Super retarded little argument about Elon Musk. Will probably keep going. Maybe.

35  2017-11-27 by Standard12


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Elon Musk wins bet, finishing massive battery installation in 100 days

But does his steam shovel become the new furnace?

Quality reference

1930s children's book?

Fits the /r/drama user reading level

My mom used to read it to me outta the Children's Book of Virtue or something. I suppose it's her fault I'm such a functional, upstanding citizen nowadays.


Going against cyber Jesus on Reddit

I know Elon has autism, and I should stand up for those like me, but he's a bit of a cunt.

Tesla exists entirely on government gibs, the stock is overrated as hell, the cars are nice but come on guys the company itself will never be profitable and is generally shit.

Elon started "making" electric semitrucks now when he can't even produce current models on time. In addition to that, instead of focusing on Tesla, he's got like 5 other bullshit projects going right now.

I just don't understand the worship of this man. He got lucky and got rich from paypal, and now he's just hiring and rapidly firing engineers to make shit for him

he's got like 5 other bullshit projects going right now.

But muh Mars expedishun!

Autism in SPACE!

the musical

Tesla exists entirely on government gibs

will never be profitable (doesn't need to be, apparently)

instead of focusing on Tesla, he's got like 5 other much more interesting bullshit projects going right now

now he's just hiring and rapidly firing engineers to make shit for him

i don't understand how any of this is supposed to be a bad thing

"Stimulating the economy" when you're getting government handouts is like plugging a wall outlet into itself and thinking you have unlimited energy

isn't it more like plugging a wall outlet into a public-sector generator and thinking your energy is provided by the government

Just a layman here, but what cutting edge advances in technology weren't government funded? I agree with you about Musk being overrated but government spending and economic simulation are not mutually exclusive

The steam engine. Steelship welding as opposed to riveting. The transistor. The smartphone.

the development of the transistor depended on public germanium diode research from Purdue University, and only existed as a project because of the prior thirty years' continuous support for the development of digital computers by the Department of Defense

tesla is gay af

sure, but all the reasons /u/OnionBits gave are shit

Oh don't hurt my feels

ok I’m sorry

:) <3

Can't produce current models on time is an understatement. The model 3 is wayyyy below production projections and everyone that put down a deposit basically gave Elon a few hundred million in loans, interest free.

he's got like 5 other bullshit projects going right now.

Of which one of them (SpaceX) is actually on the grounds of profitability, and is socially positive. SolarCity depends on the same Government Sector funding, The Boring Company isn't solving Eurotunnel problems let alone city-level flood plain issues, and whatever AI project he has, has been crickets.

Don't get me started on the Hyperloop. It solves a problem already solved by Japan in the 1950s.

Wait I thought he thinks AI is going to murder us

OpenAI is a research organisation. As far as I can tell they aren't really a commercial enterprise. They do good research, though.

They’re pretty good at DOTA too.

It solves a problem already solved by Japan in the 1950s.

No it doesn't, because it doesn't fucking work.

I'm betting 10-1 /u/NorwaySpruce is a socialist or communist and doesn't think that anything other than physical labor is of value.

Oh, and I am just as tired of Elon Musk as the next guy.

I stand by everything I said about his TBM venture. Dude is increasingly looking more like a bloviated PayPal Mafioso and less like the saint he is, and his fanbase ain't helping.


the laborers who assembled Elon’s Battery would probably be digging ditches or something without His direction, so i think He should get the credit here

Why are you capitalizing pronouns referring to Elon Musk?

i'm not a fucking ᴀrab you ᴄuckold

Um, I never said you were.