yasssss queen slayyyyy

29  2017-11-27 by KT-47


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Damn Snappy......that's some serious bars, diss the legbeard, you crazy gangsta rapper.

She should start posting in r/WGTOW

she already does



That was a journey.

I was reading that financial abuse article and it's actually a very good read. Just substitute the words woman and women for person and people. There's info in there that might be able help people who might be unaware of their being in an abusive relationship, for example.

We should really look for lolcows on that sub more often. The hatred they have for men is pretty much the same as the hatred /r/incels had for women. The sub also has a lot of user overlap with /r/GenderCritical, isn't that interesting?

I remember seeing this post there about how /r/MGTOW was full of men complaining about women, while /r/WGTOW was just women focusing on themselves.

First I thought it would be the female version of MGTOW, but the men there are obsessed with women to a ridiculous and pathetic degree.

All I've seen on this sub are women extolling the virtues of abstaining from men, living their own lives and loving their bodies.

You either have to be blind or retarded to think that's actually the case.

Yeah they're a pretty fun group (both wgtow and gc). They're exceptionally easy to roll up too, just like incels.

I think the fine distinction between mgtow and wgtow is that the mgtow seem to hate women, but still want them, while the wgtow hate men and do not want them. admittedly this is like a distinguishment between different types of cancer but it is one that is observable

the fine distinction between mgtow and wgtow is that the mgtow seem to hate women, but still want them, while the wgtow hate men and do not want them

MGTOW's don't want women either, that would be /r/incels (hating women but still wanting them).

The sub also has a lot of user overlap with /r/GenderCritical, isn't that interesting?

I mean, that's pretty much expected. TERFs basically started because transgender women joined some feminist No Boys Allowed clubs, and the extra spicy crazy ones threw a shitfit.

"Reading this while listening to Walpurgis by Black Sabbath"

She's crazy and spooky 👻👻👻

I'm scared by this crazy individual😭😭😭

Men cannot be feminists. Ever.

What if a man believes in the radical idea that women are people too? /u/yishengqingwa666, is that not enough to be a feminist?

women are people too?

Let's not get carried away here.

Men cannot be feminists. Ever.

Men cannot be feminists. Ever.

All right then, I'll keep that in mind.

Try to handle being told "no" for once in your life

Your future job prospects will be telling you that a lot.

lol yawn bye

Resistance only makes me harder.

Sorry about your penis.

Sorry about your equal rights.

No u

Is this a catlady or something?

Not yet, she can't afford one.

I have sued two establishments for sexual harassment and won. I am filing another suit in 2 months against yet another place that ignores hostility towards women in the workplace. Document EVERYTHING, file MEOC complaints and sue.

Why do people keep hiring this person?

That would be a pretty big red flag to me.

Can someone explain to me what yass queen slay even means?

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with being black and gay.

Black people usually say this

Basically "you go girl!!" For tanned americans

I've only ever seen white women and gay guys use "yaaaas"

True its for LARPing white people

Wow, she really hates men. She's like an incel, but female.