Students at A&M triggered by Lex Luthor

5  2017-11-25 by masodeq


Woah, someone praising a literal Nazis, I wonder which subreddit you came from.

I didn't realise this sub was invite only. I want whoever is in charge of the invitations fired.

Why do you follow me around this sub sperging out? Why are you so ass-blasted?

Pot, meet Kettle

You post far too much, how the hell am I meant to avoid you?

Like being a nazi is a bad thing. Unlike you, Spencer is a Man; he defends whats right and stands up for whats his, he lets no hurt to him or his people go unanswered.

implying mayos are people

Yes, the champion of wonder bread Americans is a noble beast indeed. He protects us from those scary people that don’t look like us. Thank goodness we have him with his skinny arms, smug face and bad haircut to keep us safe at night.

i can probably beat richerd spender up i think

lmao look at this dirty cracker mayo. He needs a nice melanin QUEEN instead of a some pasty ass whitey

he sounds like a flamboyant homogay