Twittiot goes reeeeeee because Muslims did a Salafism terrorist thing or something

45  2017-11-29 by subpoutine


/u/pizzashill, if just for today, come back to us. In these trying times we need your radical centrism medianism!

Are you not a radical centrist?

If not, they will be shown the light of radical centrism.. or else.

How long do you think he'll 'quit' for?

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Muzzies being terrorists? Must be a day that ends with -Y



Is this bloke ironically retarded or retarded ironically?

literal fake news

my almonds

Jihadicide when?

But then who will kill the mayos?


Yay, the President of The United States retweeted fake Nazi propaganda.

What part of a bunch of proud minority individuals culturally enriching one of their younger members is fake news?

Just further proof of the type of degenerate scum mayos are.

Mayos appropriating cultural enrichment is the worst. Absolutely unacceptable.

Hey 2/3 ain't bad tis better then daddy's hair to scalp ratio.

is this two paragraph article from nowhere says so it must be true

From now on all videos of fighting people are assumed to show Muslim violence unless proven otherwise.

well, there's that, the arrest record, and the fact that muslims can't wear white after Labor Day

They can, it's just considered gauche

the Qu'ran strictly forbids gauche attire tho

As opposed to a video with no context or explanation?

Dutch on Dutch violence is an epidemic smh

"Dutch" as of Dutch descent, or "Dutch" as in he got citizenship as a refugee from Afghanistan so he could be where the white wimmins at?

Dutch descent.

Brunettes when will you stop being jealous of blondes?

Somehow wypipo still manage to sperg out.

for only the third time!

well, the second. the second propagandum he retweeted was opinion-based.

Yeah, the Islamic rape invasion is fake for sure, this time!

Is "Twittiot" really a thing we're doing now? Why not just call them "Twits?"

Is "Twittiot" really a thing we're doing now?

no, it was a misfire but it was worth it for the variety


Muslim destroys statue of Virgin Mary!

This whole thing reeks of Catholicism

/r/ukpolitics sends tendies in to orbit as a reaction to daddy tweeting

This is a direct attack on ordinary Muslims. Fuck trump and fuck the American republicans

Finally even socialists acknowledge that throwing fags off of buildings or cliffs is part of islam.

hang on, the first one ain't even a muslim or doing ISIS shit. he just had dark hair and was captioned "MUSLIM"

Americans in charge of who is and isn't white


americans claim other heritages all the time, but who would want to be English or German?

wait back up, are you even trying to respond to me

americans claim other heritages all the time, but who would want to be English or German?

wait back up, are you even trying to respond to me

I'm saying it as a general it's funny these silly boys saw a man with dark hair and assumed he was muzzie

ahhh. it was the brits who applied the label tho

Head burger-in-chief agreed w/ it tho :thonking:

he did something violent

So, he was doing ISIS shit.

nah, you at least have to kill somebody to earn that title

We would also accept a rape.

how’s that gonna stop the infidels? rape would just create more

Glass Mecca.

he who lives in glass mecca shouldn’t throw goats

At first, Trump sperged out and I feared for the future of my country.

Then, when he kept sperging out and embarrassing himself, I laughed.

Now, I feel nothing but shame and disappointment.

Damn Jayda Fransen is T H I C C

Videos of muzzies being muzzies is anti-Muslim.