Before you say anything

14  2017-11-29 by TrailerParkBride

Before you say anything, I know that you are most likely ignorant and refuse to acknowledge anything I say because it isn't a meme. However, I will try to reach some of you anyway. I get it guys. You have the second shittiest subreddit next to r/Atheism in terms of community, and you like it that way. I understand that. What I don't understand is why it is centered around fucking memes. Why can't anyone have a discussion, or talk about what they want to? It has to be memes. Let's be honest for a second, you guys are wasted potential and that somehow doesn't bother you, but actually pleases you. All you want is memes because all you think you can have is memes. Is there anything wrong with memes? No. Are they funny sometimes? Sure. But are they all that matter? If the answer for you is yes, I'm sorry, you're boring. Memes don't replace personality, memes don't replace conversation, memes don't replace friends. Now am I boring? Absolutely. But I try to better myself every day. I work on concept art every day, and when I'm not working, I'm looking for people like me to help pursue my dreams and even make a friend in the process. I want to be able to do that here without fear that every other post I make will become copy pasta. Fuck, this will be copy pasta too, I'll be kinda surprised and disappointed if it's not. I want the best for this sub, and the title "share your bussy" doesn't help my confidence. But I believe in r/Drama, and I don't care how many people tell me it's a lost cause, that is just not true. If the select few who actually care about what I'm saying agree, join me. We can have memes, but why not allow discussion and socialization that doesn't involve kys or bussies? If you want this subreddit to get better, let these issues be known. Make posts, comment, message the mods, whatever you can do to help not only this sub, but the people who use it in the right direction. I hope you all have a nice day, and please think before you speak. Thank you.


OP what do you think I should get my mom for christmakka?

she likes

  • bourbon

  • lsu football

  • gambling

  • stuff with crosses and religious shit on (non-denoms whaddup)

  • stuff for cooking gumbo/ettouffe/etc etc

thanks in advance

Does she have a good cast iron skillet? If not, get her a 12" cast iron skillet. Or get her into one of those Valve lootbox and party hat simulator games.


I don't think he listed her as a smoker.

party hat simulator games

oh SHIT son, I forgot about this.... my mom absolutely LOVEs party games. she usually forces all of us to play poctionary at least for a little bit every year

idk what this party hat thing is, but you might actually be on point with it

The party hat thing is fortress team or counterstrike or whatever other ftp shooting game gets the kids all hot and bothered these days. I was being facetious. Serious about the skillet tho.

If she likes games look into Quelf. It's really stupid, but can actually be pretty fun.


that looks awesome, I think I'm about to pull the trigger on it. mom loves knocking back some cab with the fam and playing dumb board games like this. thanks!

I tried once to get her to play Secret Hitler with us, it was too complicated for her apparently

I'm getting my parents DNA tests so they can find out how jewy they are.

there are no memes here, fucking liar

How is babby formed, you ask? It's over 9000. Don't forget to smash that like button, papa bless

You have the second shittiest subreddit next to r/Atheism in terms of community

OMFG, YOU DUMB GOY- WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINKING YOU ARE? On behalf of r/drama, I demand an apology.