user in r/Bossfight suggests that a goth girl is "chronically depressed, self mutilated and disabled"

28  2017-11-28 by AchtungMaybe


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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u/humblemanatee who are you trying to kid? Girl couldn't be more obviously a headcase if she were wearing a sign saying "I am a headcase"

Eh the bird counts as a sign

Or she likes birds? Some people like birds, liking birds is not a mental illness

People that go out in public with strange pets are always whackos. The snake guy, the rat guy etc.

The raven woman, mistress of the dark

Is it legal to keep a crow? Anyone versed in Bird Law?

I know you cannot keep a Hummingbird but who knows about Crows. Bird law in this country is not governed by reason.

Where are we with gulls?

You can keep a Gull but you don't want to live with a seabird. Its gonna blast your eardrums out dude.

I'm gonna get a hummingbird. Just to spite you.

Raven not crow.


Corvus is a widely distributed genus of medium-sized to large birds in the family Corvidae. The genus includes species commonly known as crows, ravens, rooks and jackdaws; there is no consistent distinction between "crows" and "ravens", and these appellations have been assigned to different species chiefly on the basis of their size, crows generally being smaller than ravens.

Ranging in size from the relatively small pigeon-sized jackdaws (Eurasian and Daurian) to the common raven of the Holarctic region and thick-billed raven of the highlands of Ethiopia, the 45 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents except South America, and several islands. The crow genus makes up a third of the species in the family Corvidae.

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Says you.

Quoth the raven!

"Fight me IRL".

Do I want to know what crowtein is?

Tips fedora.

you can keep a crow as long as it isn't native to America .

I'm far from an expert in bird law, but in the US unless you have a permit for handling migratory birds it is in fact illegal to keep any corvid as a pet. Crows aren't exactly migratory but they're covered by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as of 1972.

Too large to be a crow. Must be a Raven. Also, iirc it is stuffed.

No idea. Bred any good rooks lately?

It's a jackdaw ffa

I don't care if it's a subway I would ask her about the bird.

Goth girls are kinky in bed and are usually wearing thongs.

I'm pretty sure that's a guy.

It's a jackdaw ffs