(((Alex jones))) celebrates thanksgiving.

33  2017-11-25 by Mool13


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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That was painfully depressing. I am now full-blown depressed. Send help.

lol you lost your kids

Fuck you, you self righteous virtue signaling ass hole. Fuckface

Oh cry about it you dork

Michael Scott said "He's divorced, so technically he's not a part of his family either."

Says two people to never look into the matter. Look into Sandy Hook for even 10 minutes and you’ll see it’s bullshit. You people are all living in a deep sleep.

That moment when you realize some people do 10 minutes of research and decide that a documented tragedy never happened. /u/Hanarable what possesses you to think you can spread your poison without being criticized?

You’re making the assumption that I only did 10 minutes of research. Y’simple minded?

It's not an assumption, it's backed up by all the other stupid shit you said. Y'fucking tarded m8?

Unless you're saying you did more than 10 minutes of research and you're still that dumb. I mean either way i'm pretty sure you believe jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Because it can't. Get #woke, don't let the zombie vampire alien ephebiphiles propagandize you into this thinking

Dont you have some parents of dead children to harass?

Lol nobody died silly.

Harass them anyway, just to be safe.

I don’t harass anyone that was an assumption you made. In fact I’d argue that spreading the truth on reddit isn’t harassment at all.

You should spread that bussy for me and ill assume some truth all up in you.

How can you be this fucking dumb?

Plot twist: I’m not and you having never actually researched the subject are ignorant. Mainstream media lies to you about everything.

There is no plot this is real life. And you’re acting smug denying the death of 20 kids

Unironically kill yourself M8

Look into the subject though you fucking dope.

Yeah I have and the evidence overwhelmingly points to a massacre fuckface. I don’t give a fuck what some incel on YouTube thinks about it. If you take Alex Jones literally then you’re probably really fucking stupid M8.

See you’re under the assumption I’m an Ales Jones follower. Wrong. As I said do your research. Alex Jones is only there to make people like myself look wacky. All mainstream media is bullshit dude.

do my own research

What everyone says when they have zero proof to back up their retarded claims. Yawn

What a dumb fuck conclusion that is to leap to. If you ask a professor something and they tell you to look in the textbook is it because they don’t know or they want you to find the answer yourself? Exactly it’s to find the answer yourself. You’re just another stupid cunt of a sheep that’s been brainwashed and indoctrinated.

No different from myself. The only difference is I actually went and did my own research instead of Uncle Tom for a system that couldn’t give a flying fuck about me.

Is this English? Try again sweetie. Nobody believes your retarded conspiracy theory.

You fucking mental midget. All research points to a massacre. Jesus you’re fucking stupid.

Lol shut up fag

Yeah if I sounded like a retard online I’d say that too.

Lol you’re pathetic. Faggot

Was it actually 11?

obviously bitter and barren woman makes fun of guy for losing kids, nice

lol you lost your kids

Shut up retard

Alex Jones is my favourite anime character.

If someone invented a fictional character that perfectly imitated Jones IRL, it would be considered too unrealistic.

Alex is living the life.

He's a kid free, actor and performance artist who trolls the people who hate him by calling them pansy liberals AND trolls the people who love him, by taking all their money while he acts and performs the crazy shit they believe, while not actually believing it himself.

You can literally show COURT DOCUMENTS to his non-ironic fans, showing he's an actor and performance artist and they still believe every batshit insane word he says, and Daddy Trump is one of those fans.

Dude is livin da fucking life. Getting that fuck money

You only have to live with the fact that the entire world apart from your listeners thinks you're a fucking moron.

I love his acting. Hes like the lone gunmen from x files but on steroids and its fucking hilarious to add a Trump presidency to the mix. The best timeline.

Fun fact: the lone gunmen had their own series (one season of it) and the pilot episode was about a remote controlled boeing crushing into the WTC.

You are seriously wrong if you think Alex Jones is an actor. The man is outright crazy, the only "act" was when he claimed he was an actor.

He couldn't even keep it up for one fucking day. Right after he claimed to be an actor they interviewed him and he started talking about how George Soros is spiking the weed and all kinds of crazy shit.

What happened here is his lawyer realized how nuts he was and had him pretend it was an act because that was his only chance of winning, but Alex Jones, being a true crazy, couldn't keep it up.

It even came out he was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder in court.

Sure as shit, Alex Jones is no performance artist.

from my family

They must be just out of frame

he was actually talking about Alex Jones using twitter to virtue signal about a holiday