Afterglow of Washington Post/Veritas scam, sorted by controversial. Users with minor wounds may want to refrain from entering this place of salt

21  2017-11-29 by starship_litterbox


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Where's the drama?

Yeah, there’s a couple morons making stupid arguments and a bunch of people jerking each other off about how dumb the O’Keefe gang is.

There is a literally a picture of Forest Gump on the front page. You think this place has standards to what is posted?

O'Keefe was on the local radio station today and he said that it's a good thing WaPo was verifying a possible source.

Of course, he also said they shouldn't pat themselves on the back for actually doing their job.

/u/Clembutts how retarded are you that you think PV are just good samaritans testing journalists and not just inept political hacks?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is no joke.

Ok what is this Tong thing what did I miss?