As a lesbian meltdown

15  2017-11-26 by error404brain




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I don't understand how this identity politics shit works. If I'm rich and white, but also gay, why does my """"oppressed"""" social circumstance outweigh the other two?

Of course, being gay and rich won't save you from the mayocide.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

What if I have a black boyfriend?

Then he get gazed for being a race traitor. Why change something that work?

It doesn't. Cis white gays are bad guys now.

While I'm sure that said user is a " lesbian" šŸ˜’, I do have to mention that some lesbians ( and I'm just saying - the ones I know) can appreciate a well dressed, well groomed man or a physique of a professional without being attracted to him.

If there are lesbians in r/drama - agree or disagree?


My sisters in the closet and Iā€™m pretty sure she does šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

appreciate a well dressed, well groomed man or a physique of a professional athlete without being attracted to him

Appreciate how? I can't say I'd even notice these traits on a dude unless I'm tryna size up whether he's a hobo rapist or whatever. None of the other lesbians I know have said anything to make me think they would either.

That's very strange.

I would have assumed that most people can look at someone and say, "Well they're very attractive" without being actually sexually attracted to them.

Either lesbians are more fucked up than I thought or you're just weird.

A lesbian who posts here is just as fucked up as the rest of us, don't be sexist.

Wanting gussy is a mental disease.

Fair point.

This but unironically.

Oh so you mean like, can I tell if someone is obviously good-looking? Yeah, like I can tell if a dude has a symmetrical face or cool hair or whatever if someone asked. I just don't think about it very much. And straight chicks often go for dudes I would think are just dickfuck ugly, so my barometer is pretty clearly off. "Appreciate" implies like... idk, that I'd go out of my way to look at them. Do you go out of your way to stare at strange handsome men you see in passing? Because if so you're probably hearing the siren call of bussy.


Hell, as a guy I certainly appreciate a well dressed, well groomed man. And I love sucking cock too.

u/starlight_chaser you're less of a lesbian than I am and I was born a dude.

"You don't fit my narrative, I will deny your existence!"

"You don't fit my narrative, I will deny your existence!"

Tbf, I would deny your existence even if you fit my narrative. I only support oppressed people that are on my political side.

Would be better off. He is smug and dull.

Lots of policing of her identity in there, quite gross

I thought it was against SRD rules to go through post history. Do you remember when the mods at least pretended to be fighting the stupidity of their userbase?

I got a three day ban. Good job for ruining the drama for me. How am I supposed to enjoy myself if I can't post on a subreddit?

You are literary worse than Hitler.

ayyyyyy lmao

Tbf these three are some A-grade retards. Throw /u/zachums into the mix and you've got a proper dog show

I will not stand idly by while you badmouth /u/snallygaster. She's a blessing to us all.

The SRD mods are big dicked chads who hang out with real people on weekends. Expecting us to do mod shit on our free time, get outta here.

Im still trying to understand the no "flamewar" rules. Like isn't that the whole point of the sub?

99% sure they just ban you if you start win.

/u/starlight_chaser fuck that sub, hang with us!

/u/error404brain, serious question, what pleasure do you get out of policing queer folx bodies and desires? Do you hate queer folx so much that you will only tolerate their existence if they conform to your rigid, homonormative standards?

Maybe you should do some introspection and figure out why you are such a garbage human being.

I mean, yes, I get pleasure out of controlling queer folks bodies and desire, but that's because I am bi.

sounds gay as fuck tbh eww

Nah, not gay. That's even the point of this drama.

checked ur post history and you said this a year ago

I only am attracted to the opposite sex but sometimes I go on SRD and claim to be bisexual to win arguments

what did you mean by that?

That I grew out of my taste and I am now doing so on drama rather than SRD?

/u/starlight_chaser bisexuals are real but they aren't fucking lesbians.

You people are the worst.

You think your experience is vastly different than mine because I've had passing attractions to men but never actually wanted a male partner? You sound high and mighty.

Nah, I sound like an actual lesbian. You sound like a bisexual political lesbian, which is totally fair enough, but let's call a spade a spade. If you're gushing over dudes in /r/ladyboners, you ain't gay.

Oh darling dear, I didn't know you were the poster child for lesbianism. How mistaken I was. I am suddenly not a lesbian, for ahbslldud has decreed it, ahbslldud the wise, and hath set me straight (lol). I shall bow down to you and your purity, for I am not worthy...

lmao this might actually be the worst attempt at being dismissive I've ever seen. You're trying WAY too hard.

You're actually giving me a little bit of sympathetic cringe over here.

Mkay. Like, out of curiosity, why do people like you go on reddit? Do you come for conversation, for news, or for those tasty internet points? I like to come here and let the words flow out, nice and hippy-like. Free flowing and shit. I think it's quite beneficial to just toss out the words, 'cuz even with the cringe, it lets me be desensitized to criticism, and it carries into my regular conversations and interactions with strangers face to face. Like exposure therapy. What can possibly happen? Worst thing is a ban. So many people avoid saying what they want, or focus too much on trying to please others, or keeping up an act, that they don't really get any fun or benefit out of it, out of the wonderful open space that is the internet. Luckily you don't have the right to literally police people's sexuality, because you're so damn bossy and it seems you're just itching to regulate sexuality, like have people take a test or list their history just to allow them to identify as who they are. I just hope you aren't being this bitchy to anyone else out there, especially anyone looking for guidance, like a younger kid or teen. You're not a teacher are you? I'm sympathetic for you too. But I can't rid you of hate nor stop you from gatekeeping.

Wew. Kill yourself pls ty.

GBTLFront II, by Zoe Quinn