You sick fucks!

11  2017-11-30 by TSwizzlesNipples


There is nothing antisocial about trolling. This must have been written by [[[them]]].

Who are [[[they]]]?

thats The Question isn't it?

Yes that is The Question.

Is this your first time? (((Jews))) [[[lizardkin people]]] ///mole people\\\

(((lizardkin people))) (((mole people)))

They're fooling even you.

Trolling is a spectrum like sexuality and gender.

And autism.

I'm not a troll. I just hate hippies, children, kebabs, evangelical protestants, mormons, papists, and most of the southern United States. It's completely different. 😡

Boo. I love children it's just that I know I won't be able to take good care of them so I'll just never have them 😔

Good for you, Edward. Self imposed eugenics is the first step.

... TO MAYOCIDE!!! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Oh look, social """""""""""""""""""""science"""""""""""""""""""""

Participants, recruited through advertisements on social media, completed an online survey hosted by The sample was comprised of 415 participants (36% men, 63% women, 1% other) aged between 18 and 67 years


Based on the results of the current study, the prototypical troll is male, high in trait psychopathy and sadism, and has low affective empathy.

So, to be clear, this is the ironclad conclusion of a study of 400 people, of which two thirds were female?

Here's the full article, if you want to read it.

And were self selected. Online surveys are less than worthless for populations that literally enjoy fucking with online surveys.

completed an online questionnaire

muh experimental design standards are not being met

I have high empathy, if I didn't I wouldn't enjoy this, I would just find it boring.