Wake Up, Sheeple! r/Drama Mod Alleges Global Conspiracy Involving Pizzagate, a ‘Manufactured Race War,’ a Missing Tabloid Toddler, and Holistic Medicine

63  2017-11-27 by SenatorCoryGardner


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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So he finally went full retard.

/u/xNotch any comment?

Personally I want to know what /u/xNotch thinks about the upcoming mayocide.

Yesterday some girl asked me what my five year goal was. I forgot which half of Notch I am trying to become.

This is old shit, /r/Drama chewed this over before. Seems like he actually believes it.





"And the kicker is that none of this gets reported in the media. People focus on actually proven conspiracy theories like the russia nonsense"


wait, was that the giveaway?

have the past two years of Notch's life just been troll satire?

anyone who still thinks russian hackers "interfered" in the election is a bit retarded sorry


i mean of course you do youll believe anything

also shouldnt you be making sure srd is sufficiently faggy

oh man gottem XD

nobody has to do anything to get you man you just are

double gottem XD

lol youre so bitter and hostile now what happened


Are you calling the United States Intelligence Community a bit retarded?

no i call them liars i call anyone who believes what they say retarded

Notch: Also, Half-Life 3 coming out this year, fucker. Also, p.s. pizzashill gave me a blow job dressed as a sissy princess and now we are secretly having sex every day!! 😲💦

Also, p.s. /u/pizzashill gave me a blow job dressed as a sissy princess and now we are secretly having sex every day!!

🤔 Thought you were a woman.

Please don't disrespect notch like that. He's a beautiful big bear full of love.

Nice editing in of “Notch:” there to make me look stupid. Just how long have you been working for the Podesta Group?!

Please, come into my pizza place. I have a basement to show you, MUAHAHAHHAHAHA!

It has a ping pong table and everything!

People focus on actually proven conspiracy theories like the russia nonsense,”

So is it real or is it nonsense. Pick one /u/xnotch, you fat fucking retard

You know he's trolling, right?

Fuck you.

No thanks.

Wow, that's a first you slut. /u/xoic I'm not sure if you should feel honored or insulted.

At what point is one too rich to shitpost?

It goes in reverse, he got rich, realized his life was still feeling empty and has now devoted his life to shitposting and trolling.

No i mean, at what point do you have so much money that people take you seriously when you say insane shit to fuck with people.

trump is the president and all he does is shitpost so there doesn't appear to be a limit

“I feel more like people are picking one of two sides emotionally in this incredibly insanely huge binary split, much like politics.”

Funny thing is, if people were told the quote is what Obama said the otehr day, they'd go wild but somehow say it's /u/xNotch and they all get knee-jerked into conformity.

If that's not 1984 I dont know what is...

The dude is Swedish, probably the most pragmatic country in the world which makes them centrists par excellence.

Funny thing is, if people were told the quote is what Obama said the other day

When? I'm curious. It must be like 8 years ago, given all that crap like the birther non sense that ended in Trump.

It was a hypothetical.

Swedish, probably the most pragmatic country in the world which makes them centrists par excellence


Wonder when this pragmatic heaven will be inflicted upon the rest of this barbaric gender-unequal world.

There is more than social issues out there, but tell that to ameriburgers.

So is /u/xNotch literally retarded or just pretend G to be one for the "lelz"?

He's probably just taking massive amounts of drugs and shit posting IRL to alleviate his boredom.

August 27, 2017.

What's with the old, and dare I say it, STAGNANT Drama lately?

Have we reached peak drama and it's all downhill from here?



The mods have been bribed with all the bussy in the world from /u/xnotch fat pockets. #Draintheswamp

Rich people smh. Once they stop working their brain deteriorates

/u/xNotch has to be the most pathetic human being alive. Imagine being a billionaire but somehow still being a retarded neckbeard who spends all his time online getting fatter while whining about feminists.

Worst part is this mofo is an incel, I doubt a prostitute would even take half his wealth to fuck his ugly ass.

lol imagine being this jealous

/u/xNotch you lonely buddy?

Told you guys pizzagate was real and all you did was laugh at me. How does it feel to be confirmed that your a wrong idiot? /u/xNotch please ban anyone who denies pizzagate. Also mod me.

Yes daily beast, owned by parent company IAC where Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors whose mother is potentially directly connected to human trafficking, pizza gate, and race wars. Please tell me more!

notch knows whats up

i remember that twitter fag trying to question him lol probably just jealous


Yo man, I know what it's like trying to be woke in LA/Hollywood.

Let me know if you ever want to get coffee and I'll lend my part jew part chad talents so we can pass through the dark places like Wesley Snipes in Blade.

like Wesley Snipes in Blade
