Pedantic title correction provokes Soyboy Libtards and Fascist Pedo Apologists to slap at each other in every thread.

13  2017-11-28 by Unicorn_Abattoir


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Soyboy /u/secretsnack : "Was going to write alleged pedophile but"

Nazi Proud Boy u/WhiskeyWeekends : "It's still creepy as fuck that he noticed a 15-year-old and it made such an impact on him that he remembered her eight years later but "

Every thread is a winner. No need to sort.

Haha. What's up.

You do realise pedophelia and hebephelia are different things right? Us hebephiles take serious offence to being labelled along with those kdi fuckers

Haha, it's dawning on me.

No need for the difference. If you act on fuck kids you should be out against the wall.

No kinkshaming please

Let's just call him a "kiddie fiddler".

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia and ephebophilia are NOT the same thing as pedophilia. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia and ephebophilia are considered normal and healthy. Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

You keep treating hebephilia and ephebophilia like pedophilia.

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who studies children, I am telling you, specifically, in child studies, no one calls ephebophilia pedophilia. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "pedophile family" you're referring to the paraphilia grouping of chronophilia, which includes things from nepiophibilia to hebepohilia to gerontophilia.

So your reasoning for calling ephebophilia pedophilia is because random people "call the ephebopophile ones pedophiles?" Let's get teleiophiles and mesophiles in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. An ephebophile is an ephebophile and a member of the chronophilia classification. But that's not what you said. You said ephebophilia is pedophilia, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the chronophilia class ephebophiles, which means you'd call nepiophiles, teliophiles, and other sexual attractions pedophilia, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

"...but you're wrong about him saying he met her when she was 15."

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as pedophilia, is in fact, hebephilia, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, ephebophilia. Pedophilia is not merely the attraction to anyone under 18, but rather a totally separate disorder (not a legal term) listed as a sexual-psychological disorder categorized under paraphilias, a group of sexual-psychological disorders in the DSM-IV and considered a disorder under the standards of the American Psychological Association.

Many people could be considered ephebophiles despite the fact that they themselves may not know the term, much less what it means. Through a peculiar turn of events, ephebophilia and hebephilia became grouped under the very general and inconclusive cultural term "pedophilia," and the majority of people using the term are unaware that they are referring to non-paraphilic sexual preferences that are unmentioned in the DSM-IV and occur relatively harmlessly in a great deal of the population. There really is a pedophilia, and these people may be referring to it, but nevertheless it is a small part of what is labeled under "pedophilia."

Is this going the way you hoped?

Pedophilia is beneficial to societies as it ensures reproduction starts at a young age and women are able to have their children around the prime of their breeding age (which is generally the late teens). This means that societies would replace themselves rapidly, replacing losses suffered during war and disease, along with high-quality offspring produced via early breeding.

Fuck uuuuuuu you're taking my gig :(


Please no

I learn from the best 😘

By the way, do you mostly post from mobile? I was wondering because it's kind of annoying to pastapost from mobile, and I've seen that in the past you've posted screenshots from a mobile platform.

Awww 😊

Yup. I do it the old fashion way :D

Why not just use a PC when you're at home, for convenience?

Umm it's just that I find browsing reddit to be much easier with a phone. I can lay down on my side and just use one thumb to shitpost here and watch r/all. I know RES is a good sent but I'm used to the app way too much. ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Does one have hopes for an abortion?

/u/WhiskeyWeekends why put so much effort into defending a pedo? Really makes you think 🤔

A child's innocence really turns my crank.

Yeah, we can tell.

/r/drama is the place for serious posts.

Yes we know you're seriously a pedo

Oh no. You got me.

Doesn't even defend himself. Sad.

The hit against Moore has fallen apart, nobody but the people who already weren't voting for him believe it. He will win, the sooner you start to accept it the quicker your brain can return to normalcy

Literally no one gives a fuck about your autistic internet politics. End your faggot life asap cuck

Why do people with totally indefensible positions always play the "drama is only for shitposting" card? Are they even fooling themselves that they aren't just completely full of shit?

My indefensible position is that he didn't say the one thing he's accused of saying but actually something else? Do you know how to read?

“I met you before,” Moore said recalling their reunion at the Christmas party. “She was younger, she says ‘I don’t think so.’ She brushed it off. I remember she just thought I was coming on and making it up and then I told her and she identified the dance. It was strange because I remembered that many years later.”

Except you're literally full of shit

“I was standing at the back of the auditorium and I saw her at the front and I remember her name, it was Kayla Kisor, K.K,” he said. “It was, oh gosh, eight years later or something, I met her and when she told me her name I remembered K.K.”

Same article.

This same man likely thinks pedogate is real

Would activate my almonds if they weren’t locked in Moore’s basement 😔😔


Savage comeback my dude.