Communist/London Britbongs attempt to prevent President Trump from visiting, can't because Mommy is actually the one in charge of that.

40  2017-11-30 by Imgur_Lurker


This, but unironically.


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ah sorry comment removed but at least this way it throws you into the thick instead of having to scroll to the best part.

The Conservative MP Steve Double says he does not understand how the president has time to trawl through Twitter.

I don't understand how UK politicians have so much time to talk about a foreign dignitary trawling through Twitter.

Almost like random members of parliament have less responsibilities than the president of the United States.

I imagine Trump doesn't trawl twitter in the middle of parliamentary discussions, but I could be wrong.

He does it in the middle of the night. IMO a much better time.

He doesn't sleep.

People with dementia cant usually maintain a proper day/night sleep cycle

Something like 2-3% of the US population only need 3-5 hours of sleep a day to function normally and we don't really know why. I suspect Trump is one of those people.

Or dementia, idk, yours works too I guess

I've seen this type of thing from tons of executives. I started to mute my phone at night or I'd get email notifications at 2 and 3 in the morning from VPs and above about projects I was working on.

To me this is a sign that he is reviewing everything constantly.

Fun fact: 2-3% of the US population can function normally on 3-5 hours of sleep And we're not exactly sure why. These people tend to occupy high level positions in business because they literally have 5 extra hours a day to work with than the average person.

I sleep 5 hours a night and have for years, but if I get less than that I feel like a train hit me. Literally losing a half an hour one night will destroy me for a couple of days.

So I guess you know you're not one of those people lol

Nope, I'm solid upper middle management. I do have a TON of respect for the upper management and executives I've worked with over my career though. There have a been a handful of asshats, but on the whole, most are pretty amazing.

If Trump had to attend anything like parliament his attendance rate would be awful

dude he shitposts at 2am, i dont even have twitter and i hear about whatever shitposts he makes hes the goddamn president.



I don't need to click that to know it's from the world's shit test sci fi

Gay, and not in the good way

Gib milfy milkers mummy!

Seriously i want to raw dog May's backdoor and stir last nights fish and chips


That title though, for Christ's sake.

The Labor party is the Commie right?

Or the Shadow Government whatever that is, it can't be good.

Whatever group is full of Miners who are all Commies because Britain.

It is amazing that all of British reddit is thoroughly convinced that they speak for the majority, even as a majority constantly sides against them.

It's almost like British redditors combine the embarrassment that is reddit with the embarrassment that is Europeans, to create a cancerous new form of unjustified arrogance, bereft of any actual relevant experience.