pedantic spelling correction leads to autistic breakdown on /r/indianpeoplefacebook

35  2017-11-29 by i_am_gaybulous


inb4 no drama 😤

you have to catch the cows before they've been bled dry okay

-90 karma in 15 minutes? Lol.

it was literally -58 when i was making this post

-120 now wtf

another lolcow victimized by angery downvotes when will this violence stop 😥



At -468 , now

                       not my FAULT  


                                    if AdultS




/u/OTkhsiw0LizM come XD at me baby

ur a men I dont talk to u

pls take estrogens so u can be more civilized

is being 13 the only thing that's wrong with you or are you going full retard as well

”ur a men”

"ur a men"

I may be a "stupid 13yo white girl" but I'm more mature and write better than most people.

For someone who seems to have many highly downvotes comments, you’d think you’d be able to handle yourself by now when everyone gangs up on you but nope.

are you confused


ur all man but me!

Open bobs and vajeene.

poo in loo Pajeet

wow, people are still using this retarded meme?

are you going to post a picture of your toilet or not


How bout dat soy? I got bitch tits and it don't shame my game. Rick Ross style, come n git it.

Honestly this is making me uncomfortable, and that'll probably make this sub's users angry, but I feel like we shouldn't be celebrating someone promoted misspelling by joking about it like that. The underlying problem is that it feeds the misspelling culture by giving an excuse to redditors, and how most their post were about, basically, "how to be funny with illiteracy" (eg drunk posts, how manly are cement hipsters!), which also feeds the toxic misspelling reddit is full of. I don't want to be an ass to a redditor but sometimes we should stop and think.

Edit: I'm honestly appalled by your reaction. I wish I could report you to the admins but since E. Pao isn't here anymore reddit has basically become the misspeller's lair. Edit 2: alright I could refute every single post here but I'm learning erlang's OTP design principles right now so I'll just close every reddit tab to stop receiving notifications and hand your asses later. Meanwhile I suggest you read the Dictionary to set your ideas straight on spelling and stop spewing inanities.

u/OTkhsiw0LizM I agree, and you have my full support to fight this horrible people misspelling words all over reddit. this a copypasta?

So is sex, as Laqueur in Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud argued. The categories of sex vary in time and space. Moreover, biologically there are 4 levels of sexual differentiation that can come in various combinations: the chromosomes, the primary sex characteristics, the production and reception of hormones, and the secondary sex characteristics. The usual categories of "male" and "female" don't include all possible combinations of those 4 levels of differentiation, therefore saying there are only two sexes is factually wrong... unless you add social processes and representations in the mix, in which case the belief that the world is adequately divided between males and females is actually the result of a social process that is only partially grounded in reality. For example, people who have the syndrome of androgen insensitivity can be seen as female despite having an XY karyotype. I'm not sure why people insist on using the expression "social construct", it's ill-defined, not really related anymore to what Berger and Luckmann in The social construction of reality talked about, and gives the impression there's a net distinction between nature and culture. I think it would be better to talk about "social representations" and "social norms" instead, as they make clearer that the categories we think with are a way to represent reality and say what should and shouldn't be, not something 100% made up. Edit: lol for once I try to write a serious, sourced post, only to get downvoted without explanation. I should stick to trolling to be tbh.

o i c

This, but unironically.

Well, it's one of my few serious posts.

Alright, here it is. Listen up you absolutely filthy degenerate. I am unblocking you after months (nearly a year) to say this only and only once so that the people who are upvoting your filth know exactly who you are and what you do. For months you have been hounding my comments in an attempt to elicit a response from me, you have made multiple accounts confessing your 'love' for me. Sent me countless number of private messages inviting me to fuck you. You have tailed my comments asking me if I would like to have a 'bang bang' coffee with you and discussed with other redditors if they'd like to watch as you fuck me. I have witnessed the change in your comment strategy to siding by me to gain brownie points to posting absolute trash so that I give up and respond to your bullshit.

While I am sure that a majority of /r/drama will only find comfort and fun in my harassment, I warn you that if I see another filthy stalkersih comment from you, receive even a single more disgusting message I will report you to the admins. If you make any contact with me then I will report you. Simple. You have tried everything in your power to get a response from me, humiliated and harrassed me, made multiple accounts to post about me on /r/subredditdrama. Made posts on /r/drama about my 'spergouts' and repeatedly tried to prove that I am an incompetent user because I am an autist. While we brand such behaviour towards a regular user as witch hunting and creepy harassment, I chose to ignore it because I was always advised to take the high road. I was going to ignore it even today but then I read that disgusting comment that even you were so ashamed of that you had to delete it. Shame on you, you insane middle aged pervert. It is people like you make coming to /r/drama such an awful experience. There are people on the forum who will cry your right to 'freedom of speech' and call me 'immature' for reacting to you but in no world does freedom of speech mean the systematic harassment of another individual. If I am supposed to protect users against people like you then why should I not protect myself. So fuck you, I hope you rot in hell. This is my first and last response to you. I regret that it is taking space in this conversation, but some things must be said. You are now blocked again.

Post bussy

niggas sayin they watch it for the plot 😂😂😂 dont lie you watch it for that thick ass 🍆💦

There are so many people on his sub I want to fuck right now! Pretty much everyone but you. You're the butt of the dick and by dick I mean joke and by joke I mean you.

implying you could resist my moist bussy

Who are you quoting here? Gary Busey?

learning erlang's OTP design principles

Why do you hate yourself?

That guy is a known downvote troll. I thought /r/drama was better than this but ok

Weak bait like this was eaten up pretty easily. I'm disappointed.

lol everyone's calling him a terrible troll but look at the reaction you're all giving him/her.