My love letter to /r/Drama

8  2017-11-28 by OnionBits

Dear /r/Drama,

I am a degenerate wagecuck scraping by at the bottom of the barrel. I work at a pizza place, so I constantly smell like Pizza and women are repulsed by it, even if I only make extra large sausage pizzas all day.

I also deliver pizza, and never once has a naked woman answered the door, kneeled down and sucked me off. In fact most women don't tip because they only make 69% of what men do smh.

I'm also coming off an addiction to DHP, and no matter how much I literally run or take copious amounts of anti depressents I always feel depressed. I recently bought a viking sword to end my life with if that day comes (I will insert the tip of the blade into my bussy and an hero off the top of my apartment complex)

I want to thank you for your degenerate, disgusting behavior because it makes me feel better about my terrible life. It's like watching IASIP, but in text form and is more retarded.

I hope you continue this shit posting, because I require it from both you and /r/4chan to look forward to something for when I end my shift delivering pizzas and not getting blown.

May God bless you and your inbox be filled with nice posting.



Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /r/Drama -,*,*

  3. /r/4chan -,*,*

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This but unironically

I wanted to see him ded :(

Much better, thank you

Great film.

What about this makes her retarded? Literally every girl I've ever encountered will lie like her life depends on it, because it does. To a woman (and starting at a young age already), her social life is her life. That's why girls will accuse a guy of rape, it she fucks, and finds out afterwards her friends don't approve. It is suicide to admit fucking a guy that is unacceptable to her friends. And nothing gets the sympathy attention like being raped™.

Just like this attention whore. She'd rather be cool and try to keep it in. Even though no girl has ever held a piss for more than a few minutes. They are low impulse control degenerates. Then the inevitable happens, and her first response is to lie.

I hope, and I mean this sincerely, that guys and girls, especially the girls, point and laugh at her for the rest of her high school career, and call her the "pants pisser" and humiliate her every day they see her. This might be the last opportunity for her to experience a little humility, before she hits adulthood and become a full fledged narcissistic, compulsive cum dumpster with no grasp of reality other than the make believe narrative she calls her life, who's only redeeming value in life is her vagina.

At the very least, when this psychopathic attention seeking train wreck ends when she turns 29, she would've fostered some goodwill by posting this story on 4chins, and she'll be able to convince some redpilled alpha male uncucked webdev m'lady b/tard to wife her, because thirsty is thirsty, amirite?