Some basic black people can't be racist stuff

28  2017-11-28 by Standard12


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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The chick tweeting about this Dan guy was quite amusing.

That bitch is mentally retard

u/Probably-Soviet I'm not racist but blacks commit the major of violent crime

Just saying, I don't think that's true...

I think they commit a disproportionately amount of violent crime according to their population but mayos are still the most violent by numbers alone.

Don't matter anymore, u/boyoyoyoyong, can't see facts through his hood.

In a sub with ironic racism, he takes it seriously lol.

The only racism you should ever take seriously here is mayocide.

It’s not racist if they aren’t really people.

In a sub with ironic racism, he takes it seriously

boyoyoyo and a group of 5-10 other dweebs are doing everything in their power to suck the last remaining fun out of this sub

boyoyoyo and a group of 5-10 other dweebs are doing everything in their power to suck the last remaining fun out of this sub

Would you say that they commit a disproportionate amount of racist seriousposting? 🤔

fax dont care about ur feelins

What did she mean by that?

Nah, the Bruce Lee's that come in and talk some really fierce shit about the Native Americans are the most racist. They mock the buffalo and have no mercy.

Last I checked they do commit over 50% of murders.

That was likely per capita or in a specific area.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

Eh, I don't know how that gets somehow downplayed. Its a total, 52% of murders being committed by 13% of the population, and probably more like 8% when you also select for sex.

Why would sex matter?

Men kill more than women? Males kill much more than females. This would mean that, as a guess, 8% of the population is common 52% of the murders as black female murderers will be there but not as common.

Sex shouldn't matter in a debate of which race kills more.

Black people murder more people than white people, by a very large margin.

What else do you want to talk about?

I can't even think of a woman spree-shooter off the top of my head. Much less the ratio of womyn serial killers compared to the number of male serial killers. I'm willing to guess it's at least 20:1, and probably more disproportionate than that.

It's time to recognize that this is murder is a gender issue, and not a race issue.

Why not both?

I agree.

From now on humanity needs to castrate all single-race males at birth. That way religious and racial spree-killings cease to exist, and incel hapas like /u/eurasiantiger finally get a chance to get laid before they go and "Elliot Rodgers" because they are the only option left for 80% of the straight, female population

Humanities only chance for progress are white males or northern Chinese males. So work on bussy reproduction and behold the true master race.

Prolly find spree-shooting isn't generally how women do it, "I Don't Like Mondays" notwithstanding, but as to ratio of serial killers, maybe best not to just "guess" it's 20:1 and then go straight to a conclusion.

Arguing that murder is a gender issue doesn't preclude it from being also a race issue.

Absolutely disgusting, we need to teach males not to commit murder.

Its their culture dude.

It hard to kill people pregnant in the kitchen

Women are fucking slacking, this is why they only deserve 72% income.

Also source link?

I think if you are leaving out the per capita numbers then you really aren't telling the story.

Nah the homicide number is not adjust per pop, FBI stats has black offenders committing 52% of homicides

Yeah, but that’s one of their worst stats. Blacks are only around 30% for rape, burglary, and aggravated assault.

So, only about two and a half times over-represented per capita? Cool.

Pretty much!

learn 2 statistics dumbass

So per capita isn't a thing

per capita =/= majority dumbass

ma·jor·i·ty məˈjôrədē,məˈjärədē/Submit noun 1. the greater number.

Total White 8,248,709, 5,753,212


Thinking they don't include Hispanics in white crime, you got me though they just murder and rob the most and just commit other crimes at incredibly disproportionate rates

yes but they don't commit the most crimes like your original statement said, which you then doubled down on and linked us a site that disproved your original point...because you're really dumb

You sure stumped me dindus only commit more then half the murders and robberies while just being greatly overrepresented in everything else.Something tells me if you gave Hispanics their own classification basketball Americans would have a clean sweep in crime, I mean there's a reason why the government includes Hispanics with whites when it comes to crime and separates them everywhere else. Here's a perfect example


Jesus Christ you 4chan pol reject cunts are the worst. Does the existence of black people in America actually fuck with you that much?

Just their crime and single motherhood rates

See only one of those makes sense. Why would you care about single motherhood rates? You don't really but you just don't like black people so it's an excuse to bring it up. Get a hobby you little shit.

Why don't you care about it. It's just the number one factor in all kinds of negative outcome. Please cry more

Where is your father? Your dumbass spends an immense amount of time posting irrelevant statistics about race on the internet. Whoever he is he failed you.

What you don't like my shitposts. I am glad you think statistics you don't like are irrelevant though. Live in Englewood for a while and see how irrelevant you think they are.

Did you mean Inglewood moron? How can anyone be focused on your agenda posts about race when the only thing standing out is that you're actually functionally retarded.

Why wouldn't he mean Englewood?

He did mean Englewood. The problem is the city he's trying to reference as a bad place to live is Inglewood, CA That's just another retarded error on his part. The other would be Inglewood is just over mostly Latino and not black. Englewood is basically a Floridian retirement community.

Englewood is a slum in Chicago.

Who the fuck would refer to 1 of 77 sections of Chicago instead of an actual city? A retard.

People reference neighborhoods all the time. Inglewood is just a section of LA, in the same way Englewood is a section of Chicago, in the same way Southie is a section of Boston.

It's a pretty common thing to do.

Inglewood is it's own city in Los Angeles county. Englewood is a community section of Chicago. Not the same.

I really don't care this much and you need to drink bleach for making me feel like like I'm on the side of some racist. But it's pretty clear to me he was referencing Englewood Chicago.

Same with Southie in Boston or even the different neighborhoods in places like NYC (the village, soho etc)

You're claiming a city and a section of another city are the same relevance when they're just not. Who gives a shit what you care about? You're plain wrong. At least you can take solace in the fact you're no as retarded as the inbred mayo above.

Just because you'd never heard of it doesn't mean no one else did.

People reference neighborhoods all the time.

Retards do. You appear to be enthusiastically signing up for the title.

You're kinda hopeless. Enjoy.

Most of the time people refer to a specific neighborhood it's in the context of the city the neighborhood is in. Chicago has 77 different sub neighborhoods. There's several other cities named Englewood and there's Inglewood which is famous for crime. You're trying to play interpreter for a literal idiot and you think I'm the lost one? 🤣

Someone said blacks are violent criminals. It ended with zoning laws and the correct naming of places.

Do you not see the absurdity?! Now, kiss and make up, and send me pics (unless either of you is female, then fuck off)

I was hoping we could eventually delve into the different state tax codes as well but /u/SDIHTD must have lost his erection before we could get to it 😢

I can only argue with an entrenched idiot incapable of admitting a tiny, insignificant mistake for so long until I start to get contact retardation.

Maybe you should realize the retard you're defending never clarified.

Wanna place bets that his mom left his dad for a black guy?

I would but I don't want to piss /u/boyoyoyoyong off too much or he'll stop letting me use his subscription

to be fair, is apparently the KINO of porn sites.

Have you observed a typical white male on asian female scene objectively without wanking your dick? It's fucking amateur hour compared to

Step-by-step boring as fuck WMAF porn:

Undress->She sucks dick->He either over-the-top fingerblasts her snatch or half-ass eats her pussy. It's one or the other, never both->Doggy->Cradle->missionary->nuts on her face. Same shit every time.

according to that pornhub famous girl shill (katie-something I forget. someone ping her to confirm) , they have 3 times as many camera shots per film release than the other interracial professional porn sites. This, in essence, means they put 3 times the effort into an individual film compared to every other mainstream pornographic producer.

If anything, /u/boyoyoyoyong's preferred masturbatory material of filmography means he has patrician tastes for porn; far surpassing the average, plebeian /r/drama user's preferred medium of poorly-shot, amateur trap-core porn.

/u/boyoyoyoyong should be lauded for his taste in kinks, not shamed.

half ass-eats

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

you are the shittiest bot known to ASS-kind

Lol I'm not American. We don't have your fear of black people here.

So you have no idea what your talking about

What about my talking about?

So you don't have any black people? HIGH FIVE

Hey Its u/botclings, only farther along on the spectrum

He got some vaccinations since he was banned.

See only one of those makes sense. Why would you care about single motherhood rates?

Because their kids commit shitloads of crime which affects everyone around them?

We all know people who go on and on like botchlings have a life that is likely way more pathetic than your standard incel.

move those goalposts botchlings

Why are you so triggered about pointing out black crime rates. You know they have like a 70% single motherhood rate or what they do to schools.

Why are you so triggered by the mere existence of black people you look for their worst elements and say "see this is all of them"

I'm not the one triggered about a shitty post i made. I've gotten a bunch of replies about me apeing what a white guy said on bpt, so of course I'm going to keep it going.

I'm not the one triggered

yah nobody believes that about any of your posts

I'm not triggered

-Man triggered by non-whites

would you include hispanics in black crime? that’s even further off

at least beanos are caucasoids

Blacks only make up 13% of the US population but are responsible for 54% of murders

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I like that the bars are all 3d space worldy

makes the hate facts feel more futuristic

Those are arrests not convictions. By having a bias against black people a police force will strengthen police in a black neighbourhood, thus increasing the likelihood of arrests, justly or not. This results in a cycle.

This can be shown by blacks being 3 times more likely to be arrested for weed possession despite there being a almost being equal to the number of whites partaking in cannabis related activities

I am glad that you like stats, but stats mean nothing if all you do is regurgitate them without a deeper understanding of context and and the system to which it is referring.

major of violent crime

What military does this rank belong to? If you're an example of white superiority the white race is doomed.

You may not be racist but you sure do like to ignore context. Fuck off.

What context?

Remember when 4chan tricked people into thinking the ok sign was a symbol for white nationalism.

Or drinking milk.

or new balances

If that's the case then every amerifat tourist I've ever seen is a white nationalist

When white nationalists use it as a symbol for white nationalism it becomes a symbol for white nationalism when used in that context.

And a cartoon frog is a symbol of hate. Kill yourself

It can be if it's used for that.

Kill yourself

Make me, nerd.

It's a Tibetan peace wheel!

when used in that context.

That's the thing though... there were literally no contexts where the fucking ok sign was used as a symbol for white nationalism.

People only started doing it to mock liberals because they see racism around every corner.

no, but i remember them claiming to

I mean they got Sweden the front page of the report is a splash of milk

i don’t speak socdem

i mean i literally don’t understand what the significance of that milk is

I think despite race totally being a social construct black people are massively lactose intolerant.

you’re thinking of east asians, which is an actual statistical thing (with europeans being the most lactose-dependent). blacks get sickle-cell and hydrophobia

Ah didn't know Asians were higher, but they still rank pretty high on the list.

It's really weird to see as an Englishman as I don't think I've ever met anyone who was lactose intolerant.

no for real, can you please help me out, what the fuck does this link mean

basically the Swedish government in an official report links milk and the 👌 symbol as white nationalist symbols

4chan was given the power to turn anything they want into a hate symbol and i cant wait to see what else they come up with.

At this moment in history, both white supremacists and federal food policy in the United States are engaging in oppression through milk.

hahaha what is that article

see, this is that shit I can understand. written in AMERICAN

you sorted by top. are you retarded?

Don't care. Get tae fuck.

what were you TRYING to link to tho

There was only like 40 comments when I posted. Or maybe a hundred I don't know. It was more contained.

there’s fuckn nuffn dude

I guess people think "If you say "I'm not racist but...", the thing you say is always racist!" isn't a sentiment that has already been conveyed infinity times

systematic racism (which is the type that most people are focused on)

Isn't true in the slightest

Reading that sub is the best pre workout ever.

"Idk who the fuck this guy is and it appears he’s actually been around black people for a minute, so what the fuck is he doing."

I am not violently angry.