/u/pizzashill arrested again

58  2017-11-26 by AnnoysTheGoys


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Donald Trump's motorcade was disrupted on Saturday, Nov. 25, by a driver in a red van who reportedly cut in and made "Obscene gestures and screamed several expletives" at the U.S. president.

Trump criticized former President Barack Obama for spending time playing golf during his time in office, however at his current rate, Trump is on track to triple his predecessor's time spent on the golf course.

Trump's motorcade was also disrupted in August after a vehicle experiencing brake difficulties crashed into a closed-off road that the president's motorcade was traveling on, though a collision was avoided.

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Bad bot. Pls die in a fire.

Eat my ass. Lol

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Fuck you


This is how you end up getting shredded by a minigun

Trump sure spends a lot of time golfing in Florida.


I wonder why Obama was called lazy for golfing, but Trump, golfing more often than Obama isn't lazy.

I can't put my finger on it, wonder why that would be.

Americans wanted Obama to get more things done. Americans want Trump to get as little done as possible.

Yeah, we both know that isn't why.

It is for me

Because they, like all partisan idiots like you, are complete retards. That's why.

Yeah, let's pretend the "lazy black guy" meme wasn't popular in the republican world.

Yeah, let's pretend the "evil white guy" meme wasn't popular in the liberal world.

See how this can just go round and round? It's a shame you're such a brainwashed, useful idiot.

When did I say the "evil white guy" meme doesn't exist?

You tried to claim the reason the GOP launched racially motivated attacks on Obama was because of "partisan zealotry."

No, they're just racists.

When did I say the "racist black guy" meme doesn't exist?

You tried to claim the reason the democrats launched racially motivated attacks on Trump was because of "partisan zealotry."

No, they're just racists.

There were no racially motivated attacks launched on Trump in relation to golf.

Nice try though.

There were no racially motivated attacks launched on Obama in relation to golf.

Nice try though.

u kno it's possible to not like obama or trump or anyone for reasons other than skin color right?

Absolutely, that wasn't the case with Obama, the GOP very blatantly made it racial, first with birtherism.

Absolutely, that wasn't the case with Trump, the DNC very blatantly made it racial, first with nazism.

Or do you think it was just standard partisan zealotry that led to the DNC launching a campaign to claim Trump was a nazi?

Something over 45% of them still currently believe?

Absolutely, that wasn't the case with Trump, the DNC very blatantly made it racial, first with nazism.

Or do you think it was just standard partisan zealotry that led to the DNC launching a campaign to claim Trump was a nazi?

Something over 45% of them still currently believe?

If Obama's family hadn't been from Kenya, they wouldn't have made that claim - it's a nationalist sentiment (just like the principle that a president needs to have been born in the US), not a racial one.

Lmao, you are out of your fucking mind if you think that birther fiasco wasn't racial, the chair of the republican party even admitted it.

Some of it is, I'm sure - you certainly do understand that racists trying to delegitimize Obama, would jump on any opportunity that presented itself to them right? And that if they had to make something up, it wouldn't necessarily be something that would look explicitly racist to the outside, for PR reasons?

The birther thing isn't racist the way it's presented - I'm not talking about whatever underlying motivations behind it.

I mean, it was pretty racist the way it was presented. I think your mistake here is assuming the republican base gives a shit about looking racist.

Like the entire thing made no sense, even if Obama HAD been born in Kenya, he would have been a US citizen.

Like the entire thing made no sense, even if Obama HAD been born in Kenya, he would have been a US citizen.

Uh, I thought you had to be born in US to become US president - just a rule that was there.

No, you have to be a natural born US citizen, which means a citizen at time of birth. Obamas mother, being a US citizen, makes him a natural born US citizen, no matter where he was born.


Although the eligibility of native born U.S. citizens has been settled law for more than a century, there have been legitimate legal issues raised concerning those born outside of the country to U.S. citizens. From historical material and case law, it appears that the common understanding of the term “natural born” in England and in the American colonies in the 1700s may have included both the strict common law meaning as born in the territory (jus soli), as well as the statutory laws adopted in England since at least 1350, which included children born abroad to British fathers (jus sanguinis, the law of descent).

The weight of legal and historical authority indicates that the term “natural born” citizen would mean a person who is entitled to U.S. citizenship “by birth” or “at birth,” either by being born “in” the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; by being born abroad to U.S. citizen-parents; or by being born in other situations meeting legal requirements for U.S. citizenship “at birth.” Such term, however, would not include a person who was not a U.S. citizen by birth or at birth, and who was thus born an “alien” required to go through the legal process of “naturalization” to become a U.S. citizen.

Ah, popular misconception then I guess.

If your not preparing to help in the mayocide you can go ahead and gtfo



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

If your not preparing to help in the mayocide you can go ahead and gtfo



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

On the contrary, we all know mulattos are industrious strivers. Barry was kind of a letdown.

Seriousposting? In my llama? GTFO nerds!

You just read an article criticizing Trump for golfing. WTF are you ranting about?

You know I'm very clearly talking about republicans, right?

They're the ones that ran around screeching at Obama over golf, now they seem to have shut up.

Trump himself was involved in the Obama golf attacks:


And the liberals that were quiet when Obama was golfing are screeching now.

Get off your fucking high horse and grow up.


You realize it's different because Trump himself was involved in the golfing attacks, correct?

If Trump had never screeched about golf, he wouldn't be getting attacked now.

One more time: https://usatftw.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/trumpgolf2.jpg?w=1000

If Trump had never screeched about golf, he wouldn't be getting attacked now.

Good thing you're happy to give away the high ground then. Tit for tat always makes people look good.

I don't give a shit if he goes golfing, not even slightly. It's just hilarious watching a guy that attacked Obama 24/7 for golfing just go golfing himself.

I don't give a shit if he goes golfing, not even slightly.

Your 10 comments (soon to be 11) about him golfing says the complete opposite.

I care about the hypocrisy, not the golfing.

I care about golfing.

That's super funny tho cause you guys are lowering yourself to Trump's tone. And that's where you'll lose. He's funny, he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell remember?

Democrats can't joke, the elitism ruins it.

I don't give a shit about winning elections. I hope Trump wins another term, every year he's in office is another year the US loses ground on the international stage and another year closer to rural America actually facing consequences for electing a mentally ill clown.

And that's the only way they'll ever learn.

It's kind of like how you can tell a child to not touch the burner 5 times and they'll still try to touch the burner, but after they've touched it once, they sure as hell won't touch it again.

Hahaha omg it's too funny. Please another one!

I'm an Army vet, graduated summa cum laude from undergrad, graduated law school, passed the bar, am a partner in a large firm. Happily married to a wife that's also successful. Own two homes. Solid group of friends etc.

You're a troll that mods video forums on the internet. I guess you can claim my accomplishments though, because we're both on reddit. Kind of sad that it's always the biggest pieces of shit that have nothing else to cling to than their skin color, or how dank their Wendy Williams game is.

Have fun in your super edgy community.

Being a pushover and immediately forgiving and forgetting your rivals mistakes is a great way to win political races, you're absolutely right. Why hasn't anyone in the history of civilization tried that? Hmm...

Also Trump is golfing 10x more than Obama. It was political grandstanding when it was re: Obama but now Trump is golfing so much it's impacting the ability of the secret service to distribute resources properly.

Not to mention the fact that one can't govern effectively if they golf so damn much. Along with the 1000 other things wrong with trump as president.

This is, verbatim, the same exact argument the retards that whined about Obama golfing would use. Literally the same shit they said.

Every president golfs. Golfing is not a problem. Trump is objectively speaking, golfing far far far more than any other president in modern history. Excessive golfing is the problem.

Switch Trump with Obama and it's still the same shit retards said before.

And let's be honest, if you're someone that's concerned about golfing, you're basically the problem with politics in this country.

Retards that eat up this kind of distraction pablum.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

You're saying Trump is golfing more than anyone in history.

When Obama was president, idiots were saying he golfed more than anyone in history.

Listening to you idiots scream about golf is why I deleted facebook.

My point is that this time it's actually true.

They thought it was true when they said it, too.

But you're super different, right?

Using your logic either everybody is right all the time, or wrong all the time.

Well the facts are different. Lots of people say lots of things all the time, they're not all right or all wrong... the facts of the situation dictate the truthfulness of their speech. And the facts of this situation point to a legitimate concern.

Trump is golfing more than Obama did. Some golf is fine, the amount Trump does it is pretty ridiculous.

To be fair, Trump spending absurd lengths of time on the green is something he’s always done, so it doesn’t really come as a surprise.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand golfing as intimately as President Trump.

I'm very clearly talking about republicans

Only 90s kids will remember this

No one calls Trump mean, nasty names WAAHHH

You are deluded beyond all recognition.

Where, at any point, did I make the argument "nobody" calls Trump "nasty names."

I'm talking about how the GOP screeched at Obama for golfing, Trump himself screeched at Obama for golfing, and now he's just golfing at the highest rate ever.

I call you illiterate all of the time but I think you might actually be illiterate if your strawman is what you think I actually argued.

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was an incel. I've said I don't mess with women anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had borderline personality disorder and it killed any interest I had in relationships.

This is the exact opposite of being an incel.

Right wing tard spamming copy pasta when he has no argument. What's new.

What's new.

Well, you whining about Trump certainly isn't new.

You whining about people attacking Trump isn't new either.

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was an incel. I've said I don't mess with women anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had borderline personality disorder and it killed any interest I had in relationships.

This is the exact opposite of being an incel.

Yes, spam that copy-pasta, that'll erase the fact you lost an argument to me a few weeks ago and decided to become a groupie.

It'll erase the fact you constantly make shit up, too.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Ok, it's pretty clear you don't actually have any valid arguments, and you're just obsessed with me.

So now, just like thotcrusher, I'm going to have to block you. You just don't offer up anything original.

I've been trying to cut back on the number of internet arguments I'm involved with and I'm doing that by blocking the people that argue with me but have no substance. Sadly, you're at the top of that list.


You're trying too hard to make another copypasta, that one isn't going to take off. You have to be less obvious about it.

You whining about people attacking Trump isn't new either.

This sub attacks Trump all the time.

The golfing hypocrisy is due to a combination of partisanship bias and racism.

There, /thread

I wonder why Obama was called lazy for golfing

You're showing your age, boy. Bush 2 was called out for the same thing

Bush 2 was lazy. And bewildered. Which is why he handed over so much shit to his underlings, who then got Halliburton all over the furniture.

why Obama was called lazy for golfing

What is "the same reason you are doing it, right now", Alex.


Trump gets more done golfing than Obama would at as summit. Work smarter not harder. (Not that Obama worked hard)

Obama really let us all down by not building us that wall he promised. Sad!

And he criticized Obama for playing too much golf and now his cheeto ass is on the green 24/7 🤔

The fact that you didn't go with pastashell is super disappointing

Good username.

nice meme

Not as much as Obama! He still leads in rounds of golf a year by a sitting president.

Trump has golfed at 3x the rate Obama did so far.

You seem to be confusing how many times Trump has gone to one of his golf courses vs how many rounds of golf he's played. Obama played a round of golf once every 9 days (nothing bad about that). The only thing I was able to find had Trump at once every 6 days (still not horrible), so that's not even close to "3x the rate", but I was wrong that Trump isn't in the lead on that score.

You seem to just not understand what rate means. It's absurd to compare the total amount of golf played when one was in office for 8 years and one has been in office for 1 year.

This is why you look at the rate, not the total number. Trump is golfing at a much higher rate than Obama did:


Did you not read what you quoted. He visited his golf courses 81 times, nobody has said that he played golf all 81 of those times. Even so, that's still less than twice a week.

Let's not pretend that being somewhere other than the White House means the President is on vacation. It wasn't true with Obama and it isn't true with Trump.

Oh fucking please, don't even try this shit. You know exactly why he's at that golf course, he's been spotted golfing multiple times while claiming he wasn't golfing.

And you're still missing the fucking point dude: I don't care if Trump goes golfing, because as you said, the president is never on vaction. the point is Trump spend years screeching at Obama over golfing, he spent years calling Obama lazy for golfing, and so did the GOP. This wouldn't be a problem if Trump himself wasn't involved in the constant attacks.

UPDATE: I actually know /u/pizzashill in real life, and this really is him. He was arrested and we have not been able to speak with him or find out any information since. He may be in a CIA black site. /u/pizzashill is a POC (half Hawaiian) so if this does not prove to you all that Trump is actually a genocidal white supremacist, then I don't know what will.

Imagine trying this hard to get karma.


“Healthcare doesn’t pass but you try to dismantle it from the inside. Five hundred people get shot in Las Vegas; you’re doing nothing about it. You know, white supremacists have this big march and hurt a bunch of people down in Charlottesville and you call them good people.”

Trump is doing a great job exposing the crazies. The delusion is so thick they can't even see through it.