Raddle.me explodes in drama when someone asks how they will be able to import things under socialism - Ziq (Nowaydaddioh) is quick to tell them that roads and iron are dirty tools of the bourgeoisie

114  2017-11-26 by i_need_iron


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I feel like making a society where everyone has an equal right to the mud huts and dirt roads might not quite be as much of a paradise as they're trying to make it sound.

And that's even ignoring the fact that their community with no capacity for industry or even complex tool-making could be subjugated by a half-dozen people with guns and cars.

Now look. We've heard you. We're looking into the current mud shortage. And at this very moment, the jet is waiting to take me and the other members of the Politburo on a junket to Negril, Waikiki, and Phuket to ensure the continued supply of mud.

There will be no further questions.

Meanwhile, Bartertown is starting to look mighty good. A little less kumbaya, but they do have electricity.

Plus, as it's run by a black woman, a little person, and a retard, it ticks all the diversity boxes.

Where's she getting the solar panels and glass from in her picture, not to mention the modern architectural techniques and building materials?

The Imaginarium, you fool

Bartertown would be a far better place to live than the reality those people would bring.

I feel like making a society where everyone has an equal right to the mud huts and dirt roads might not quite be as much of a paradise as they're trying to make it sound.

Unless you're a primitivist, obviously, as that's they're stated end goal. It's like the only technically possible forms of anarchism, which is why everyone hates it.

be primitivist

see neighbor using a rock to kill an animal

execute him for inventing weapon technology

try to execute him

he beans you with a rock


Why are y'all talking in loser-code?


Kys, please

N'o, u.

Well look at the bright side

Europe was able to colonize the world due to its advanced weapons and transportation system so even if they create this dream utopia someone will show up and make them productive and improve the world at a global level

It's OK, in their version of communism they'll have a hot latte-skinned woman in the foreground smelling a flower - https://i.imgur.com/9XwOuhRr.jpg

As long as that's your thing, and there's lots of greenery to hide the piles of skulls, it's all good.

That illustration was funny because you can still spot shit that needs to be imported, like the solar panels, or the struts and glass for the geodesic domes. That user also claims that they live without technology, yet they post on raddle all day.

Dont forget those huge wind turbines

What are rare earth minerals? Tools of the bourgeoisie?

They seriously underestimate how huge and loud those things are. And how many it would take to power a city.

Also, where is the sewer system in that picture? Under the "road"? Or are some of those streets designated?

It would turn into feudalism in about 2 days.

I like how Nowaydaddioh uses some utopian science fiction pic as his "model" for a better world, then condemns requiring "external forces".

Also his model doesnt allow people who cant use bicycles to be "equal".

I'm sure once we reach our ecological utopia the cripples will just manage to also improve themselves and just walk everywhere. Everyone will need to do their part to improve our world.

Thats true. Smart people will figure something out.

Factories and workplaces perhaps are expired concepts. With respect to roads and house, for sure that the global intellect will be able to solve quite a lot of those problems.

what did he mean by this?

"We don't know how to solve that problem, but we're certain someone else will figure that out once our anarchist utopia has emerged."

I guess unlike 90% of revolutions only the "wrong" types of intellectuals will die

Considering they somehow conclude that a society built around dirt roads and sailboats would somehow invent new, ecologically friendly housing materials, I have to assume that their plans for the "revolution" are similarly well thought-out.

I think they take the ole "Necessity is the mother of invention" a bit too literally

"If we take away all the food, than we will have to find a new way to invent new kinds"

Stalin tried that plan in the Ukraine.

Did not go well.

Can I change my previous answer? 'Cause now I think they got baked and watched a bunch of Gilligan's Island when coming up with their Utopia.

To their credit, we already have housing material that's super ecologically friendly. It's just that it's horrible at everything else, like everything "green". I mean hey, there's nothing stopping them from making a clay hut in the middle of nowhere if they're so very concerned about mother gaia.

If you just kill everyone who wears glasses everything will be fine.

I like how that ziq guy talks about not needing things like roads, factories, imports, exports, art and cultural exchange (books, music, etc) but somehow thinks they will have the internet in their mudhuts. I am also doubting indoor plumbing or a sewage system is high on their list.

The idea of that this utopia's entire history and culture is based on digital data, which a bad weather pattern could remove access to, is rather humorous

Like the guy farther down who says we only need sail boats

Sail boats that use no energy, so woe is you when no wind

Sailboats in utopia are powered by collectivized black rowing teams.

From each according to their ability Jamal. You're strong, I'm weak. You row, I eat.

My favorite is the argument about exchanging culture, like books. The answer was the internet.

Which requires steel.

And many other things gotten solely through "racist" labor.

Don't even get started on transoceanic cables, satellites, and fiberoptics.

I am an anarcho syndicalist/collectivist

I doubt he could explain what this means

They would take turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week. But all the decisions of that officer 'ave to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major....

I'm not sure if that's a serious answer or if you're quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Then you're a dumb fuck.

It means his dad found his pot and now hes mad


Paved roads are an outmoded concept

Jesus Christ these people.

Central Africa is actually the most advanced region of the world



Somalia is the most advanced nation on the planet, a beacon of post-apocalyptic survival!

i want a list of which governments are replacing paved roads with gravel

All the "governments" on that list are counties in rural areas that are switching less used (like 1 car a month) roads to gravel.

Some parts of rural Australia have really nice gravel roads, but they are nice because of an annual maintenance cycle with modern construction vehicles and road crews.

Of course when no-one has a functional vehicle more advanced than a wagon then I guess you don't need roads that are safe for high speed car travel.

That's exactly it. Unless you maintain gravel roads they'll turn into a mess of potholes and washouts.

Even if you fill the potholes with shovels, the rain will still wash the repairs away.

I know from personal experience...

if you fill the potholes with shovels

You should try filling the potholes with gravel or tar instead of shovels.

Exactly the ignorance I'd expect from a dirty capitalist, can't understand the might of a shovel covered pothole.

If everyone drives a DeLorean, you also don’t need roads

The site is a god damn gold mine for drama. Use a VPN for protection tho since I heard it might be run by the feds.

What would they bust you for though?


There is nothing like embracing the eras that most of the world consider their dark ages

The city state eras are some of the lowest regarded eras due to things like sicknesses and famine being able to wipe-out entire societies and warband and raiders being at their most powerful

Anarcho-communism's followers are unmatched in their goalpost moving speed:

We need anarcho-communism because it's disgusting how in our capitalist society people starve while the rich get richer!

Okay, but in a model where the highest unit of governance is an individual commune you would be able to feed a lot less people and those people would go hungry a lot more often.

Well actually anarcho-primitivism is about freedom from your capitalist masters, not roads and fancy buildings and excel spreadsheets and trade and all your capitalist decadence!

Is it really more free if I have to live with my commune the rest of my life, can't have money or trade, have to live as a primitivist? Who is enforcing all of this stuff?

Actually, anarcho primitivism is about saving the earth! You can't save the earth if you use metal, and capitalism uses metal and in anarchist societies we wouldn't use metal!

Actually the 13th and 14th century city states are really interesting 🧐. Some researchers argue that we are actually headed back in that direction.

...And we want that?

I understand it isn't as "dark" as we were previously lead to believe historically, but why would we ever want to go back to a time with no internet and no plumbing?

Who do we ping? I'm confused and upset

I was told "ziq" is named "Nowaydaddioh" and that there is a LONG backstory here? So try /u/nowaydaddioh?

This user has deleted their account

ya this guy has a ton of alts but he's still referred to as nowaydaddioh... he has beef with /u/prince_kropotkin.

PK can you give us a quick rundown?

What are you doing on this 9-day old thread?

oh good question.. I thought it was the new thread... I was snooping on i_need_iron to see if I could confirm who it is.

ziq wrote 20 hours ago


This is my idea of social anarchism. Notice there are no paved roads.

these people are at best mildly retarded. if not severely retarded.

Yes, every nation has the resources to build their own solar panels and wind turbines. And if you need to travel more than 20 miles you can just take the skytram, which travels at a blazing 3 mph.

The sky tram doesn’t run on time btw. Usually 3 hours late

This is my idea of social anarchism. Notice there are no paved roads.

What a coincidence, this is my idea of social anarchism, too.

I like how there's a few solar panels wind turbines just peppered around as if that would produce jackshit for electricity.

Obviously in anarchism they would be more efficient since we would threaten the smarties with execution for being counterrevolutionaries because reasons.

The socialist artist doesn’t know jack about wind turbines. Turbines in a city would make a lot of noise and cause hearing damage to people. Also they could fall over.

Wait, where are you getting hearing damage from? I've been next to a huge one, and the only noise it made was whoosh

And they are COLOSSAL. It takes a lot of time, money, steel, and fuel for just one. Multiply that by 1000 and suddenly your hippy utopia with no paved roads becomes a big hassle.

Don't need much electricity when there's nothing to use it!

Also, how does your poop get removed without plumbing?

Who needs to remove poop when you're dead from cholera?

Socialisms is nature's birth control.

sailboats run for free

I...don't think this person has ever been sailing. You're lucky to be able to sail for 80% of the time

What that picture mostly reminds me, is a "cozy post-apocalypse" scene after the rebuilding has begun but infrastructure is still bad shape, supply chains are shot so there's no fuel or materials and one has to make do with whatever they can come up with, there's low demand for electricity since most devices have been destroyed and not replaced, and everyone is growing their own food because of supply issues.

Also IMO dirt streets in the middle of a city are a terrible idea, since you get dust or mud constantly depending on the weather and they don't last long, cobblestone would be much superior and long-lasting if one wants to eliminate asphalt/bitumen streets. Although I guess unpaved roads kinda fit the OP's vision given that everything else requires labour and a functional production chain...

What about the plastic road concept as oppose to asphalt?

it's an anarchist utopia, why don't they just pave the streets with the cadavers of class traitors?

Cobblebone roads?

Given that part of the road surface always ends up ground into dust which spreads all over, I wouldn't go for that since plastic pollution is already a huge issue all over.

What a beautiful ancap Utopia!

My favorite bit was the ones saying they already do without such things....while posting in an online forum...

I am an anarcho syndicalist/collectivist but I struggle alot with the idea of exports and imports.

The idea is that money is abolished or replaced with labor vouchers.

How is that different from money?

It's not, and many commies/anarcho-autists know that and therefore oppose it.

Less fungible. If I remember correctly the commune would decide how you could use them.

So a given person could decide that a blowjob and a dramatic reading of When We Had Electricity was worth x labor vouchers, which in turn would affect other drama whores' prices or services. Isn't it easier to take already existing money and stamp NOT MONEY on it?

Ah, so like company scrip. Much better.

But it's Company Scrip that the GOVERNMENT (ahem I mean the People) distribute, Comrade.

Supposedly because labor vouchers cannot be circulated like actual currency, but i don't see how you could enforce that since people can turn anything into a currency when times get dire.

Because they don't call it money.

hating roads

Horse shoe theory wins again

Wtf i love ancoms now

How to kill off anarchist-communists: give them the society they asked for. You'll never witness wet noodle arms and tiny wrists biodegrade into worm food faster.

People like this are why we need mayocide



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

god you're annoying

That thread:

"We should all be forced to work for the common good, but people in Africa can only ever been seen as slaves"

This is what destroyed the environment. We can make do without iron just fine, like plenty of cultures did for centuries. 

Yes it was called the bronze age, before we could have sailboats, realistically plow fields, grinding meal, the spinning wheel. And the better quality of life allowed to spent on things like creating written language

But yeah people did live through it

And the life expectancy, hoo boy was it low...

Does this cunt really want to go back to living in mud huts and shit? We don't need iron? These cunts are up there with otherkin in terms of delusion.

paved roads are bad

Okay, you can tell this retard lives in a city, and has never actually had to walk, work, or move a large amount of resources over a dirt road.

That shit is bumpy and full of pot holes. When it rains the rain going to turn muddy and slippery. Your stuff can get stuck, and it slows you down quite a bit.

Paved roads are an absolute necessity for distribution and production arteries. You can not have a modern economy without them.

They don't want a modern economy

The one plus side to their retarded ideology is none of them would live longer than a couple of days under it.