No one would believe me...
39 2017-11-25 by Matues49
He made me do copious amounts of cocaine with him, to the point I thought my heart was gonna stop.
He told me to calm down, gave me a drink, and I don't know what was in the drink but I blacked out. And when I woke up, he had both my legs over his shoulders, and he was numb-sucking my asshole like there was no tomorrow.
I tried to fight it, I tried to get away, but I was restrained. He told me that I liked it, he told me not to worry cause he used 'the good jelly', the smuckas.
So nobody's paid me to, uh, confess this now, and I've kept it under wraps for all these years because I knew no one would believe me.
No one would believe that u/Rexsplosion ate my asshole.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-11-25
You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board
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1 Matues49 2017-11-25
Reported for victim-blaming.
1 IslamicStatePatriot 2017-11-25
I need more details
1 Honk4Tits 2017-11-25
I believe you as i believe all victims, #youtoo
1 scatmunchies 2017-11-25
1 GoblinVapes 2017-11-25
u/Rexsplosion is a rapist!!
Doesn't have the same ring does it?
1 DickingBimbos247 2017-11-25
How come /u/Rexsplosion hasn't apologized his many rapes?
He's been accused by several women of color, their is no doubt he did all the dirty deeds -- only 2% of rape allegations are false.
1 r_juicyasians 2017-11-25
I remember meeting /u/Rexsplosion at a party for the first time. He walked up to me, shook my hand, and introduced himself: "You know, even though niggers are only 13% of the United States population, they account for over 80% of the violent crimes. Nigger chimps are subhuman scum that need to be shipped back to Africa." Then he offered me some coke. I didn't accept it, partly because I didn't have any money, but mostly because he wanted me to use his asshole as a straw.
1 fucknazimodzzz 2017-11-25
/u/rexplosion is the closest thing we have to a cocaine crazy autistic chimpanzee. A rageposting cocaine crazy raping sperggie chimpanzee l.
1 saltytrannyballz 2017-11-25