I heard posting here gets me banned from other subreddits. I just want to see it happen

8  2017-11-25 by DootMasterFlex


If you don't have karma in those subreddits, you won't get the notification.

What subs tho

Good question. I can't speak to that because I'm not sure. There are a bunch of subs that will ban you for x-posting drama to this subreddit though (I've been personally banned from /r/food, /r/NBA and /r/CFB for crossposting drama threads from there)

I don't think that's true unless policy has changed very recently (like in the last few months) because I've gotten banned from subreddits I've never even heard of before and I got messages to that effect.

It has, apparently. I can't post on r/offmychest anymore. I don't know if it's for here or TiA though.

I'm not sure this is one of those subs but try TiA.

Yup, I just banned you from /r/gussy, /r/Huma, and /r/MakeAppBot. I hope it was fucking worth it you Nazi fuck.

Never been banned from a sub for posting in another. Certainly not in this one. Perhaps posting in some subs will get you banned from /r/LateStageCapitalism , but most subs know better than to do that because it brands them as very hostile.