"How a Jewish born, Harvard educated lawyer, from Skokie can POSSIBLY work for Breitbart News, the source of choice for neo-Nazis?" answered

29  2017-11-27 by newcomer_ts


Breitbart walks the line. They're more interested in traditional white identity politics than anything related to Nazism.

But Ben Shapiro, another Jew that worked there, did say they're white nationalists: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/the-frontline-interview-ben-shapiro/


Why what?

They're more interested in traditional white identity politics

Why are they interested in white identity politics? What exactly are you asking here? Or are you asking for proof they're into that?

Why are they interested in white identity politics?


Probably because they're whities themselves.

Because white identity politics wins elections. The rise of the right in European countries and the US is being driven by white identity politics.

Why wouldn't Breitbart want to cash out on this?

Hmmm... username checks out.

Pizzagate is real tho

/u/pizzagate is real.

He's not wrong. It's just kind of redundant because most politics are identity politics - at their core humans are tribal and that's just kind of how it goes.

The really funny thing is that the concept is being tossed about as if it's a dirty word, often by the same people that transparently embrace it. And the modern Breitbart and alt-right are some of the worst offenders.

I mean, it starts getting downright silly...

Identity politics, also called identitarian politics (Not to be confused with Identitarian movement)...

And then

Richard B. Spencer identifies himself as a leading member of the American identitarian movement.

You mean well known white nationalist and Nazi Ben Shapiro?

Ben Shapiro might be an idiot, but he isn't a white nationalist or a Nazi.

Yes but everyone who doesn't like him on the left calls him that so I'm pointing out the Irony of him doing exactly the same thing to someone while be cries about it being done to him.

Everyone on the left, or a select few retards on twitter?

Is there a difference in current year?

You are most definitely an idiot, however. So addicted to seriousposting thats you can't detect a joje.

Or, you know, right-wing crazies and left wing crazies have become so crazy what you said is an actual argument I've seen them make.

Ever heard of poe's law?

Now you're three times the idiot you were a moment ago because you don't even know who the fuck you're replying to.

Uh, if you're responding to my comment, you're automatically taking argument the other person made. You seem to be pretty aggressive for how stupid a person you are.

Fucking wut?

You tried to call me an idiot for assuming that guy made a serious argument. When someone injectsa themselves into an argument like this, it's assumed they're taking one of the postitons. If you attack me, it's ok to assume you were taking the postion of the person I was in an argument with.

Like I said, you're just hilariously aggressive for how dumb you are.

Real talk, were you literally created in a laboratory? There's no way you were raised by a human.

Can you explain in detail what's wrong with my logic in that comment?

Read through my post history with Pizza so you too can experience the day his dad made him fight a kid and everyone clapped when they shook hands instead.

Easily the dumbest thing I've read all month, and I browse /u/gohengrubs2 comment history to laugh

no UR dumb

wait i finally just checked this, is that guy the opposite of Ken M?

its raw, unchecked autism

Or, you could have just said "oops, my bad".

But you're a shut-in who takes this website, and your pretentious opinions, far too seriously.

But you're a shut-in who takes this website, and your pretentious opinions, far too seriously.

This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

I've never seen someone thrive so much on negative attention.

Life becomes great when you give up and stop caring what other people think of you on the internet.

That's what makes your life great? Hearing that makes me feel kind of sad for you, honestly.

Happiness is a choice, my friend.

thrive so much on negative attention.

if you're receiving positive attention on r/Drama, consider suicide

Uh, if you're responding to my comment, you're automatically taking argument the other person made.

Seems like we have a new challenger for "Most Retarded Thing pizzalshill Has Said".

If I argue that cats are blue, someone responds to me and says they're black, and then another person responds to me and attacks me for saying cats are blue, which side of the argument do you assume that person is on?

Wait, stop and think about this seriously (srsly). Do you think the third person is on the side of "cats are black"?

If he attacks me for saying cats are blue, why wouldn't he be on the side of "cats are black."

No one in the history of human existence is dumber than you. You are easily the most retarded fucking person I've ever seen. Full stop.

Can you explain in detail what's wrong with the logic I used?

Okay, here is why you are retarded:

Person A refers to "Ben Garrison is a nazi" meme. You take it seriously. Person B says you're dumb for not getting the meme. You confuse person B with person A. Person B says you're dumb for confuing them with Person A. You then say by person B saying you're dumb for not getting the meme, they are automatically taking the argument of person A.

That doesn't make any sense. If you're in a debate with someone, a third person pointing out a stupid mistake you made doesn't make them be "on the opposite side."

Not only does that not make any fucking sense, but person A wasn't even making an argument.

Except it wasn't a stupid mistake, what that person said wasn't out of line with what both SJWs and right-wing crazies argue. Either way, this is stupid. I disagree with everything you said and it's perfectly valid to assume anyone that injects into an argument is taking at least one side, unless stated otherwise.

Dude, you wrote:

"Or, you know, right-wing crazies and left wing crazies have become so crazy what you said is an actual argument I've seen them make."

Even if you believe this "calling me an idiot means they adopt the other guys arguments" retardedness, you wouldn't use the term "you said those arguments". Not if you've ever interacted with a real human.

Oh I didn't realize I was responding to a different person, I don't read names ever.

I'm just in like 5 arguments at once on multiple accounts and I'm losing track of stuff.

I don't even remember how this argument got this far.

I'm just in like 5 arguments at once on multiple accounts and I'm losing track of stuff.

GAY. Use one account, jew

Cats are African-American, thank you very much

Cats are African-American, thank you very much

Was your mother addicted to some kind of narcotic when she was pregnant with you?

This is a great meltdown you're having!

The fact you think this is some type of "meltdown" is pretty weird.

Cool spergout bro.


Can you explain in detail what's wrong with the logic I used?

I am going to have to assume you do not actually know what the word meme means then. Meme, which was coined by Dawkins, is an idea of cultural transmissions of ideas through catchphrases or reductions to units. That is exactly what you are doing by calling an entire diverse group of people with different beliefs and ideas, as long as the methods and discourse, to totalize or synthesize down social justice advocates down to a negative phrasing.

Now, as far as the first women's remarks, I am a bit torn, I, as a white male, am sympathetic to her argument. You would have to be quite blind to ignore the history of violence that has taken place against subaltern cultures perpetrated by European societies (predominantly white males). I also do not think it is fair to take her literally at her word, but that is my interpretation and speculation. I am familiar with several cultural and film studies authors from the continental philosophy side of things that make similar arguments to hers but, almost entirely, mean it metaphorically. I certainly do not think she should lose her job over this. Is it pretty? No. But liberalism is the end all be all of social right-ness. We don't, and we shouldn't feel the need to always be non-confrontational and democratic about social issues like justice, democracy, and emancipation. Before you attempt to correct me on the use of the word liberal, I am referring to the political ideology, not the Americanized word. Maybe she didn't say it in the best way, but also, just maybe, some of her anger is justified and should be taken sincerely, especially by those of us with the privilege to do so.

Can you explain in detail what's wrong with the logic I used?

/u/pizzashill Neoliberincels against the wall.

Or, you know, right-wing crazies and left wing crazies have become so crazy what you said is an actual argument I've seen them make.

That's the joke.

people are retarded enough about american politics that its largely impossible to tell now

If you're not a white nationalist you're either a shitskin or a retard

Yeah, because everyone knows racist nationalism has worked out historically.

Where do you think racially homogeneous nations came from? Like I said, a shitskin or blind retard

Where do you think racially homogeneous nations came from? Like I said, your either a shitskin or blind retard

Have you just missed the many genocides and extreme wars that came about directly because of racist nationalism?

I do miss it. sniff

Separation is the best defense against genocide. You can't drench the streets in spic blood if the spics aren't in your streets to begin with. Nationalists know this, because they're not historically illiterate retards. People like you think thousands of years of human history can be ignored because it's <current year> and human nature is magically different now

Lmao, I suspect you don't actually understand nationalism. Immigration, for example, is a net gain for the US economy in every way possible.

Immigrants are seriously over-represented in tech as well. I'm not really interested in sandbagging the economy so retard billybob from alabama can feel good about himself.

Africa or some shitty Asian palce?

Well, I am white. And a nationalist.

Uh, he worked for Breitbart, which means he is a Nazi. QED.

wtf does skokie have to do with anything. i was born there and i’m a proud fascist

From what I know, that’s the place where local Jewish dude started Nazi movement of America so it kind of fits that lawyer from Skokie would defend Breitbart News.

i totally forgot about that march lol

so i guess it is kind of normal for nazis to be from skokie? just strange to see my place of birth brought up in that context

Did you not see the acclaimed documentary The Blues Brothers?

nope, seen the car though

holy shit, a precedent

wtf does skokie have to do with anything.

Skokie has the largest Jewish population outside of NYC. It's why the Nazis chose it for their march in the 1970s (a march they only got to hold because the ACLU defended their 1st Amendment rights before the Supreme Court). The march was later spoofed in The Blues Brothers.

Illinois Nazis.

hmmm maybe theyre wrong about the nazis

nah that couldnt be it lets make up some convoluted excuses

There's nothing convoluted here...

tbf i didnt read it