Scholar says Lincoln was actually worse than Assad. Killed 700,000 of his own people. Leftists and Muslims melt down

71  2017-11-30 by masodeq


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Just to fulfill my role as a sensational r/drama gossiper let me drop that he has an Alawi wife. Make of that what you will.

I didn't know Mary Todd was a muslima.

The "other" wife… or, in his case, waifu…

(((Alawis))) are the Jews of Syria tbh

To be fair, around the time of Clinton being US foreign secretary and before the Libyan debacle, he was pro US/etc intervention. He is also one of the best experts on Syria and it's politics before and during the civil war, his interview in the London review of books is one of the best overviews of it I can remember reading/listening to of it and gives a good historical perspective.

Yeah. I don't think he's a bad guy. He just cares too much about what's going on there to remain completely impartial and not pick a side.

>best expert on Syria

>unironically thought we should be handing out weapons to people who say "Christians to Lebanon, Alawites to the wall"

To be fairly to him, I think it was less clear then that the rebels were 100% jihadis. The composition of the demonstrators was less clearly sectarian than you frame it iirc, though it did contain those people it was similar to the ones in Egypt in that it also contained young people who were more secular, people who wanted democracy etc.

So his idea was for the US/west to get in and pick people who weren't jihadis out iirc and support them, I guess partly for geopolitical reasons. But it turned out that once the fighting started pretty much only the jihadis were left at least in the north where the rebellion was the most popular.

I do give him credit for changing his mind though when it became obvious.

It's no smarter or dumber than thinking the Iraqis would treat us as liberators. Almost all western foreign policy experts (and certainly all mainstream ones) think that US needs to throw its weight around in any conflict, as if other countries are just videogames we need to play.

On top of that, there is no accountability for the experts who play the videogame poorly - every since he started posting about DRUMPFFF Bill Kristol is reddit's favorite Jew. Will Landis face any scrutiny for fucking up? Of course not, he'll still be in think tanks and on talk shows. And because journalists are significantly dumber than foreign policy experts, none of them will even think to question his judgement the next time he says we have to get our dick stuck in some sandy bussy.

Well I kind of agree a little but Landis did get roasted for this massively and some people who have no connection to western geopolitical interests or the mainstream of the US policy establishment were saying similar things to him based off of local reports. There were people who knew the way things were going there but sort of wanted the US to come in and save them (very understandable imo) and they were believed basically.

55,000 US prisoners died in captivity during civil war.

During a time they didn't know standing in cold mud full of horse shit with open wounds was a bad thing also

>civil war instead of Civil War

Opinion discarded

A painful reminder that the US does not intervene in the face of mass killing -- from Holocaust to Cambodia to Rwanda to Congo; Darfur; to Sudan to Syria. Blame Obama all you want; but keep in mind he's the norm not exception.

When do these scholars think that America learned the Holocaust was happening

“Civil War” instead of War Between the States or, more accurately, The War of Northern Aggression.

Fort Sumter was an inside job.

jews did Fort Sumter

No unionist soldiers died during the "battle"
Really makes you think 🤔

Beauregard was one of the first crisis actors.

John Wilkes Booth was literally an actor. How deep does this rabbit hole go?

The War of Northern Aggression


The war of "Bawwwww I have to set my niggers free"

This isnt pol you piece of shit

This but (unlike my comment) unironically





Let my people go

The Virgin Confederate vs The Chad Unionist

Confederate: Most men were captured after surrendering like cowards.

Union: Wins war despite suffering heavier losses of men who bravely fight to the death.

Someone please make this meme.

You have to admit history has pretty much proved us right tho.

You lost. Get over it.

Oh I am. These days the prospects of part II is what I’m focused on. AntiFa & the shitskins vs rural & suburban retards. Can’t wait fam.

"Race war now! Race war now! As long as I don't have to start it or be involved or leave my house"

  • White people for the last 100 years

Implying our gun caches are for target practice.

Silly subhuman.

On a scale of 1 to "wears one of those special hats with a safeguard to stop him biting himself", how inbred are you? Is your family tree basically a telegraph pole?

I’d rate us 14/88 fam.

So more "The Hills Have Eyes" than "Southern Comfort"?

I’ve recently been turned on to bussy so at this point Deliverance is probably more appropriate.

Except you're Ned Beatty

So I take it you have absolutely nothing going for you in life if a Civil War sounds good to you.

Eh, sounds better than posting on r/drama all day. I’ll take it.


Bitch, no one believes you could win a drunken bar fight let alone a war


Some of us actually have roots in this country that go back more than 100 years. Bill the Butcher did nothing wrong.

I look at places like San Francisco, LA and NY and think yeah they're good but they're no Alabama.

Me too fam, me too. You couldn't pay me to live in those over-populated shitholes.

We definitely don't need no northerns with their fancy pants degrees and genetic diversity.

fancy pants degrees and genetic diversity

You mean bachelors in sociology/gender studies and being a mixed-race mongrel mutt? Yea, good luck with that.

You're right, it's awful there. Much better to be in Sisterfuck, Arkansas with a perfectly acceptably high infant mortality rate.

I don't feel like checking but I bet SF, LA, and NY all have less black people per capita than Alabama.

You racist mayo.

No sir, no mayo here.

>First shots fired by the south.

>Muh war of northern aggression

If you refuse to get off your neighbors property, did he really start it when he removes you?

You think the federal government didn't own their own bases?

You can't like, own property, man.

So the south were Marxists? Explains that they were democrats.

Unless it’s like, a man, man. That’s cool.

Jk. Blacks aren’t humans.

Sure. Kinda. But a base in the middle of a foreign harbor isn't really tenable, ya dig? And I'm sure they would've been compensated for it, in time. Or, we could've avoided the whole war if the federal government just agreed to compensate slave owners in exchange for emancipation, you know, like every other Western slave-owning country did. Oh well.

we could've avoided the whole war if the federal government just agreed to compensate slave owners in exchange for emancipation

hahahaha you actually believe this

Worked with all the European powers that had slaves. Urine idiot.

Slavery in the South was an integral part of the region's culture and it was the basis on which the Southern economies were built (which is why the South was such shit at industrialization). It was a completely different situation.

Slavery in the South was an integral part of the region's culture and it was the basis on which the Southern economies were built

How very different from the Caribbean Islands and South America. Fascinating insight.

How very different from the Caribbean Islands and South America. Fascinating insight.

Yes, slavery in the South actually was very different from colonial holdings where the Europeans were more akin to administrators and in far fewer numbers. In the South, slavery was far closer to home, so to speak, and families grew up around slavery unlike those of the European empires. It was not only normalized for the entire population, but also dominated the Southern economy. Slavery did not dominate European economies and they were still free to exploit the resources of their colonies.

Yes, slavery in the South actually was very different from colonial holdings where the Europeans were more akin to administrators and in far fewer numbers.

You're right - it was far more humane with lower death rates. Anyways, the deal would've been to ship them to Africa or North Dakota or Mexico or something.

Anyways, stop being a faggot and stop seriousposting. Go sperg out at r/askhistorians or something.

You're right - it was far more humane with lower death rates.

"Far more humane" is a pretty crass way of referring to slavery of any kind. Sure, it was far more humane in the same way that murdering someone with a shot to the head is far more human than torturing them to death.

Anyways, the deal would've been to ship them to Africa or North Dakota or Mexico or something.

The South did not have much going for it in terms of its economy aside from cotton. Completely removing a huge portion of the labor force driving the South's prominent export would have never gone over well.

Anyways, stop being a faggot and stop seriousposting. Go sperg out at r/askhistorians or something.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking trying to talk to a /pol/tard.

well, no, it was less industrialized because cotton was significantly more profitable

still the tenth most industrialized country in the world at the time of secession, though. slavery worked as well in their factories as it does in the modern third world

well, no, it was less industrialized because cotton was significantly more profitable

This is a part of it. Southern plantation owners had a cheap, abundant source of labor to support the South's cotton industry. This abundance of labor meant that there was no impetus on Southern aristocrats to invest in building infrastructure and mechanization. Why would they need to? They were already raking in cash hand over fist.

There are some interesting theories about the beginnings of industrialization in Europe, how it was driven by the shortage of labor following the massive casualties of the Black Plague. In order to make up for the loss of so many laborers, European countries were driven to find alternative means to achieve necessary production. I think there's a similar (inverse) case to be made regarding the South.

Rebel scum.

Lincoln's reaction is absolutely justified. If my neighbor lay siege at my property and tell me to go away, I feel I am perfectly justified to fight to preserve myself.

If my neighbor lay siege at my property and tell me to go away, I feel I am perfectly justified to fight to preserve myself.

I don't think a shitty 1BR apartment is worth dying over. But I'm not you, so maybe it is worth you dying over.

Neither is your double wide trailer, but you'd probably treat it like the Alamo if the boys in blue wanted to shut down your pseudoephedrine cook

This is what toothless sister fuckers actually believe

I think you mean the war of southern treason.

During a time they didn't know standing in cold mud full of horse shit with open wounds was a bad thing

Oh they definitely knew. They at least knew that dirt and wounds don't go together well.

The poles and Russian people had it about as bad as the joos tbqhwyf

Listen mate. I didn't need any additional context. Trump has proven that you can conduct international diplomacy in 140 characters and I see no reason why you would need more than 280 for academic research.


Must be hard melting down all the Time, why don't you go to Walmart and buy some ammo like the people who melted down when Obama was president.

(Guns scare them)

I think the Allies had learned Jews were being systematically killed by 1942

A painful reminder that the US does not intervene in the face of mass killing -- from Holocaust

What the fuck do you call sending 90 fucking divisions across an ocean?

When do these scholars think that America learned the Holocaust was happening

It was pretty early on that the Allied powers came to be aware that something was up. The mass deportations of Jews from occupied areas was no secret and more than a few people escaped the camps to talk about what was going on. The thing was its not like the Allies could just reach out and stop it. The only thing to do really was continue to fight and win the war.

I have never heard of a Civil war scholar who had a liberal arts degree before.

I wonder if this guy is a feminist who has never had a girlfriend before too.

Yo it's an older Conan O'Brien lol

I thought soyboy Roger Goodell, but I can see Conan too.

writes Syria Comment.

Dir, Center for Mid East St @ U of Oklahoma.

8 yrs in Lebanon,

4 yrs in Syria.

Past-President of Syria Studies Association.


Director for Israeli Studies @ Everest College

8 yrs having Jewish neighbour

4 years 2 Jewish neighbours

Past president of Skokie, IL Studies Association

I need to start my own Tweeter….

Is this a troll or is he on drugs?


He’s simply another garden-variety IR lefty who defends the regime’s crimes and Iranian adventurism to cater to the edgelord failures in /sg/ and /r/syriancivilwar who have daddy issues with liberal internationalism.

How did you know that I was formerly part of /Sg/, a lefty and a saa supporter :(?

I can one up you. I'm still in /SG/

Thanks :) I was part of the telegram for a while but I was mostly HQ'd in the twitter group.

You mod SCW, you Ba'athist cuck.

Unless the shabiha are onto me in which case I'd like to personally gobble down Dr. Landis's wrinkly balls to thank him for his witty and pertinent commentary.

Allah, Souriya, Bashar O Bas.

This but Zionistly.

Yahweh, IsraEl, Netanyahu O Shekels

I think he's a guy who really is an expert on the country but he's gotten to close to it (I wasn't joking about his Alawi wife) so he can't be impartial.

When you tryna be impartial but dat Alawite pussy too good.

The two civil wars are completely different in their politics and circumstances - they only share extreme barbarism that left such a large percent of the population dead

So, the two bloody civil wars were alike insofar as they were bloody civil wars. Thanks Mr. History!

That's what got me. I feel like someone should ask "OK, people die in civil wars... So exactly WTF did you tweet that?"

To counter MSM Assad is so evil!

What a retarded scholar. 95% of the people Lincoln killed were mayos. 4% of the rest were vampires. How could Lincoln be worse?

Sounds like a win on both fronts.

The only thing Licoln did wrong was not executing every single confederate soldier for treason and imposing strict controls on the south ala Japan after WW2.

Every single thing that has caused the decline of America is a direct consequence of that failure

There were some pretty harsh controls applied to the south after the Civil War, it's part of the reason Alabama, Mississippi and the other inland southern states lag so far behind the rest of the nation.

Not harsh enough, obviously. They lag behind because they dull of spoiled coddled retards.

And also some white people.

Dude you spend too much time worrying about "le inbred fundie republicunts" Like did you get raped by one or something? It seems you're really desperate to prove your superiority.

Why are you so defensive?

I'm not defensive. I was just looking through your comment history and just about every 4th comment or so is you unironically bitching about what I described above.

You sound really defensive

I mean, for me to be defensive I would have to be a republican from the south.

No, you just have to identify with them

I guess I do in some ways, although your seriousposts are so retarded I would probably feel compelled to comment on them even if I didn't. Btw, you never answered the original question. Hatred isn't born out of nothing.

So I was right again

Pls answer question

I don't converse with those who identify with degenerate subhuman scum

Dont speak to me or my son again

Le zinger meme reply to avoid answering the question! Nice one dude.

it's part of the reason Alabama, Mississippi and the other inland southern states lag so far behind the rest of the nation.

Nah, Im pretty sure its because while the rest of the nation was developing stable, modern economies these states relies on uneducated slave labor to farm cash crops for what basically amounted to an aristocratic minority who ran the regions with little regard to the well being of people outside their class. Even after the end of slavery that group hung onto power for a long ass time and continued to fail to reinvest in institutions that make the states a decent places to live.

that group hung onto power for a long ass time

Hence the need to confiscate all of their wealth at the end of the war. It doesn't even matter how it's redistributed, as long as the aristocratic class is eliminated.

I dont think confiscation was even necessary, just barring them from public office would be enough to break their hold on power. Political at first then later economic. An aristocratic class like the Antebellum South had is not compatible with democracy.

That sounds like a great way to turn the Civil War into “the Dzhungar War, but in America”.

Oh fuck can you imagine anime with southern belle drawls? Literally perfect waifus. Gat dang Lincoln really screwed the pooch here.

The Slavers stopped being Americans when they declared themselves not Americans.

You can't kill your own people if they're not your people.

In this round of the oppression Olympics we have civil war. Who will win? Not the people.