Serial killer turns out to be literally a Basketball-American

55  2017-11-29 by ShinJoe

Former St. John's walk-on basketball player

Killed a few blacks to throw off his mayocide agenda just like John Allen Muhammed.


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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actually it's good now

Man snitches strike again

We know what color the killer was

What color was the snitch?

He was caught Tuesday after he arrived at the McDonald's where he worked and asked his manager to hold a loaded, semiautomatic pistol for him while he went to get a payday loan.

The manager didn't know what to do with the gun and alerted authorities. When Donaldson arrived back at the McDonald's, he was taken into custody.

I can guarantee he didn't get a criminal justice or forensic science degree at St John's.

Much less an education, I mean you’ve killed like 4 or 5 people not really a big deal to walk into a payday loan place with a gun at this point.

Florida is a very 2nd amendment friendly state. This is quite odd.

Yeah, if I was in the manager's place I would probably just hold it for him until he got back. It's just the polite thing to do.

Should we all be afraid that people who ask us to hold guns for them are murders or only when a bunch of people around us get shot.

Because if I call the cops it's going to make the friday drink and see who can shoot the most concrete blocks midair contest awkward.

No, the vast majority of people who own guns aren't murderers. Now there are places you just shouldn't/can't take a gun, so sometimes you need to entrust it to someone else.

vast majority of people who own guns aren't murderers

Statistically every single murderer who used a gun was a gun owner

Now there are places you just shouldn't/can't take a gun

Maybe in Commieforina where you live but in Real America if a gun is good enough to be in the House of God it's good enough to be in McDonalds.

How else are the Pot Head Pizza Delivery guys supposed to protect themselves from the Methheads who try and steal their cars

vast majority of people who own guns aren't murderers

Statistically every single murderer who used a gun was a gun owner

logic, how does it work?

What the fuck?

Muh dik
