The Magic: The Gathering subreddit is having a SJW meltdown, retard mods wiping hundreds of comments and shrieking about (((white males)))

178  2017-11-25 by LemonScore


Have you posted bussy yet?


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The brigades have arrived. Unfortunately, that means it's time for this thread to lock up.

Edit: Cleaned out a bunch of stuff, banned a bunch of people. We'll try this for a couple more hours. Here are some ground rules:

If you suggest that being brutally harassed is just something people should expect, that they should "grow a thicker skin" or "get used to the real world" or in any way suggest that it's somehow the victim's fault for not living up to your expectations of resilience, you get a permanent ban from /r/magictcg.

If you run off on a "not all Magic players..." tangent, you get a permanent ban from /r/magictcg.

If you decide that not being able to harass people on the internet is a violation of your First Amendment rights and that's the hill you want to get banned on, well, that's the hill you'll get (permanently) banned on.

If you decide to lecture us on how you, as a straight white male, are the real harassment victim here, you get a permanent ban from /r/magictcg.

In short: if you seem to, in any way, shape or form, at the sole determination of the moderator who sees your comments or posts, be supporting harassment, dismissing a victim of harassment for not living up to your idea of what a victim should be, supporting a person who engages in harassment, denying that harassment happens, or just generally being a part of the problem rather than a part of the solution... you'll get a permanent ban from /r/magictcg.

This is the one and only warning that will be given. The banhammer is locked and loaded.

Also, please stop making lots of new threads on this. They're just going to get locked by AutoModerator because it's late at night on a holiday weekend and we're already stretched thin. We can't keep up with a dozen threads all going like this at once.

/uubernostrum, how many times a day do you objectify this cosplayer by wanking to her pictures?

I honestly can't be arsed to read any of this because it's all so fucking longwinded and pretentious, but this is all because some girl said she doesn't want to dress up like cartoons anymore?


1) Nerds get hot and bothered about a cosplayer playing a gambling game that involves destroying trading cards they purchase.

2) Cosplayer gets hot and bothered about standard internet criticism.

3) Other group of male feminist nerds gets hot and bothered and virtue signals about how SILENCE IS COMPLIANCE and how someone really needs to call out those dastardly misogynists poisoning their community, just, um, someone else do that please ): i'm too shy to protect m'lady

Women are as rare as gold in tcg communities

Sweaty neckbeards need stuff to jerk off to so they become sjws whenever women start leaving the communities

whenever women start leaving the communities

That this happens regularly implies that there are some issues in play here.

I phrased that poorly. Whenever a woman would be the better prose I guess?

I play yugioh, not magic, but I would assume that the communities have enough overlap that they'd be similar. Yugioh tournaments tend to be 99% dudes, with very few women entering, and the ones that do tend to only be doing it because their boyfriend is playing.

I'm definitely not against women being involved these games, but they definitely aren't very interested in playing them.



mfw the rubes at KIA think that women are not pretty fucking awfully harassed in this kind of community.

As someone who has been a guy and a girl in these circles I can tell you that the difference is night and fucking day. These sheltered teenagers have literally no idea what the fuck they are talking about.


You realize that you are implying that any reaction to a perceived wrong is reasonable you huge fucking retard?

If someone talks to me when I dont want to be talked to, and I sperg the fuck out and insult and yell and act in a ridiculous way then I will be in the wrong too, even if I was wronged first. There is such a thing as reasonable reactions to being wronged, is our duty to have some resilience and self-control.

If you want to argue that her reaction was reasonable then just say that dude

Honestly I cant expect more from people who obsess with a children card game.

Don't bother, /u/ubernostrum is clearly just trying to get close enough to the girl to rape her, as male feminists usually do

Please, /u/ubernostrum, dont do it man

Imagine power tripping this hard...l0l

If you decide to lecture us on how you, as a straight white male, are the real harassment victim here, you get a permanent ban from /r/magictcg.

What they said up to that point could have applied to either the woman or the dude who got "counter"harrassed, and I was with them.

Oh well.

So, don't disagree with me, or you get banned

Yeah, they are just using the excuse that any dissenting opinion is obviously a brigade from /r/all and banning them.

brutally harassed

This phrase just screams "I need to talk up how much of a victim I am".

/u/pjkenk2 I am white and male please ban me from anywhere appropriate.


This tbh

Where are the normies?

Watching SJWs swarm turbo nerds is like watching a pack of rabid wolves maul a baby deer.

SJWs pick these targets because they know the community will bend over backwards and let the SJWs walk all over them.

Same reason SJWs are constantly going after tech nerds.

LOL, frontin' like you ain't one.

He's gotta get a few (((SJW))) jabs in every now and then to maintain the "south park neutral" facade when he goes on his next Daddy rant.

The fact you think I'm anywhere near an SJW displays that my claim you're a right-wing crazy is perfectly accurate.

I literally mod an anti-SJW sub on my main account and have been modding one for since before Trump was ever elected.

pro tip: SJW doesn't mean "someone that's left-wing and makes fun of me."

The fact you think I'm anywhere near right-wing crazy displays that my claim you're a SJW is perfectly accurate.

I mod an anti-right wing crazy sub on my main account and have been modding one for since before Trump was ever elected.

pro tip: right wing crazy doesn't mean "someone that's right-wing and makes fun of me."

And dismissed.

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was an incel. I've said I don't mess with women anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had borderline personality disorder and it killed any interest I had in relationships.

This is the exact opposite of being an incel.

You're dismissed. So back on the bus with you.

God you're a fucking retard.

a fucking retard

That'd be an improvement over the majority of this subreddit tbh.

I mod an anti-right wing crazy sub

brb, calling the SVP unit for your city.

The fact you think I'm anywhere near SJW displays that my claim you're a right-wing crazy is perfectly accurate.

I mod an anti-SJW sub on my main account and have been modding one for since before Trump was ever elected.

pro tip: SJW doesn't mean "someone that's to the left of Hitler and makes fun of me."

Imagine SRSposting this hard.

You have anything valid to say or?

Do you?

Every single thing I say is valid.

prove it or you're a dumb faggot?

like obviously

You have anything valid to say or?


If you ever find yourself lying in bed, struggling to fall asleep and wondering why you have no friends in life...remember this comment.

Ronald Regan opposed the Russians. He must have been an SJW too.

Are you comparing pizzashill to Regan? WTF

Yeah, pizzashill is a way better actor.

This is true.

He's probably got more in common with him than you do.

Are you having a stroke right now?

What are the symptfefe

Like did you ever see them in the same room? Are your sure the Ronald actually died in 2004?

I hope this is some shit pizza said one time and it's pasta because it's easily the most retarded shit I've ever read.

he opposed actual russians not imaginary internet hacker ones


hating trump doesn’t equal sjw you retard

/u/pizzashill, you're not fooling anyone with your alts.

That's pretty clearly not me.

same irrational emotional logic tbh


There is no other explanation.

You havn't seen the pizzashill I don't hate woman pasta?

Something we can agree on.

rabid wolves with no teeth

I take offense to this wolf analogies being thrown about in this here domicile.

You wouldn't know that if you saw how defensive the nerds get around them.

If you like MTG Headquarters you're even worse than the desolator crybabies.

s like watching a pack of rabid wolves maul a baby deer.


that word doesn't mean what you think it means

People sometimes call animals with rabies "rabid."

Rabies in animals

Rabies is a viral zoonotic neuroinvasive disease which causes inflammation in the brain and is usually fatal. Rabies, caused by the rabies virus, primarily infects mammals. In the laboratory it has been found that birds can be infected, as well as cell cultures from birds, reptiles and insects. Animals with rabies suffer deterioration of the brain and tend to behave bizarrely and often aggressively, increasing the chances that they will bite another animal or a person and transmit the disease.

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I found this interesting despite only a passing interest in MTG and am trying to piece it together, but there's so much circle-jerking and so little chronicling of the actual harassment.

Here's the dude's response video.

A neckbeard to be sure, but I do think there's a solid point to be made about counter-harassment of people that get targeted as misogynists.

From what I can gather, it all starts about a year ago with a cringey facebook comment where he makes a comment about her giving him an erection. She calls him out on twitter, he makes a video defending himself, and it snowballs from there.

I'm still reading into this drama, but I did have a moment of realization when I read this comment chain:

[> My thoughts exactly. I’ve met some of the best people playing this game, but I’ve also met some of the worst; and unfortunately, the worst stick with you a lot more.

That's one of the problems with human nature, one nasty comment can easily have a bigger and longer lasting impact than a hundred compliments.](;sh=e9c5a661&amp;context=2)

The people that get caught up in this seem to disproportionately internalize negativity.

The people that get caught up in this type of drama seem to disproportionately internalize negativity.

that's how it is everywhere and it's hilarious

It's not that way in the circles I run in. I frequent drama specifically because I never see this kind of thing IRL. Most of these people seems to be driven by varying degrees of self-loathing. It's probably not an accident that most participants are neckbeards/legbeards.

it isn't, i was like that in my teens and then i randomly got a sense of humor and learned to take a joke and here we are.

it helps to realize that the world is a giant shitshow that somehow miraculously doesn't blow up each day

Here's the dude's response video.

I clicked on it, saw a shelf with some dolls in the background of an overweight bearded something and then I closed it.

Highlights include him condescendingly telling us how the haters are disconnected from reality and informing us that he's having crockpot Mac & Cheese for dinner to emphasize that he has a life outside of the internet.

Mac & cheese is good tbh.

Yeah, for one day. You don't have leftovers with Mac and cheese, you have trash the best day.

With boxed Mac and cheese maybe.

Croc pot Mac and cheese is the real deal though. Definitely gonna make some bacon Mac tomorrow now that I've read this

Mac's famous Mac & Cheese.

Well I'm your roommate and I've never heard of it until now!

Controversial comment alert.

crockpot Mac & Cheese for dinner to emphasize that he has a life outside of the internet

whoa fucking slow down there party animal


They are talking about it on r/outoftheloop

According to them the cosplay chick played a game of "flip it or rip it" (a game where you blindly rip half the cards in a booster pack) in a video and the magic nerds raged at her. Linked video guy, who already had problems with her, had a field day with "haha dumb bitch getting owned EPIC WEENS" posts till she just said fuck it and left the community.

Now its a community civil war with try hard "real fans" (neck-beards) vs nerds hoping for the female approval (the desperate)

Still have no fucking clue what is going on here.

Mate it's not that difficult. Angry tryhard nerds are fighting with desperate thirsty nerds over some chick. That's all you need to know.

Members of the community trying to gather their pitchforks and get this dude banned.

Apparently the girl harrassed was a really popular cosplayer, however she quit because she played a game called "Flip it or Rip it", which apparently pisses nerds off. Now everyone's mad.

That guy has a history of being an asshole though.

I remember some drama like a year or so ago. Same guy involved.

I think he is also a trump supporter. So meh. He is probably a pos.

I mean, that part of this is immediately obvious, that's not even controversial.

I think he is also a trump supporter


It's a pretty decent litmus test tbh

Mtg headquarters is the biggest mtg snowflake. Check his other videos. "I WAS BANNED FROM WIZARDS" "WIZARDS MOST HATED PLAYERRR??" Very much clickbate and garbage tier mtg content

clickbate and garbage tier mtg content

So perfect for the reddit demo

Because the only solution is for the community to LISTEN, accept what's being said as true, and respond positively. Meaning, be an ally to those that are being harassed, support them, and denounce the harassers.

u/Baron_Boroda are you that confident that you'll never be accused of anything?

That's the confidence of a man who leaves no witnesses.

Or just a tumblrina who think false accusations never happen (or at least not to women).

/u/Baron_Boroda please stop raping, okay?

/u/Baron_Boroda actually raped me one time. I am traumatized. Reparations now!

Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that everyone involved is taking their witches and wizards card game too seriously

Including and especially the fatass neckbeard who was making videos sperging about the cosplayer to begin with.

fat ass-neckbeard

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

I said what I said robot

Good bot

Finally, someone who is better than everyone else weighs in.

The banhammer is locked and loaded.


Other subs should take note of how the degenerate, worthless mod team on r/drama operates.

Rather than ban people, they allow insufferable faggots like u/pizzashill to drive everyone out.

Is Pizzashill being so toxic and problematic that you longer feel safe here?

Yeah, I "longer feel safe here" douche. Every post he comments on devolves into partisan agenda posting. He's even got fanboys like you, which is fucking retarded.

You know there's an easy solution here for you, boy. Go into your father's room, open his drawer and keep yourself safe, son.

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was an incel. I've said I don't mess with women anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had borderline personality disorder and it killed any interest I had in relationships.

This is the exact opposite of being an incel.

This is some dank pasta. Who's the source?


idk what daddy's buttplug collection has to do with this though

You're new here, but you should have seen this place when bothclings was here. The complaining was off the charts, but now everyone is above it all now because pizzashill's a liberal so it's all ok.

> Calls people new

> botchlings

90s kids will remember Noodles, Kalaa, Jewdank, Darqwolff,...

/u/pizzashill is gross and problematic and so gross and so problematic

just block the fucker if he twists your knickers that much. get RES or something

if we have the mods start banning insufferable retards there won't be anybody left

I don't want him banned. People, as usual, are intentionally misreading what I said.

I would be betraying the values of r/drama if I didn't intentionally misread everything you say.

I understood, while I abhor pizzashill his tirades are quite entertaining as a low level lolcow.

nerds need to learn the basics of dealing with SJW fags. a few pointers:

1) never apologize to them. doing so is taken as an admission of guilt, and will only be used against you

2) never ever apologize to them

3) never let them into your group. i get that you want to give someone a 'fair shake' and want to demonstrate how level headed you are by letting in people with whom you disagree, but it will always end badly and your cool little group will end up a dysfunctional, broken mess.

SJWs arent capable of building their own groups, and can only survive by co-opting others. see: git hub, comics and nerd conventions, game companies, this magic card game group, etc ad nauseum

oh, and anyone that enters your group and immediately wants to create a Code of Conduct or something similar: boot them immediately, as theres about a 95% chance theyre an SJW and are going to use the CoC to boost their friends and antagonize the main base

tl;dr: MGTOW


r/mgtowwom *

Holy shit, this post is perfect on so many levels.

Do you think everyone that believes in social justice is one of your caricatures? You must be an absolute bundle of joy to be around.

social justice doesnt exist; theres justice and then theres the bullshit you degenerates push

Do you think everyone that believes in social justice is one of your caricatures?

Do you realize you just caricatured him?

He deserves it tbh

if social justice was just, it would be called justice.

everyone that believes in social justice is one of your caricatures?

that's exactly how it is.

they're all dreadful people who really should find better therapists than the ones they visit already.

Shit, guess I better go dye my hair purple and get involved in shitty liberal idpol.


if social justice was just, it would just be called justice.

Okay cool, we'll just go tell the courts there's no difference between civil justice and criminal justice. Or a difference between alfredo sauce and mininara sauce. It's all just dago shit.

It's all just dago shit.

how did you discover our secret

You must be an absolute bundle of joy to be around.

you must be an insufferable faggot

Do you ever find yourself sitting at your computer without knowing how you got there or what you were doing? Because there's no way someone who says the shit you say could possibly be unaware that they're a parody of a college leftist. I think you may have a split personality. Or a drinking problem.

I didn't realise that leftist shitposting makes me a parody of a college leftist. Learn something new every day.

Or a drinking porblem

Been sober for a month now, so I'm working on that part!

dat post history.

I know, right?

Also why to MtF always have such fucking awful looking hair. Using conditioner is girl 101. Bigger give away than their Adam’s apples.

Stalinist social policy isn't "justice".

nerds need to learn the basics of dealing with SJW fags. a few pointers:

If nerds understood social mindgames, they wouldn't be nerds.

Exploiting people on the spectrum seems too easy.

You forgot the most important:

4) Point and laugh. When these people sperg out, expose it, show to the whole world what's like having your brain fried by propaganda. That's the chemotherapy that is going to save us from faggotry, social alienation by derision.

It's for their own good and you know it.

I mean, you could just not be a giant fucking faggot, and then there won't be any problems.


I'm sure I'll get called a faggot, but I had to quit playing Yu-Gi-Oh! at my old local comic shop because there were a few people there that kept accusing me of sexism for using my harpy lady cards.

How do you defend yourself against that?

Can someone summarize this for me? I don't know anything about incel poker.

this shit wished it was incel poker

I thought we had settled on "space magician uno".

A human female sounded the white knight horn. That's right, not only is she human but an actual female! Or as we say on reddit, "the whole package times a billion".

Watch out for stampedes!

This is why I'm embarrassed to tell people I use Reddit.

Yeah, this guy's comment is fucking stupid.

The banhammer is locked and loaded.

Mixed metaphors REEEEEEEEE

cosplay thots making the entire game about them should be removed

Who'd have thought a bunch of grown men addicted to a child's game of cards would be socially retarded, and painfully so?


Which is a better way to get women in Magic? White knighting on the Internet or showering and getting pants that don't reveal your arsecrack when sitting down?

Just a thought.

One requires money and effort, the other requires typing on the interwebs

being brutally harassed

Still waiting for evidence that "brutal" harassment actually happened.

Anyone? Bueller?

Someone linked a tweet calling her an attention seekers for playing a "game" where you rip in half pieces of cardboard on the off chance you will rip up a 50+ dollar cardboard

Once I came across a Magic TCG club at a private study room at my university. It smelt worse than where the economic majors hang out.

You used a good amount of expensive perfume to do this....You should have used some Air Wick toilet spray to do this...sorry, losing all that perfume was just stupid.

It smelt worse than where the econ majors hang out.


We are all well adjusted people on econ ....

le brigading maymay

White male reeeeeeeeeee

Uh... I'm going to make a safe bet and assume 99.98% of magic players are white males lol.

This is absolutely correct. Public service announcement: Free speech only means the government can't punish you for what you say. It doesn't mean anyone else has to accept bullshit.

/u/NobleCuriosity3 you're confusing free speech with the first amendment. Free speech is a concept that exists outside of the US, you know.

They're still correct, the term applies to being able to speak without government prosecution outside the US too.

the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.

It's a concept that is not limited to governments.

For example, a certain subreddit may choose to respect free speech and not censor any opinions. Just because they don't legally have to do that, doesn't mean it isn't free speech.

Yeah, I was misinformed by xkcd. I've since gotten a few private messages to this effect, but thank you for also clarifying.

I'll make sure to go there and post something subtly offensive at random intervals until I get banned.

"I wanna add and throw on that if you see this Christine, I have loved your cosplay for a long time and always look forward to seeing you at GPs and other magic events. You are an absolute treasure to this community. We have your back through and through, you are a beacon of hope for further acceptance in Magic. I really hope that you feel better, and I can't wait to see the next cosplay you do!"

Looks like someone's getting laid tonight.


I don't really blame the mods, it's unlikely the comments would be civil and they're not used to moderating politics

they're not used to moderating politics

All they do is moderate politics, they've turned the sub into a political one with their leftist bullshit.

All I know about MTG is it's a card game, not what I think of when I think politics personally.

I just got banned from there because I pointed out the wage gap isn't real. What cucks.

/u/bernostrum or another mod banned me from the sub for not breaking any rules whatsoever. He mad an impromptu list on 'new unofficial rules' here after I had already went to sleep for the day. Woke up -- permabanned. Of course I tried asking the mod chat what was up and was muted. Really unprofessional and loose way to run a subreddit.