Interpol busts human trafficking ring saving 236 children, but one /r/upliftingnews is concerned that this news isn't all that uplifting for the pedophiles that are now going to have to spend more money for their child sex slaves

3  2017-11-26 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Snappy! You know me so well

u/onealbatross you are a disgusting piece of shit

Hopefully your child sex slaves bite off your penis the next time you stick it in them

Imagine falling for this obvious of a troll.

Who says I fell for it? Can't a xir even feed a lolcow these days?

you 8 the b8 m8 and are ir8. I’d r8 the b8 as 8/8

No h8 str8 appreci8 now go masturb8

That coal isn't going to mine itself.

/u/onealbatross, why did you drop the character so fast? I got a kick out of it, and you had people actually nibbling the bait. Kind of disappointed you dropped the act so soon.

Kids these days don't know when to double down