your own account as penance.

To be fair, that S is redundant in the name

Oh, and how. How DARE I care about how WOMEN feel. These people hate women so much but use mental gymnastics to "insult" you that women don't value you. It's just so stupid.

Because you don't actually care, /u/Rexsplosion, you just want to get pussy. And why are you pushing your way into a woman's space anyways? Fuck off and let them have their space, you fucking creep.

u/Rexsplosion you know they still aren't going to fuck you right?

i dont think they get a say in the matter

That's what many of those metareddit subs do; go and stir shit up, take things you say and twist them so you sound as sexist as they are, and call for backup from each other to vote down comments, ping your name to their sub, and mass report you.

Is it just me, or DAE interpret that as /u/Quixadashani saying 'all men are disgusting pigs and should be castrated at birth'? Whatever you do please make sure not to PM xir spacedicks though what what me old fruit bats.

I found that spergout lacking

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Not even thinly. Drama used to actually have some drama on it even if it was well poisoned bullshit from Pisslords targeting anyone they can't run off the site with blatant harassment. Now, since its dying (dead, really) they're desperately trying to turn it into another SRSsucks/SJsucks/Tumblrinaction/socialjusticeinaction/degenerates etc etc they're basically all the same subs with different levels of how hard the tryhards perform for attention. And to try and pump more blood into the dried out corpse that is their subreddit they rely on harassment through @ing people to try and get them to come in there and start something. Basically another hive of, as I say: Douche signalling. Whoever can edge-douche the hardest has the highest value and definitely never even looked at tumblr. Hallowed be his Steam handle.

So basically u/Aluzky but with cats.

This gem about consent was posted by him. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/5iyoh4/learn_consent_from_bonethan_the_floating_fuck/

u/Rexsplosion why do you harm your cat and why are you ruining the good name of the comic book character Rex Splode?

Holy shit, I just realised his name is tarnishing Rex Splode’s integrity as a character. Rex suicided for honour and sacrifice, /u/Rexsplosion would suicide if a TrollXer told him to do it in a snarky Imgur GIF.

/u/Rexsplosion did they cry when you were raping them?

Yeah they're gross nazis

Everyone you don't like isn't automatically a Nazi, /u/DistortedLines

Do you understand satire?

Oh wow you actually rule

Feel free to smack me right in the bussy

Hahaha, you're retarded.

I post here so that's a given

Hey /u/Rexsplosion - have a Holly-Jolly Christmas!

Happy Holidays to you as well.




/u/Rexsplosion IS A RAPIST

Will you mate with me?

Ugh, filthy rapist

Hey man, when are you going to post bussy?


I want to bring this to SOMEBODY'S attention.

So they have a system set up to create a post tagging you on their hate subreddit and then reply to it to food your inbox with bullshit to try and overwhelm you. Since it's their own sub there's no mod to report it to directly, how do I report this practice in general?


Shit, you beat me to it.

So they have a system set up to create a post tagging you on their hate subreddit and then reply to it to food your inbox with bullshit to try and overwhelm you. Since it's their own sub there's no mod to report it to directly, how do I report this practice in general?


/u/KellyGreen802 They really are just infecting other subs now that r/incles is shut down.

TIL I'm an incel poster.


How many times have you had sex since you became internet famous?


How many feminists have you talked into a sloppy one night stands with you and in their mind now consider it a rape? Be honest, and include your left hand if it helps bolster your numbers.

Game-Take a drink everytime an alt righter says virtue signaling

I’m /u/sexplosion but not a rapist! Just saying.