Our favorite Irish MMA Double Champ gets into a fight with gangsters in Dublin

28  2017-11-28 by weniscommander


Is this guy going to defend history belt or what?

I don't get why people worship a lightweight champion. Like practically any NFL player could beat him in a fight. He's just a little guy that can beat up other small people, not a world champion that could beat anyone.


Youd be surprised. Theres a video of Roger Huerta koing an nfl line backer and hes not even a great fighter.

You clearly don't understand the point of martial arts if all you can say is 'hurr durr that big guy's stronger than that smaller guy' kys

Irishman is racist, a drunkard and likes to fight and shag.


Irish people can’t be racist because they’re not white

Racism = prejudice + power

No need to thank me for educating you, though feel free to give monetary compensation

Bitcoin address: 1t92e284hg2l3wrzj

Is this supposed to be some sort of insult?

No, sigh.... sometimes I forget I'm talking to a bunch of yanks.

Can we downgrade the Irish to non-whites again?

They were never upgraded, only the Scots where.


The scottish are even worse than us, how dare you

Sorry, Scottish are hottest.

Fucking disgusting. Pls maintain your own safety.

She keeps me safe.


Don't lump me in with you, I've always hated this knobhead.

Who's your favorite mma fighter then?

bet €50 it didn't happen by the fact that conor mcgregor just strolls into a random pub and not one mong has their phone out filming when he lays in

Fair point really.

I doubt this happened. There's no video, really?

It's still kinda fun to hate this guy!

He's a legend. He fucked whatever women he wants. He has at least 2 pregnant women rn that is not his Gf. He gets to do as much drugs as he wants and can beat the fuck out of anyone he likes. He's a hero.